SDR Raspberry pi, mounted remote at antenna?

I would hate to be so smart that any ideas outside of your box is automatically wrong. Why no thinking outside of the box? If you have a wife I feel sorry for her.
I would hate to be so smart that any ideas outside of your box is automatically wrong. Why no thinking outside of the box?
I didn't say it was wrong, just not as convenient.

Thinking outside the box is great for innovators who are looking to create the next big thing but it isn't particularly useful for those who just want to try something as there is a lot more to getting it going if you have to tweak and compile your own software for a different platform entirely on top of figuring out any differences in pinouts.
Your proposal sounds a little like the DIY ADSB receivers developed by C. Young. His design uses the Raspberry Pi and two DVR tuners to pick up signals transmitted directly by airplanes and the FAA groundstations and transmits the results to IPad tablets which take the data and displays surrounding aircraft on a map (similar to radar) and weather information including radar displays. His software is open source. There are commercial versions of these running around $900 and the DIY versions cost about $200 to build with cooling fans and a GPS chip. Stratux Build Guide | Everything a DIYer Needs to Build Their Own Stratux Box and GitHub - cyoung/stratux: Aviation weather and traffic receiver based on RTL-SDR.

Mediumwave suggestions?

Arnie Coro passes
