Should we add a Dish / Turner Forum

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
We are starting to see more and more posts and press releases regarding the possibility that Dish may be dropping the Turner Channels.

Should SatelliteGuys open up a special Dish / Turner forum for all posts regarding this situation like we did for the Dish / Viacom battle?

Your opinion counts here at SatelliteGuys!
It would not be needed, if members and guests would just be considerite and use the existing thread and not keep starting New threads. Open you eyes people.
With the recent flood of post on this subject, I think a separate forum may be the best choice. ;)
From what I know they have another extension in place til the 30th.

And from what I hear they are very close on an agreement and are working well together.

Dish Hd Only

After 42 minutes on the phone ...

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