Should I go Voom?

motorcycle_rider said:

The choice to take the plunge and try Voom is yours and yours alone.
Another suggestion follow groups such as these and try to read between the lines.
Good Luck

Yep, I realize that the choice is mine and mine alone and your suggestion is exactly what I was trying to do. I've been looking for something to replace cable for some time and I didn't even know about Voom until I began lurking on this board. I appreciate the input!!
jnardone said:
Good point - but a DVR would be expected in a premium service - just like climate control or a navigation system in a luxury car. Sure - you can live without those features but if your buying a premium car and you had those features in your last (less advanced) car then you would be suprised and dismayed when they were not available in your new car.
I totally agree. Voom really must offer the most and be the best. If Voom had superior PQ (enough to satisfy DarrellP with his 9 foot screen), fewer stb issues, premium installation option (qualified installer shows up and does the job right the first time), cutting edge customer service, every possible HD channel, DVR, and PPV, then Voom would not need to compete on price. HD customers are mostly people with bux to spend. Forget "$1 install" which compares Voom to mainstream services like D* and E*. Offer a clearly superior product in every respect.

Voom already kixbutt with their exclusive channels with no commercials, excellent sound, and the most HD. Just complete the package and raise the price as necessary. Make Voom a prestige thing like a luxury car. There has to be a viable and profitable niche with a small but loyal customer base.

I still think the untapped customer base for Voom are not the folks who like D* and E* but the folks who long since gave up on TV as a "brain dead" medium ("the boob tube"). Prove to them that Voom is really different, that TV can be quality entertainment with outstanding programming and delivered with the highest quality picture, sound, and convenience, and a whole new market of subscribers would sign up.
1080iBeVuMin said:
Hey rifjim4069, nice post as always. But just as I see you ask other posters where they get their information, I must ask you the same thing... How did you come up with the number of subscribers at 1.5 to 2 million as breakeven point? Sounds reasonable enough, but I am wondering if you base that on anything. Thanks.

I am glad you called Voom a niche market provider. A lot of people criticize Voom as if they would criticize Lexus for not selling more cars than Toyota. Well, Voom is a premium service -- should be higher quality (get those PQ and stb issues fixed) and higher priced, and should be profitable at a lower subscriber base. D* and E* are the economy cars in this business. Not comparable to Voom.
It's speculation,'s largely based on facts and figures published in CableVision. I figured 1.5-2 million over the summer loosly based on information posted in CableVision's initial Sec Form 10 Filing back in May and subsequent filings throughout the summer (Aug) to include subscriber acquisition data and posted churn rates at that time. I don't recall the details...and VOOM doesn't come right out and post average subscriber acquisition costs, but I recall using a $600 per subscriber acquisition cost based on their posted subscribers costs of 16.4M and 28K subscribers. Of course, I noticed VOOM didn't include administration and general operating expenses due to new marketing campaign (19M) which could easily be added, which would bring the average subscriber costs well over $1000...but I used $600. I also recall using a churn rate of under 2% per month. At the time of the first filing, VOOM's churn rate was 21% for the first 6 months and later peaked in excess of 30% in late summer. To place this into perspective, E* had something like a 1.5% monthly churn rate last year and the average subscriber costs were around $450.

I also estimated subscriber revenue using VOOM Forum poll data of member Programming Packages (VOOM, VA VA VOOM, VOOM plus any number of Plus Packs) - I also used the $49, $89 and $19 pricing. Likewise, I pulled some of VOOM expenses out of my arse and/or did a rough estimate. There was nothing fancy about it, no accounting formulas nor standard deviations, just simple math to hopefully get me in the ballpark. Of course, if VOOM doesn't get a better handle on it's hardware costs, installation and maintenance costs and churn...there is no way in hell they will be able to competitively market their programming packages and turn a profit.

So to answer your question...I mostly pulled these figures out of my backside. :shocked CableVision/VOOM is free to correct me...and why they're at it, tell us when we'll see the DVR, Elliptical dish, MPEG-4, etc. :)

Just wanted to add...that WE, AMC and IFC were bundled with the Spin-off because they are money-maker and could fund a great deal of VOOMs general and administrative expenses to help keep them going for up for up to 24 months with other debt financing. It just occured to me that the terms and conditions of debt financing with BOA and their investers must have been pretty crappy; high interest rates and programming assets would be leveraged. Dolan could potentially lose Rainbow DBS and Rainbow Entertainment (programming assets) without a more reliable source of revenue. I just don't see Dolan placing himself in such a position.
You will just have to experience it yourself. Take other comments with a grain of salt. I've had great dealings with both my installer and Voom. This of course has absolutely no bearing on what your dealings will be. There was a commitment of 6 months when I joined and $1 installation for 3 rooms. Bottom line take it or go with another satellite provider. Until then, your experience will only be hearsay.
I wood not let DVR be factor in dcide. It seems that no need for DVR becase Voom keep showing the same shows over and over and over agin. You not need a DVR.

I moved : Voom transfer review

Should I cancel Voom?

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