I replaced my 508 with a 722 last month and plan on selling the 508 on eBay. What info should I give out and what should I not give? I don't want to post more information than I have to.
When I sold mine I just posted Model #, Age of Unit. And I guaranteed the unit was free and clear. I did not post any serial numbers or receiver IDs. YMMV as I have a very high sellers rating on eBay.
Unless R00 and Soo are posted or the seller will give them to me I won't bid on a DISH receiver. You need R00 and S00 to check with DISH to be sure the receiver isn't leased/dosen't have a balance owed and has been released for redployment to another account. If you give me a gaurantee there is no outstanding balance it is only your word on EBAY what is your word worth?
You need R00 and S00 to check with DISH to be sure the receiver isn't leased/dosen't have a balance owed and has been released for redployment to another account.
R00 is the receiver number on the back of the receiver it starts R00. S00 is the Smart card numbers on the back of the smart card it also starts S00. The only harm is if you are trying to sell equipment you don't own or equipment that has an outstanding balance owed on it. YES Ebayers do try to sell deceptively.
721/921 & 942 were the DVRs that can no longer be activated as a results of the TiVo lawsuit. There are several on Ebay for sale that are absolutely useless and bringing some high bids for boat anchors.