Servo Motor, HELP

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Would you PLEASE answer the questions in Post 17? Troubleshooting doesn't need to be this difficult.

If the servo shaft rotates +/- 90 degrees when connected directly to the GI650 and the skew is manually changed, I agree that the problem is not the servos.

At this point in the testing results, I would be unable to determine if the problem is the GI650, the wiring or the feedhorn.

Let's start with the questions in Post 17 then test additional hardware and functions in a flow chart from there.

In addition, does the servo motor shaft rotate +/- 90 degrees when manually adjusting the skew for both Horizontal and Vertical polarities? Or does the servo motor shaft only rotate when manually adjusting the skew on one of the polarities? If so, which polarity?

The answer to this is BOTH polarity, - / + 90 one channel at a time.
Works on both the H and V channels going - / + 90 when I manually
SKEW on each Polarity channel.

I personally did NOT see the servo motor, while I was manually
changing the SKEW and was looking at the TV screen.

My friend was looking at the servo motor shaft.
He said it rotate during SKEW adjusting. He was at the back of
the receiver with the servo motor, and I was at the front of the TV
with a remote control.

This was on Thursday night, April 19th.

Does this help at all???

I'll do my best answering this question, I think I understand the questions.

Both channel 1 and channel 2 skew angle setting is "0"s
Both shows "0".

Especially on the H channel, the SKEW setting is at "0",
this is when I got good digital channels while slave
the GEOSAT PRO 3500PVR receiver.

On the other channel, Vertical, when I saw Mega Millions and
Powerball Lotto drawing feed which they're ANALOG signal,
can barely see them in BLACK and WHITE with snow on top of them,
at the SKEW 0.
And when I adjust the SKEW to + 90 I can see them in color with snow.
About 25 or 30% of coming through.

Referring to the photos in my last post, on Page 2.
Photo 19, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.

Does this help at all??? I try my best answering the question.

MeTV is H on Galaxy 16, C-band, digital.

: - ))))
I have NO problem with that, while the analog receiver, SKEW angle at "0"
on a H channel.


Some of you may already know ME here in Seatac, Washington.
And I have a 10 foot mesh dish antenna, which I also have
a GI 650i analog C/Ku band receiver that moves the dish and
controls the servo motor.

I've been having a problem with a servo motor on my
Co-Rotor II feehorn.

My 26 years old nephew had replaced it for me on
January 20th. It worked for a while with the NEW
blue servo motor I bought on ebay.

Lost Vertical channels with it.

Then I have a friend, a Samoan guy from Samoa, to help,
but I think he made it worse on the servo motor.
Because he has never have any experience with
the satellite C-band dish. But he's 6 ft 4 inches tall guy.

I think that he made it worse by turning the
couplet disc on the servo motor by hands, for a few times
before he insert it back onto the feedhorn.

When I try changing the channel for the TEST,
all he heard this sound ZZZZZZZZZ

He said when I change d only work once, than
it stops. And does not go any further beyond.
The probe on the feehorn only runs once and
stop and doesn't go any more.when changing
the channels.

The Samoan guy wants to do test the servo motor
by bringing it in to hook up onto my satellite receiver,
to see whether if it the servo motor or something else.
Again, he has no experience with satellite system.

The reason I asked him to, is because I cannot go up
any higher on the ladder, myself.

So, ALL I want to know, is it true that the servo motor
is NOW NOT working, is it because he was turning the
couplet disc back and forth by hands before putting it back onto
the feehorn??? I heard him turning it. And I do not
know is that the right thing to do???

In my spare time, I checked it out with the old servo motor
with the couplet disc on, and tried what he did by hand.
I noticed when turning the couplet disc, when it reach to it's end,
it locks up.
Maybe that's why the servo motor isn't working, right???
Because he did that????

He stripped the wires from the servo motor and the ones from
my satellite receiver that runs outside to the feedhorn, and
he was testing it by twisted them together, and it only worked
a very short while, as I described at the above.

Then he inserted the stripped wires into the plastic connectors,
and clamp them, and test it when I change the channels, same
problem. The probe on the feehorn doesn't rotate and it sounds

So, what should I do when he brings in the servo motor
on Tuesday night?? Or on Wednesday morning???
Should I take off the couplet disc and put it back on
the servo motor, and DO NOT TURN the disc vby hands,
and just TEST it to see IF it movies when change the channels?????

I'm referring a blue servo motor with
RED, WHITE and BLACK wires.

What do you think???

Hope that you understand it all about the problem with
the servo motor. The blue one with 3 whites and with
a blue couplet disc.

Hi I didn't read the whole thread, but to me, it sounds like your friend dropped the coupler that is between the white drive shaft and the servo motor it's only has a square shaft and the coupler engages it, it's like the universal in your drive shaft on a car, it's job is to take up any bees, that make a home inside the feed, it has some give to it, so with out it your moving and hearing it move but the feed polarly never gets ingaged your dead, look for it, it's laying on the ground, it light tan in color which could also be your problem or the bug cover is full of dirt
For Garyd.....

Hi Grayd,

I believe that there are missing parts.

When I look at the spare servo motor that I bought from Titanium,
it comes with a black round rubber that goes around the disc.

The blue servo motor that's on the feehorn has a blue disc with it.
But not a round rubber like the one I bought from Titanium.

I did look around on the black top and don't see the round rubber piece
that go with the servo motor. But I did recall seeing it, and some how
I forgot it and someone took it to throw it away.

The part that you're referring to, what does it look like so that I could find
one at the hardware store????
Can you send me a picture so that I would know what size
it looks like????

Remember the servo motor on the feehorn does has it's disc on it, blue disc,
NOT black disc.


Both polarities skew on the GI650 should NOT be the same angle. If Horizontal is "0" and Vertical is "0", this is the problem. Each polarity should be saved in the instal menu 90 degrees different than the other.

If the feedhorn was correctly installed on the dish using the Chaparral template, the skew settings would be -45 and the other +45. I don't think that the feedhorn was properly installed by your nephew. It is possible that one polarity would be set to "0" and the other to + or -90 degrees, but that would tell me that the feedhorn wasn't properly aligned when it was put on your dish. Can you keep it this way? Sure, no problem.

The servo could be working, the probe could be operational, all the connecting parts could be assembled correctly and nothing missing, but if both polarities have the same skew setting in the instal menu, the probe will not rotate when changing between odd and even channels.

The reason the servo motor shaft is not rotating when changing from an odd to an even channel is because both polarities are set to the same "0" skew.

Each satellite must be set-up for the two polarities to be 90 degrees opposite of the other.

Zack is correct. On 101w, METV is on a vertical polarity transponder. You probably have blind scanned the transponder with the polarity set wrong. This error will further complicate the troubleshooting.

Once you program the polarity skew settings correctly, delete transponders a perform a blind scan one polarity at a time to scan the transponders on the correct polarity.
MeTV is H on Galaxy 16, C-band, digital.

: - ))))
I have NO problem with that, while the analog receiver, SKEW angle at "0"
on a H channel.

Someone asked you this before- go into the GIs settings, is it set to feedhorn rotated 90 degrees ?

You have been told you should be around -45 to +45 degrees ,

Either your receiver is failing or?

Do you have anything to put in its place?
For Garyd.....

Hi Grayd,

I believe that there are missing parts.

When I look at the spare servo motor that I bought from Titanium,
it comes with a black round rubber that goes around the disc.

The blue servo motor that's on the feehorn has a blue disc with it.
But not a round rubber like the one I bought from Titanium.

I did look around on the black top and don't see the round rubber piece
that go with the servo motor. But I did recall seeing it, and some how
I forgot it and someone took it to throw it away.

The part that you're referring to, what does it look like so that I could find
one at the hardware store????
Can you send me a picture so that I would know what size
it looks like????

Remember the servo motor on the feehorn does has it's disc on it, blue disc,
NOT black disc.

It's a specially made part square hole another side a slot that fit the feed shaft


TONIGHT I gave another shot going to Galaxy 18, C[band to see
Mega Millions Lotto LIVE drawings feed at 8 PM PDST to see
how back the ANALOG signal look, like it was last weekend, was terrible!!!


When I arrived at Galaxy 19, Transponder 23, Vertical, C-band
I got a clear ANALOG signal on Meg Millions!!!

SKEW V + 90 on TP-23, C-band, analog.

I don't know how it turned out great, tonight???
But maybe it's because Garyld is right about that
I maybe missing parts to the servo motor, because
whenever I want to go to Galaxy 19 from all the way
from Galaxy 14, there's something changes between
going EAST and WEST inside the dome cover???? : - )))))

See 3 photos included.

Thank you, and GOOD NIGHT.


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TONIGHT I gave another shot going to Galaxy 18, C[band to see
Mega Millions Lotto LIVE drawings feed at 8 PM PDST to see
how back the ANALOG signal look, like it was last weekend, was terrible!!!


When I arrived at Galaxy 19, Transponder 23, Vertical, C-band
I got a clear ANALOG signal on Meg Millions!!!

SKEW V + 90 on TP-23, C-band, analog.

I don't know how it turned out great, tonight???
But maybe it's because Garyld is right about that
I maybe missing parts to the servo motor, because
whenever I want to go to Galaxy 19 from all the way
from Galaxy 14, there's something changes between
going EAST and WEST inside the dome cover???? : - )))))

See 3 photos included.

Thank you, and GOOD NIGHT.
Wrong photos, get a stepladder remove the 4 screws, and take a pic of what you have for parts, that is what counts

Please send me the photo of the parts I need for servo motor.

Nothing with the servo motor, except the blue disc that contact the feehorn.

The 3 photos aren't wrong, I'm showing what I saw on TV.

Thank you and good night.

I reviewing your other message about whether do I have a missing
part for the servo motor.

I think we have a misunderstanding, here.

Let me clarify with you so that there won't be any confusion.

The servo motor on the feehorn HAS A BLUE COUPLET DISC ON

I thought you meant something else is missing that goes with the
servo motor, as well.

Thank you and good night.

Please send me the photo of the parts I need for servo motor.

Nothing with the servo motor, except the blue disc that contact the feehorn.

The 3 photos aren't wrong, I'm showing what I saw on TV.

Thank you and good night.
I don't have a photo just stick your head in front of the feed with the bug cover off, have someone else move the skew if it moves all parts are there, it depends on who made the blue motor there was at least 4 companies, not all were the exact match with screws holes

Rule of thumb, if the dish is under 8 feet use an LNBF and adjust it by hand, if it's over 8 feet you MUST USE A SERVO MOTOR OR YOUR REALLY LOSING SIGNAL how deep a dish will decide if you need a gold ring they made two types I do have a lot of crap here, but I do have pain using my hands looking for crap for you guys, pain is something I honestly don't want, but if you really want it sure for quick cash
For anyone reading this, I do have a circular ADL feed brand new never used it, it just needs a servo motor, I can look for one, but it's not free, it's very rare and new
Throw a price at me, it's a really special one
Wow. What a thread. Sure hope the actuator works for a while. METV is vertical BTW on 101 w and horizontal on 99w

Sent from my VS995 using the SatelliteGuys app!

Well all I can do is pull from the real world of making a living from it, not a hobby view, so I saw most of the crap you guys honesty turn into a big deal because 75% of my BUD jobs where done by jerks, and you got to see a lot of dumb things tried, and failed, so your always a Monday quarterback, with someone pulling their hair out saying I wish I found you first.

I did my own receiver repairs, because first I was a schooled electronic tech, who got laid off, and was doing CB radio work, for years as a filler job, and one customer said do you know how to put up a satellite dish, I said nope, but I will do it for fun, he let me find the material, and everyone I talked to, said why not be a dealer, your perfect for it.

In a way it was better, but a few were so bad, I just said nope the dish is in the wrong spot, the look on their faces was always priceless, always can't be, then you have to prove it to the poor soul.

If you knew they could get cable, the odds went down they would do a big repair, back then zero internets, it all really ended around 1993 only had really good work for 10 years then did niche work in C-band just for the Portuguese ch RTPI which started in 1986 for me, had over 2,400 pork chops, in 3 states, and even wholesaled used G1 systems at a rate of 1,000 a week. yep pork chop is not a bad word to call them, they taught me it, and some Portuguese too, very nice people.
I still have Portuguese friends today.

Gary Diamond
Diamond Satellite Systems
Southbury CT. 06488
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