Your problems are different because csabec has a SWiM LNB and cspiteri has a Legacy LNB. Don't get me wrong I think the LNB is the problem in both cases, but it would be for different reasons. The SWiM LNB is (for lack of a better word) computerized, and when the computer is faulty it has problems communicating with the tuners. Since the tuners are addressed dynamically, problems like csabec and myself had can jump from tuner to tuner, or follow a specific tuner from port to port on the splitter.
The Legacy LNB is "dumb" and relies on each tuner to tell it what to do. Usually legacy problems manifest on one port and affect everything related to that port, or they manifest on one feedhorn and affect the same group of channels on all ports. That's why I suggested switching the cables to the other two ports to see if the problem goes away. That would verify a bad port.
The Legacy LNB is "dumb" and relies on each tuner to tell it what to do. Usually legacy problems manifest on one port and affect everything related to that port, or they manifest on one feedhorn and affect the same group of channels on all ports. That's why I suggested switching the cables to the other two ports to see if the problem goes away. That would verify a bad port.
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