SG-2100 motors...

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Iceberg said:
The motor still tracks the arc fine, but I'll be swapping them bolts out one of these days :)

Yep, same here. Great arc tracking... although for now I'm limited to a plain D* DBS LNB since I'm awaiting the Invacom circular/linear :D

The DBS LNB works well to "put me in the ballpark" with regard to the arc (I'm nailing 61.5, 82, 91, 110, and 119, with 148 being too close to the horizon for my location). 91w is my true south bird, so that works well. But I'm sure once I put a "real" lnb on there I'll have to do some fine tuning...
Tron said:
Yep, same here. Great arc tracking... although for now I'm limited to a plain D* DBS LNB since I'm awaiting the Invacom circular/linear :D

The DBS LNB works well to "put me in the ballpark" with regard to the arc (I'm nailing 61.5, 82, 91, 110, and 119, with 148 being to close to the horizon for my location). 91w is my true south bird, so that works well. But I'm sure once I put a "real" lnb on there I'll have to do some fine tuning...

at least its working right now :)
there will be a litrle fine tunign wonce the linear LNB is set up, but at least you know where you have to aim :)
Iceberg said:
please guys...this isn't a spelling contest (by the way, you spelled maybe wrong) :D

heh, yea, I thought I did.. I was pretty tired, and had one too many last night ;)
Ultatryon, how did your motor install go? Are you tracking the arc now? Which dish/LNB did you choose to motorize?

Did you get any pics of the setup (in particular, the offending mark on the SG-2100 motor ;) ) :D :D
Went in great.. some minor adjustment (this motor was a bit different from the Digiwave clone I was using, different angles for both the motor and dish), but the arc is being tracked fine (at least for AMC6, IA5, and G10R.. those are the only ones I have tried so far)

I am still using my Fortec Star 80P and DMSI ASC321S, I will change out that LNB to a Fortec Star FSKU .4dB Universal tomorrow morning, now that the motor isnt freaking out over the 22k tone.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera at work again today, so I wont be able to get any photos until friday :(
Cool... looking forward to them. I'm pretty sure with all the feedback that the mark is just casting, but I just want proof :)

I think that the Fortec FSKUv is a great little LNB for the money. It's cheap, but at .4 has a good noise figure. I'm using it on my fixed Channel Master right now to receive G-10R. The only issue is with the fact that its a universal, but since I use a monitor/receiver up on the roof to tweak my dish pointing, its not really an issue...
Actually, I just purchased an Invacom this morning :D so I may hold off on replacing my LNB until that shows up.

I am putting my camera in my backback right now, so I definately will bring it home tonight.
Great! Thanks, now I should be able to put my fears about a cracked casing to rest :)

Looking forward to the pics of your install (and close-ups of the motors) :D
its hard to see (its too sunny today) but its definately there.. if you look very carefully, you can make it out

Watch out... these are REALLY big images... I wouldnt recommend downloading them on a 56k modem (if anyone still has those ;) )


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Thanks Ultatryon! I can see it well in pic 1... Looks just like my motor...

Are you using USALS or DiSEqC 1.2? I hear 1.2 is more accurate, but I've yet to have problems with USALS.

Keep in mind, though, that I'm only hitting DBS birds for now until the QPH Invacom ships, and DBS birds don't require incredible accuracy to hit (especially with a 76 CM dish)...
DBS birds are really powerful.. and this is way overkill for it..

With FSS birds, your precise angle is much much more important.. .1 degree (1/10th of a degree) is enough to make or break the lock.. where with DBS, you have a much larger window to play with.

USALS gets you close, usually you will have a picture at least... but not the best quality.. I find that its within .3 degrees either way for me.. sometimes East, sometimes west. for G10R in particular, its .2 degrees too far East for weaker transponders like 11720V
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