Shocking News: McGwire Admits Using Steroids!!!!

...but they were more than likely taking "greenies", amphetamines and more than likely other things....oh yeah, let's not forget cortizone shots....;)

Let's not forget Advil or Tylenol for pain or Excedrin for a headache. :rolleyes:
That's easy, it's because anabolic steroids obtained for the purposes he was using them for and for the duration he was using them for, were then and still are illegal today.

And so is going over the speed limit...but I am sure YOU still do it.;)
So that's what your argument on this topic has now become?? The fact that I may or may not occasionally break a traffic law??

I think the time has come to let this thread fade away.... ;)
No, it has not come to that. What he did was illegal.

We will end it there. There is nothing that you guys are gonna do to change my stance. You guys are set in your stance, regardless whatever is brought up to show the contrary. I have said my peace.
I agree with salsadancer for a change. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Everyone has their opinion, the facts have been laid out, McGwire is what he is, the experts have been heard from...

It's done.

I'm stunned. ;) :D

A convicted drug dealer who says he used to supply steroids to former baseball slugger Mark McGwire told ESPN on Thursday that McGwire's goal was to get "bigger, faster, stronger" to improve his performance on the field, contradicting recent statements by McGwire, who said he used the drugs to maintain his health.

Curtis Wenzlaff, speaking to ESPN's Outside the Lines, said he feels there is no doubt that the array of drugs he provided McGwire helped him become a more-accomplished home-run hitter.

"Will it help you hit a baseball?" Wenzlaff said. "Let me put it to you this way. If Paris Hilton was to take that array, she could run over Dick Butkus."

The New York Daily News reported in March 2005 that Wenzlaff provided McGwire with the following drug recipe: ½ cc of testosterone cypionate every three days; one cc of testosterone enanthate per week; ¾ cc of equipoise and Winstrol V, every three days -- all to be injected into the buttocks.

When asked for his reaction to McGwire's claim that he only took steroids to stay healthy enough to play, Wenzlaff said: "I chuckled. If excelling and kicking ass on the field is the end result I guess that's a healthy, good feeling. But for health, there are other things you can take for health that are anabolic, but it wouldn't be that type of combination."

When asked about McGwire's goal for taking the array of steroids he recommended and provided to McGwire, Wenzlaff said, "As anybody -- bigger, faster, stronger."

He also said that he thinks the combination of drugs he provided for McGwire would help McGwire's hand-eye coordination.

"When you implement into what you are doing -- for instance hitting -- an individualized, specialized program with muscle growth and explosiveness ... while you're on your drugs, it will improve your hand-eye coordination."

Dr. Gary Wadler, head of the World Anti-Doping Agency committee that draws up the list of banned substances, told the Associated Press earlier this month: "There's such a huge body of evidence that there's no question -- none -- whether anabolic steroids enhance performance. Period."

[ame=""]Dealer contradicts Mark McGwire's reason for steroids - ESPN[/ame]
Anyone that wants to defend McGwire needs to read what Carlton Fisk said about this whole sad affair. He nailed it . I'm sure many players feel this way but it takes a tough, honest and truly devoted player like Fisk to talk about the truth . Carlton Fisk blasts Mark McGwire -

...another opinion...nothing more, nothing less....:rolleyes:

I love he actually states it helps eye hand coordination....I would LOVE to know where he got THAT info from. I yet to find ONE "expert" state that.

..he sounds like he is pissed he did not take them and he could not cash in. According to him, steroids has had MORE to do with players salaries than actual free agency from the late 70s early 80s....:rolleyes:

He moans and bitch that NO ONE did anything, yet what did HE do? He sat there himself and did nothing. SO, it comes down to this...he was part of the problem for keeping his mouth shut...and he is moaning and crying how no one did something....OR he took them himself and he is covering his ass. Pull a Palmiero....
Look back one page, post #209. :up

He also said that he thinks the combination of drugs he provided for McGwire would help McGwire's hand-eye coordination.

"When you implement into what you are doing -- for instance hitting -- an individualized, specialized program with muscle growth and explosiveness ... while you're on your drugs, it will improve your hand-eye coordination."

Dr. Gary Wadler, head of the World Anti-Doping Agency committee that draws up the list of banned substances, told the Associated Press earlier this month: "There's such a huge body of evidence that there's no question -- none -- whether anabolic steroids enhance performance. Period."
Dealer contradicts Mark McGwire's reason for steroids - ESPN

Drug dealers says HE THINKS... Dr. Gary Wadler states/means athletic performance. Find one that states there is scientific proof it enhances hand-eye coordination...and I am with ya.

...and another thing, IF it did...wouldn't Optometrist be dispensing this out with a perscription as if were M & Ms?
No, it has not come to that. What he did was illegal.

We will end it there. There is nothing that you guys are gonna do to change my stance. You guys are set in your stance, regardless whatever is brought up to show the contrary. I have said my peace.

Peace to you too bro! I believe you meant "piece", and somehow I seriously doubt that you are done sharing that.:D
Peace to you too bro! I believe you meant "piece", and somehow I seriously doubt that you are done sharing that.:D

I wanna put an end to it. LOL!! Believe me...but people keep bring in all kinds of stuff and I have to respond. :D

People STILL think they can change my mind.....ALL I have to do is bring up that list of never weres....and closes the deal to me. Once again, for every McGwire...I have a couple of Fernando Vinas, Randy Velarde and David Seguis of the world.
...another opinion...nothing more, nothing less....:rolleyes:

I love he actually states it helps eye hand coordination....I would LOVE to know where he got THAT info from. I yet to find ONE "expert" state that.

..he sounds like he is pissed he did not take them and he could not cash in. According to him, steroids has had MORE to do with players salaries than actual free agency from the late 70s early 80s....:rolleyes:

He moans and bitch that NO ONE did anything, yet what did HE do? He sat there himself and did nothing. SO, it comes down to this...he was part of the problem for keeping his mouth shut...and he is moaning and crying how no one did something....OR he took them himself and he is covering his ass. Pull a Palmiero....

First of all Carlton Fisk is in the Hall of Fame. And anyone that knows him will tell you how much respect he had for the game. I remember him going after players that didn't hustle like running to first base during a routine play. And what he says is true. The numbers did help free agency players get higher salaries.

And why didn't Carlton Fisk do anything? Because he suspected they did steroids. You really believe Carton Fisk had any power to do anything? He's not going to come out and accuse someone no matter what.

What is a fact here is that many players who played the game the right way don't like what happened with the fake numbers and steroids.

And then you say he's pissed that he didn't take them and cash in. Fisk didn't play during the steroid era. And Fisk put up pretty good numbers for years while playing for the Red Sox and White Sox.

What Fisk is doing is saying out loud what many honest hard working baseball players from the past and today feel.
Drug dealers says HE THINKS... Dr. Gary Wadler states/means athletic performance. Find one that states there is scientific proof it enhances hand-eye coordination...and I am with ya.

...and another thing, IF it did...wouldn't Optometrist be dispensing this out with a perscription as if were M & Ms?
Why the sudden fixation on hand-eye coordination?? As even you stated, McGwire was already an accomplished hitter before he started juicing. The dramatic increase in HRs after juicing have been proven too. And it's common sense that the stronger you are, the more bat speed you can generate. And the more bat speed you can generate, the further the baseball is going to travel once it hits your bat. That has been proven.

Unless you believe him when he said "I've always had bat speed. I just learned how to shorten my bat speed. I learned how to be a better hitter," Mr. McGwire said. :(
Why the sudden fixation on hand-eye coordination?? As even you stated, McGwire was already an accomplished hitter before he started juicing. The dramatic increase in HRs after juicing have been proven too. And it's common sense that the stronger you are, the more bat speed you can generate. And the more bat speed you can generate, the further the baseball is going to travel once it hits your bat. That has been proven.

Unless you believe him when he said "I've always had bat speed. I just learned how to shorten my bat speed. I learned how to be a better hitter," Mr. McGwire said. :(
I've have an Issue of ESPN Magazine in our office from like 1999 . The lies McGwire tells is shocking.

And I love how some try to blame MLB for this happening. Carlton Fisk said it best
"You don't blame people for not ratting them out; you blame the people who abused the pharmaceutical world," Fisk said.
OK...we are gonna go line-by-line here.

First of all Carlton Fisk is in the Hall of Fame. And anyone that knows him will tell you how much respect he had for the game. I remember him going after players that didn't hustle like running to first base during a routine play. And what he says is true. The numbers did help free agency players get higher salaries.

I, for one, do not think there are many players who DIDN'T respect the game. IF they didn't, they would have not busted their ass to get there. You respect what your profession don' you and I, you get sloppy at work and get fired.

And why didn't Carlton Fisk do anything? Because he suspected they did steroids. You really believe Carton Fisk had any power to do anything? He's not going to come out and accuse someone no matter what.

...OK...this one is great. On the previous line, you state he is a respected, you are making him sound like a equipment manager for a last place team. In his late years, I worked at Chicago Sportschannel that covered the White Sox. He had TONS of influence both in the clubhouse AND out of the White Sox clubhouse SO, which is it...he COULD do something about it or not?

What is a fact here is that many players who played the game the right way don't like what happened with the fake numbers and steroids.

That is very true....BUT, FACT IS...they ALL KNEW what was going on and they could not police themselves. HE was part of the problem and did NOTHING for the solution. It's no different than someone living in a high crime area that bitches and moans about the crime...but if they SEE crime every day...why are you not reporting it??!! :confused:

And then you say he's pissed that he didn't take them and cash in. Fisk didn't play during the steroid era. And Fisk put up pretty good numbers for years while playing for the Red Sox and White Sox.

I am saying he sounds like he's upset that OTHERS cashed in and he didn't or he may be pulling a Palmiero. And HOW do we know when the steroid era really started?? I don't know, in age 42....FORTY TWO....he played 137 games at catcher with 18 HRs. For a guy that was "old"...those are pretty damn good numbers. In fact, he had one year(1987) where he hit 37 HRs and 107 age 37...when he had NEVER hit more than 26 any year before....AND he averaged just as many homers AFTER he was 35 as he did BEFORE he was 35(17.25 to 16.75) ...I don't know...sounds fishy to me...:rolleyes:

What Fisk is doing is saying out loud what many honest hard working baseball players from the past and today feel.

Sounds like a disgruntled former employee to me.....
I've have an Issue of ESPN Magazine in our office from like 1999 . The lies McGwire tells is shocking.

And I love how some try to blame MLB for this happening. Carlton Fisk said it best
"You don't blame people for not ratting them out; you blame the people who abused the pharmaceutical world," Fisk said.

And what do you say about folks that live in a crime infested community that bitches about crime but refuse to report it when they see it?

Please answer THAT one.....

You say the EXACT thing that everyone else says..."stop bitching and do something about it" ....OR ..."then why did you never said something about it" ....

SAME THING applies here....

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