Radar I truly appreciate your ideas, time and encouragement!
Well after work today my neighbor and I spent about 90 mins working on things and are a bit frustrated at a couple of issues that have become evident.
Firstly, my once nicely vertical pole is now off by about 3 deg., we estimate. Caused most likely by the weight of the 48" dish/motor. As a result my neighbor dropped my motor elevation from 41 to about 36 deg. - his theory to compensate for the pole leaning slightly. He's got my dish set to about 27 deg. My concern is that i have heard that regardless of any adjustments made, if the pole isn't 100% straight, the set up will always be off. Does anyone have any viewpoints or anecdotal experiences to share.
When installing a motor, your mast MUST be absolutely and perfectly vertically plumb all the way around. If it is offset even just a sliver, you will throw all your other alignments out of whack. All of the other angles (motor latitude, dish elevation and even the whole assembly's azimuth angle) rely upon the mast being perfectly set.
If you were installing a single, fixed point dish to aim at one (or even two or three satellites) only, you can fudge this to a point because it would be a one time correction. However, with a positioner or motor, you would need to correct the angle for the entire arc at every point on the arc. It is enough trouble and frustration to get the arc to track properly when things are all correct, so you don't want to add a stick of dynamite to the equation. My advice is to reset your mast so that it is plumb and vertical and sturdy enough to never change even if an elephant rubs his butt on it!
Also, I bought a brand new powertech SG380 motor for up to a 1.2m dish from Sadoun and it does not appear to be functioning correctly. It won't move the dish to sats beyond 97w and makes a loud clicking and sometimes whining sound as if it's struggling to move the dish. It's response to my commands through the receiver are unreliable and erratic. These 2 issues are now preventing us from progressing with this project! I will call Sadoun tomorrow and perhaps try my old SG2100 smaller motor which always performed well in the past. And take a look at the pole while I have the motor off. Still going slow as far as fine tuning signals to best get the clark belt sats...
That does not sound good for a DG-380 motor. They are generally so quiet and smooth that you cannot tell that they are moving even when standing close by. It will be best to contact Jamal Sadoun and get that taken care of.