Sell me on the Pub Forum, gentlemen.

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From reading your last post and the others in this thread, it sounds like you know all you need to know about this hobby and don't want to help others. (Too old to talk to idiots).

Not at all. I love to help someone with an honest problem or question. And sometimes I need help myself.

I'm talking about when someone asks an honest question, then gets 23 wrong answers before I can even get there. And then when I try to correct the 23 wrong answers- just to undo the damage everyone else has done to this poor person looking for help- I get insulted BY THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!

Or, if I do have a question, then I get 23 responses- 5 insulting me, 7 promoting their own agenda that has nothing to do with the question, 7 CORRECT answers...but missing the point of my question completely, 3 out and out lies...and one legit answer- from either Scott or one of the other old timers.

I also don't appreciate all the people who think the world revolves around them, or who can't respect anybody else's opinion.. It just didn't used to be that way here.

Plus I don't like the fact that I turn into a jerk x 5 when confronted by another jerk.

Maybe it's me. Even in this thread...full of people trying to be nice...almost everyone has missed my point. Do you guys really not see what a mess the forums have become? Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly. Maybe it's always been packed with jerks. I just seem to remember some paradise with 100 nice guys helping each other, joking around, arguing in a CIVILIZED manor from an informed point of view.

Or maybe I just need to assemble a good "Ignore" list.
Maybe it's me. Even in this thread...full of people trying to be nice...almost everyone has missed my point. Do you guys really not see what a mess the forums have become? Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly. Maybe it's always been packed with jerks. I just seem to remember some paradise with 100 nice guys helping each other, joking around, arguing in a CIVILIZED manor from an informed point of view.

Its not just you. There seems to be a lot more hostility these days. I think many people are just frustrated right now and they are taking it out in their postings.
Maybe it's me. Even in this thread...full of people trying to be nice...almost everyone has missed my point. Do you guys really not see what a mess the forums have become? Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly. Maybe it's always been packed with jerks. I just seem to remember some paradise with 100 nice guys helping each other, joking around, arguing in a CIVILIZED manor from an informed point of view.

There are always going to be a few jerks; and yes, there have been a lot of frustrated people in the last few months; but that is more due to Dish Network's idiotic decisions and lack of actions then anything. BUT I do disagree that the forums are a mess.

I believe that SatelliteGuys is an amazing place; I consider the people here -- and particularly in the pub - to be close friends. There is a real sense of community; its not manufactured; it is real. And for me, it still is a paradise of 100 nice guys (and gals) helping each other out, joking around, and arguing in a civil manner. Heck, that sounds like the pub to me. :)'s a good example...

Let's say someone says "I don't understand why people would want Turner Classic Movies-HD. All they show is old movies that weren't made in HD."

I would be happy to explain to them how anything shot on film can be made into an HD transfer and be satisfied that I helped someone understand the world a little better.

Now, yesterday, when people were discussing how 5 Star Max was all upconverted and how Pan's Labyrinth was shown in SD, one guy offered the following comment...

"Can't show it if it wasn't made in HD."

Now, this comment is just as ignorant as the first one. But this ENRAGED me for some reason. It's the way it's phrased. It's the arrogant tone. "You can they show a major motion picture in HD if it wasn't shot in HD? Duuuuuhhhhhh!"

I see much more of the latter than the former. And it kills any sense of fun I have chatting with you fine people. I guess I'm just a grouch. I don't want to be.
I consider the people here -- and particularly in the pub - to be close friends. There is a real sense of community; its not manufactured; it is real. And for me, it still is a paradise of 100 nice guys (and gals) helping each other out, joking around, and arguing in a civil manner. Heck, that sounds like the pub to me. :)

See, there you go. You guys are selling me on the Pub quite well. Thanks. :)
There are always going to be a few jerks; and yes, there have been a lot of frustrated people in the last few months; but that is more due to Dish Network's idiotic decisions and lack of actions then anything.

Oh I've been complaining about DISH all day today. But I've managed to do it calmly, rationally, and logically.

I mean, did you SEE the thread that said "Well, since Charlie pulled Voom, I'm sure he'll turn off all our DVRs due to the Tivo lawsuit. He doesn't care about his customers."

I mean, how can you even begin to argue with something like that? There's so many levels of illogic and just plain "wrongness" there.
I mean, how can you even begin to argue with something like that? There's so many levels of illogic and just plain "wrongness" there.

Sometimes you have to pull you mouse away from the reply button and accept that some folks wouldn't understand anyway. Plenty do, and appreciate the help, or a little good natured humor or offer the same. Those are the ones to focus on. There are lots of those types in the general forums, though it may seem hard to find them on occasion, and even higher percentages of them in the pub.

Hope to see you there!
The downside of growing this site from 1,000 subs not so long ago, up to over 100,000 now, is that the number of numbskulls and jerks here also grows proportionally. Some of the numbskulls and jerks contribute to the site, and show up in the Pub too. You can't really do anything about it without becoming a forum Nazi, and this site was created to be more democratic in it's operations.

Bottom line, give some love to the site with your contribution, and the Pub is thrown in for your enjoyment.
Sometimes you have to pull you mouse away from the reply button and accept that some folks wouldn't understand anyway. Plenty do, and appreciate the help, or a little good natured humor or offer the same. Those are the ones to focus on. There are lots of those types in the general forums, though it may seem hard to find them on occasion, and even higher percentages of them in the pub.

Hope to see you there!

I agree; the easiest thing to do in those instance is to just pull the mouse away. :)
The downside of growing this site from 1,000 subs not so long ago, up to over 100,000 now, is that the number of numbskulls and jerks here also grows proportionally. Some of the numbskulls and jerks contribute to the site, and show up in the Pub too. You can't really do anything about it without becoming a forum Nazi, and this site was created to be more democratic in it's operations.
In my opinion, much of this is attributed to The Pit --> these attitudes often spills over to mainstream SatelliteGuys Forums and, more recently, into The Pub. I vote for doing away with The Pit and devoting more resources toward building Forums since Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-Verse, and IPTV are quickly gather momentum ~and/or~ require Pit members to contribute $$$ to help support SatelliteGuys.

The Pub should not support The Pit...The Pit should support The Pub!;)
I agree with everyone who says the Pub is like a family. I consider the Pub members family in some ways. :) It's always nice posting in there and knowing I won't get blasted for what I say.
I agree with everyone who says the Pub is like a family. I consider the Pub members family in some ways. :) It's always nice posting in there and knowing I won't get blasted for what I say.

Agreed .. i have made several posts in there recently - that i would not have even considered making in the general forums ...

Its just easier and generally you get a much warmer and much more civil reply than you would in the general forum area's.

So in reply to your original post ... yes - you do seem to get a more intelligent and thoughtful argument/reply in the pub area of the site for the most part.
I agree; the easiest thing to do in those instance is to just pull the mouse away. :)

I will sometimes write a literate but scathing reply and then... walk away for five minutes and read it before hitting the submit button. 8 times out of ten, I simply delete it. The other two times I will tone it down here and there. Just once in recent months I let emotion color the post, and you can ask the regulars about the firestorm that triggered.

As others have mentioned, the pub is a friendly place where you generally feel safe to open up a bit.
I agree with everyone who says the Pub is like a family. I consider the Pub members family in some ways. :) It's always nice posting in there and knowing I won't get blasted for what I say.

Neutron, Congrats on your 10,000th post.
It is nice that your thread doesn't get hijacked or get into a p* contest. Some of us enjoy Satellite as a hobby, it's our industry, or appreciate learning from others. This site gets several hits a day. I think this is important otherwise people like E* would not invite some of us to come visit their trade floor. That being said, it's nice when people do treat you like a gentleman or lady.
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