Self install questions

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Original poster
May 17, 2005
I'm totally new to DTV...
I have DN setup that I installed myself..
right now DTV started offering Polish channels and my mom wants them... unfortunately i live in an area with lots of trees, and local DTV dealers said... no Line-of-sight... and I know i can pick up DTV signal...
So my question is.. can I do a self-install ? What do i need? what dish/lnb?
What kind of receiver and where to get it? is ebay ok?
will DTV activate self-installed receiver? from what i know I need 2 dishes.. 20" and 36" ( one for internationals and other for Basic package? )
I will need 2 receivers.

Please point me in the right direction...
Yes you can certainly do your own install...

I'm totally new to DTV...
I have DN setup that I installed myself..
right now DTV started offering Polish channels and my mom wants them... unfortunately i live in an area with lots of trees, and local DTV dealers said... no Line-of-sight... and I know i can pick up DTV signal...
So my question is.. can I do a self-install ? What do i need? what dish/lnb?
What kind of receiver and where to get it? is ebay ok?
will DTV activate self-installed receiver? from what i know I need 2 dishes.. 20" and 36" ( one for internationals and other for Basic package? )
I will need 2 receivers.

Please point me in the right direction...

DirecTV will reimburse your cost if you hire an independent installer, this is an option. If you really like to DIY, then you have to get the right Dish for programming. Do you want HD? If so then you will need either a AT-9 or Slimline Dish. You can purchase this at Ebay. Right now these type of dishes are not available in stores like Circuitcity of Bestbuy. Make sure if you invest in a receiver like the HR20, it's best to buy it at Circuitcity or BestBuy, and then get reimbursed for it at activation. Keep in mind you will not own the equipment, it will be leased. You will need to make sure you buy a Zinwell WB68 multiswitch for 3 or more sets. If you only need two then you can do without the switch. The new AT-9 and Slimline are very difficult to align and peak, because of the new Ka band satellites @99 and 103. The Ku band had room for error, but these newer satellites have to be right on to get a desirable signal. It's best to have a digital meter specifically for Ka band. Only about two types can do Ka band.
If you have good credit, you can get a free install (Standard installation) and likely free equipment if you call 18005315000. They have some good promotions right now.

Good luck with your install.
thanks for the reply... but im still a little confused.
here's more details...
I'm interested in the new Polish Programming package... i have no idea where it is (which bird).
from what my local DTV dealer tells me in order to get that i have to also get basic package for $10 a month and another dish pointing to a different bird.
No, i don't need HD.

If i get a receiver at circuit city, will DTV reimburse me for it, even if i do a self-install and i'm not a dealer/installer?

I need the cheapest and easiest to install set-up..
if anyone would give me a list like: get dish so-and-so point it at XX west. another dish so-and-so point it at xxx west.
i already know about the switch.... and how about receivers? any type? i need the cheapest ones ;D

plus.. if I buy the receiver at CC, (looks like they're $49), why wouldn't I own it?
im confused ;D
thanks for the reply... but im still a little confused.
here's more details...
I'm interested in the new Polish Programming package... i have no idea where it is (which bird).
from what my local DTV dealer tells me in order to get that i have to also get basic package for $10 a month and another dish pointing to a different bird.
No, i don't need HD.

If i get a receiver at circuit city, will DTV reimburse me for it, even if i do a self-install and i'm not a dealer/installer?

I need the cheapest and easiest to install set-up..
if anyone would give me a list like: get dish so-and-so point it at XX west. another dish so-and-so point it at xxx west.
i already know about the switch.... and how about receivers? any type? i need the cheapest ones ;D

plus.. if I buy the receiver at CC, (looks like they're $49), why wouldn't I own it?
im confused ;D
You need a 36" dish pointed at the 95deg. location for international channels, that dish can also pick up 101 where D* has their main programming.

No Directv won't reimburse you for leasing one of their receivers. The D11 will be your cheapest and simplest receiver. Directv dosen't sell their receivers any more they learned from DISH that the corporate bottom line looks better when you retain ownership. That receiver that you get from CC is subsidized by D* so you are leasing not buying.

If you are a new customer and you like CC sign up as a new customer through them and get FREE install and equipment. If their installer says no go that will be two different installers that say you can't see the 95 satellite believe them.
Like i said in the first post... I have to do self install for many reasons:
1. I rent a house, and the owner will not allow to put a dish on the house. Only option is a nearby tree or something. ;)
2. i already had 3 installers from directtv and 3 from dish network. all of them said no LOS. I was able to pickup signal for dish network by myself in no time. so i don't belive installers. Right now I have a dish pointing @ 97W (globecast), another for 61.5W, and another for 110/119. all of them i pointed myself, and 3 dish installers said that there's no way i can pickup any signal...
3. even if i had LOS i prefer to run wires myself - i do it the way i want it etc.

so ... I do have to the install myself. so please don't send me to dtv installers. question is about self-install.

what kind of dish do i need? what lnb? please help. ;)
Like i said in the first post... I have to do self install for many reasons:
1. I rent a house, and the owner will not allow to put a dish on the house. Only option is a nearby tree or something. ;)
2. i already had 3 installers from directtv and 3 from dish network. all of them said no LOS. I was able to pickup signal for dish network by myself in no time. so i don't belive installers. Right now I have a dish pointing @ 97W (globecast), another for 61.5W, and another for 110/119. all of them i pointed myself, and 3 dish installers said that there's no way i can pickup any signal...
3. even if i had LOS i prefer to run wires myself - i do it the way i want it etc.

so ... I do have to the install myself. so please don't send me to dtv installers. question is about self-install.

what kind of dish do i need? what lnb? please help. ;)

Keep in mind that, ALL the sat's you've mentioned are pointing in a different direction than D* sat's point, 97 being the closest, but still not close enough to give you a good idea about LOS.
You did mention that you picked up DISH signals, what sat was that ? If it was in the 72 range (I'm not a dish guy) so I don't know all thier sats. but I think they did have something in the 70's at one time.
IF you got the CORE programming 101-127* range, then I would agree that you should be able to get D* signals.

IF you plan on having D* re-imburse you, you better make sure you talk to them and explain what your doing FIRST and make sure they note any working deals on your account.

I have always installed all of my dishes too (except the AT-9, which I wanted to see it done first, now I am pretty confident that I can do them too).
When I originally set up service at my current home, I had everything done and had a picture on channel 100 and called and had them turn me on, the lady said I could not do it myself, I asked why not and told her I had picture and sound. She was in dis belief, floored that someone else could do it..... I've had service ever since.

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If you want International + regular programming + locals you will need as follows

1. International 36" Dish aimed at 95 and 101

2. Flexport capable multiswitch, typically Zinwell WB68

3. Possibly, A phase 3 18x20 triple lnb satellite dish for 101/110/119

It is possible that if you're in a market with locals coming from the 101 slot that you could get locals and regular programming using the 101lnb clip that comes with the international dish, but without knowing your location I can't say.
Like i said in the first post... I have to do self install for many reasons:
1. I rent a house, and the owner will not allow to put a dish on the house. Only option is a nearby tree or something. ;)
2. i already had 3 installers from directtv and 3 from dish network. all of them said no LOS. I was able to pickup signal for dish network by myself in no time. so i don't belive installers. Right now I have a dish pointing @ 97W (globecast), another for 61.5W, and another for 110/119. all of them i pointed myself, and 3 dish installers said that there's no way i can pickup any signal...
3. even if i had LOS i prefer to run wires myself - i do it the way i want it etc.

so ... I do have to the install myself. so please don't send me to dtv installers. question is about self-install.

what kind of dish do i need? what lnb? please help. ;)
6 guys and you belived none of them....Then you say you are getting sigs off three slots...Depends on where you mounted your dishes..If you had to put them in placves that would have resulted in a spec violation, the tech is liable for backcharges and fines...You are not..
for instance..You asked aboput mounting a dish to a tree.No tech worth his salt and with aoounce of integrity would install a dish on a tree...
Where did you place your dishes..What are they physically attached to?...Are they properly grounded?..Are those dishes on poles les than 100 feet from your house?...There are lots of reasons why techs will not do installs...Who knows...Perhaps all 6 were in fact lazy..I doubt it.....I wonder what your signal strengths are....
Look, if you are suspicious of all techs, do it yourself....
Yes you can do it yourself

I have two dishes mounted on a 20 ft. tall steel pipe tower at my house because the roof of my house will not clear the tree line. If you can remove leaves by trimming a tree or get above the tree line you should have no problems pick up 75 or 95 satellites. I use mine to pick up Russian TV for my wife parents, to be stable it must be a tripod type of tower. single steel pole will sway in the wind. You will have to use a signal amplifier if your run is over a hundred feet, an international directv 36 inch dish, and a 6 x 8 switch. since you will have three dishes already. I just pick one up a dish on ebay $49.00 watch shipping cost some will sell dish cheap and get you on shipping and handling. You can get used receiver all day long for $20.00 on ebay but you might have to ask direct for a new card. Make sure it is a model Directv is still selling. I got the 6x8 switch for $30.00. I found one seller that would sell the dish with the switch. I called Directv and they said they would reimburse me for my receiver so I bought my receive from Best Buy for $99.00 and Directv gave me 99.00 credit on my bill as a upgrade on equipment and 4 months of HD for free. If you get a HD20 it will tell you where to point your dishes. just inter your zip code and what dishes you are installing and it does the math. It will also ask what switch you have installed. I have mine setup in two location. With the permission of Directv. But I had to pay for my own second setup. I used to have a C band setup in the 80's so I decided to set my own up. All I can say if you can not get a clear line of site between dish and satellite you can not get a signal. Installers are lazy and do not like to any extra work and you never get one to set it up in a tree. I hope you grounded your dish. If you have not you are risking getting someone killed. Your wire should have a external ground wire on the outside ground it to the dish and to a copper pipe or rod. I set up a three LMB with out a satellite meter. The five LMB is used for local HD stations. I used two cell phones so that my son could tell me how strong my signal was at the receiver. You have two get a good signal for all three satellites. Second thing figure your compass reading on the ground first when I got on the tower I found the steel messed with the compass reading and I could not get a true reading. I set a board on the ground in front of my tower to give me the correct degree. It was a little tricky but it worked for me. Your mounting pole must be level if you are doing it this way, because it will change your tilt as you turn left or right. I get my local HD TV channel from ground TV signals. The HD20 has HD tv tuner built in the receiver. REMEMBER IF YOU CAN SEE SOMETHING IN FRONT OF WHERE YOU ARE AIMING AT YOU WILL NOT GET A SIGNAL. I HAVE SEEN A ONE SMALL BRANCH IN FRONT OF A DISH STOP A SIGNAL.
When we were using 10 foot dishes you could have a small part of the dish blocked. Directv Satellite have a stronger signal then the C Band satellite of the 80's. But you have such a small area to pick up the signal so every inch of the Dish area is need. One degree of can mean total loss of signal.
If you are wondering how I mounted the dish I used (2) 2 inch automotive exhaust clamps to a level cross brace then leveled mounting pole with a bubble level that came with the dish.
Lastly you own the receiver but you have to pay to use each receiver hook up. When you call in you will be asked your receivers ID number and card ID number. A ground phone line is no longer required. Your receiver will be updated by the Satellite and your receiver will not power up unless you have both the card number and receiver ID current. They will ask you if you have a picture. They will ask you to power down the receiver and even unplug it if one of the number is wrong. One of my receivers had the wrong number Id on the outside so the used the Id number that came up on the TV screen so. This can take up to an hour to do. To order PPV can be phone in or done by the internet, for no extra charge. You can hook up the ground phone line, but you do not have to. I have heard problems that some people had after hooking it up to a ground phone line so if you I will not be using pay per veiw I would not connect it to a phone line. BTW if you are using an HD TV and using the DVI cable it may not be compatiable with the TV tuner If the picture flicker black or you loose sound use the RGB cable. Hope this helps and good luck.:hatsoff:
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