bone74 said:she must be "crafty"too i bet she can make an ota out of anything.. lots of faith in antennaweb too.
noone said i was crafty will not with antenna's but antennaweb is pretty close to what we need .
bone74 said:she must be "crafty"too i bet she can make an ota out of anything.. lots of faith in antennaweb too.
dragon002 said:spahoose,
there is one other group of people who got voom installed, and it is because of a posting on this site that they did. the post basically said that voom wasnt shutting any one off even if 90 or 180 days late, forget which it was . we all know voom did this to inflate the sub counts, but,,,,,, i have been to homes and was setting up systems and the subs were calling friends , relatives etc telling them yeah theyre installing now, go and order!! these people have a cable drop , a dishnetwork and directv dishes all still on the house. and they have no intention of getting a hdtv. and ill be back in 6 months when they use a new cricket # to install another directv system, im not there to pass judgement, only for the $$$$$ and ill bet these subs are 20% of the total count
Lobstah said:"but there are a lot of them that only have standard def's"
"This I really doubt. There might be a few customers out there, but I'd want to see some actual numbers to back up that statement".
(Ok, I'm sorry, you must have a chrystal ball that tells you who has hdtv and who has sdtv. I'm just going by what I hear on the phone every day. Without a survey it would be hard to prove either way.)
"Sure, some people are capable of doing their own installs, the majority are not. Hire a local tech? Does that mean if the system screws up it will be up to the cx to fix it? There goes the guaranteed service plan."
Again..."most" are incapable? This is purely subjective on your part. Why has this worked so well for other providers?
(Poor wording on my part, and I apologize to anyone that I may have offended., but, I stand by my meaning. If self installs were trouble free and that easy than there would be no reason for techs to return to a site to trouble shoot issues that the customer is having with signal loss, polarity,etc., hey!! didn't I read somewhere that someone was waiting for an ota upgrade. A free one at that. Where's self installation now?)
"No, we're not talking about adding thousands of people to the payroll, we're talking about dropping thousands from the payroll"
"Sorry...but they're not on the payroll period. They get paid by the job. JUST LIKE IF THE CUSTOMER HIRED THEM
If VOOM tried to do this with employees?...yes, you would be adding at least hungreds, and more likely thousands. How many techs do you need in California? New York? Texas? LOL How many installs are you going to be doing, nationwide, in a week? That model just doesn't scale, period".
(Again, poor wording on my part, let's change payroll to AP., as in, " We're dropping thousands from the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Techs get paid by the job JUST LIKE VOOM PAYS THEMAdding someone to the payroll implies that you are not releasing anyone. By replacing many of the subcontracors that Installs uses with Voom techs you would actually be reducing the numbers, not adding to them.)
"And yes, running 15' of cable and pointing the dish is pretty simple. THAT'S MY POINTFor many installations, it amounts to running 50' of cable, and pointing the dish".
(If it's that simple then why are there so many problems that are not box related? For reasons only the techs know about, Voom is not a simple install all the time, and that's my point
"And I have no idea what you're talking about with this "service plan" deal...and not sure I care at this point".
(Do you even have Voom? How much are you paying for your ota upgrade? How much are you paying the tech to install it? How much do you pay to have a tech come out and check your system when you are having problems? Nothing. It's called the In Home Service Plan. It's free for the life of your account if you lease your equipment. It's two years if you purchase. Now, how would you like it if you paid this tech $150.00 plus cost of ota and only got one more local channel and the tech say's " oh well, that's the best I can do for ya". Since your paying for his time and there are no guarantees that you will get your locals, then your out that money and no better off than you were.)
"In many sound an awful lot like Dragon. Amazingly so".
(Other than the ota comment, I have not attacked you personally, so please don't compare me to Dragon or anyone else.)
"The point is, VOOM is failing miserably with installations right now. Let the people who are comfortable doing this themselves do it".
( And let the people that are not rely on "qualified" VOOM Technicians.)
I'll address your issues in the order you presented them, and as best I can. My admitted primary target is the Third Item.dragon002 said:first off why the hate
second, i went on / found this site about a month ago
third, i posted something about voom and vicki has been attacking ever since, my posts are the same as hers, or should be
fourth , are you a literary agent or a scholar into writing novels?? my lack there of??
fifth, i dont see staff member or moderater by your name , so why the questions??
First...nope...none of the above...just your credibility factors.dragon002 said:vicky, et al.
first, the hate, i've deserved every ounce?? how? by getting on an open forum and pointing out vooms shortcomings? is there some rule that to be posting here that you have to love voom, sorry didn't see it in the posting rules. whoa, checked again......its not there, imagine that! some one can think some thing other than what you think, GEE this must be america!!!
second, i get tired of writing dragon002 and do just dragon!!!SO
call in arlen specter, its scottish law, im allowed the handle up top is still dragon002 again , SO FREAKIN WHAT
third, you did come looking for a fight when you told me i couldn't give a previous voom sub a directv flyer, it happens EVERY DAY, only the weak of mind would second guess themselves and if you are checking all my other posts you really don't have a life !!
fourth, you didn't understand that one??? write a PERRY MASON novel. vicki has no life so lets go home and see how we can keep voom alive and cut down the dragon , BETWEEN DRINKS, understand?!! so she has SOMEONE to talk to other than the DOG!!!
fifth, that wasn't directed at you, read the post, the post meant, is this an open forum or is meant to stifle FREE speech and promote the voom agenda, again, didn't see that in the rules.
that is about 3 minutes, vino time vic
dragon...............ok 002 just for vicki