SEC Network SD disappeared

This quote is from this thread.

It looks like your SEC Network has been taken down and isn't being broadcast on the Western Arc at all at the moment. I don't know for sure, but I would suspect that once Dish is done with their rearranging (which is supposed to be by the end of July), you will get it back on either 110 or 119 (since it has been said that 129 is no longer going to be used). I definitely don't know about whether it will be in SD or HD, but I know that I lost the ACC network (which was in SD for me), and I really hope that when it returns that it will be in HD.

While I'm working on SEC network...when did you lose ACC? Are you conus?
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While I'm working on SEC network...when did you lose ACC? Are you conus?
He's not CONUS. Or in a territory for that matter, if you catch my drift. I'm letting you know now because last time you interacted with this individual certain members of the forum (not ScubaGuy, of course) started attacking you over Dish policies and I would like to avoid a repeat of the same situation.
He's not CONUS. Or in a territory for that matter, if you catch my drift. I'm letting you know now because last time you interacted with this individual certain members of the forum (not ScubaGuy, of course) started attacking you over Dish policies and I would like to avoid a repeat of the same situation.
Thanks ethanlerma . That's true. That time got a little ugly, and I would prefer to not have that happen again, either. I'd like to just mind my own business and enjoy my perfectly legit and paid for Dish service (albeit, not actually on US soil).
I don't know when I lost it, although I suspect it was when zippyfrog posted all of those changes. I only use the ACC network to watch NC State football and men's basketball, so I haven't had a need to watch it lately. I am only able to pick up CONUS beams (no spots).
Sorry about being the bearer of bad news that day...
Sorry about being the bearer of bad news that day...
Ha! To be honest, as I mentioned before, I really don't watch the ACC network this time of year. However, even if you had posted news about a channel taken down that I do watch regularly, I certainly wouldn't be mad at you for being the messenger. In fact, it would be quite the opposite - I really appreciate posts such as yours since they let me know what's going on. Thanks so much for taking the time to do so!
Dish must be moving some of the RSNs around. For years we got Big Ten Network on 410. Last week it moved to 405.
I still have it on 410. Did you get a new receiver? The newer receivers pick up SEC Network on 404-01 (and the alternates on 404-02 and 404-03), Big 10 Network is on 405-01 (and the alternates on 405-02 through 405-05) and PAC 12 Network on 406-01(and the alternates on 406-02 through 406-05). The old receivers still have SEC on 408, PAC 12 on 409, and Big 10 on 410.
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I still have it on 410. Did you get a new receiver? The newer receivers pick up SEC Network on 404-01 (and the alternates on 404-02 and 404-03), Big 10 Network is on 405-01 (and the alternates on 405-02 through 405-05) and PAC 12 Network on 406-01(and the alternates on 406-02 through 406-05). The old receivers still have SEC on 408, PAC 12 on 409, and Big 10 on 410.
Nope. Had an H3 for over a year now and it moved. Also relatives who have 2 old and 1 new receiver and it also moved on those as well. Just happened early last week.
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Yep Big 10 is on 405 on the Hopper 3.

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Hopper 3 software 350

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