Seagate 1TB Mobile HDD for Wally?

Hard to give a definitive answer, but probably, yes. I've used a variety of drives with my Wally. I've had nothing but problems with 500G drives, but my current (ex-laptop) 750G drive has worked flawlessly for over a year now. Occasionally I get a USB interface the Wally doesn't like, but if I get one that is compatible, any drive put in it worked. YMMV, but hard to see the downside of trying. One time the Wally balked at formatting a drive, so I put it back into a PC and cleaned it with DISKPART, and then it worked fine.
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Well, again, you are limiting yourself to a 2.5 in drive,
One reason that I am leaning toward the 2.5 drive is I already have the HDD. I am also limited on space and I want something I can put on the wall behind the TV along with the Wally. I have found a sleeve for the HDD enclosure to fit in.
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Hopper Plus and Joey 4s Not Updating

Recommendation to Dish - Dump Hopper+ and Rembrace Virtual Joey
