Did the installer point your dish at the peak of the wobble of E5 or just peaked it at the highest signal level he could get?
I waited until the the top of the cycle, when I was getting the max signal I ever get, then I peaked the dish and gained about 10-12 more points than the higest peak I ever typically received. Then I locked it down and came back in and checked it out. On average, I was getting 8-10 points higher than I had previously been getting on each TP on E5. TP27 was the exception, which was still an issue, as it would drop as low as 5 (on the revised meter), but everything else pretty much stays in the 35-55 range (new scale), which I can't complain about really.
That's hard to say as far as the timing of the point. I do remember that the meter started to dip as the guys were coming down off the roof. Maybe you hit on something though. The installer did say that the majority of installs were with the 24 and to his knowledge they were all working fine. Could be this guy was better at it than the guy that dish sent out to do the 24 (as I recall did not have that much confidence in that guys ability and after he left I reaimed with just the 622 meter and got better results).
I guess the main thing is we are both doing good on 129 now.