Should I get the Superdish yet

John W

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Planet Earth
I plan on taking advantage of the promotion but I don't have an HD receiver yet. Should I get dish to install the superdish now or wait until after I get the 921.... whenever that will be?
At the moment there is nothing additional on the SuperDISH to make it worth your wild.

However I expect that to quickly change.

Saying that I would wait until there is something up there you want that you can't get now. :)
I would like to get mine installed before the 13th because are locals are reporting they will be launched then.I figure they will be a waiting list to get installed after the 13th. I'm waiting to see just what comes with the free install. I will need 2 DP34 switches and 1 adapter for my 6000 to get me all hooked up. Mike
Its Delayed.

Over the next two weeks it will become available only to those who have locals available on 105.

Expect wide rollout in December

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