Scripps News shutting down OTA 'after' November 15th


Satellite Guys Family
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Lifetime Supporter
Nov 13, 2013
Central Pennsylvania
... Scripps News will be shutting down the OTA portion of their business after November 15th.
IMO, the beginning of the slow loss of OTA broadcasting. The old-school business model of commercial broadcast network TV will probably be completely abandoned by the end of this decade, and most bandwidth given back, in exchange for incentive$.

Most of my friends stream what they watch, now. And they watch a lot less linear TV than they used to. When I mention getting an antenna, they usually reply, "what for - there's nothing to watch on there any more."
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The old-school business model of commercial broadcast network TV will probably be completely abandoned by the end of this decade, and most bandwidth given back, in exchange for incentive$.

You're probably right, but I hope not.

ATSC 3.0 was botched IMO, pretty much DOA. Nobody is talking about it except on forums like this.

I think people will use TV antennas for a long time to come, but I doubt we'll ever see much improvement beyond what we already have.
The problem with OTA is the content, they're not showing anything people want to watch. I have an OTA antenna in my attic and barely use it. Probably wouldn't bother reinstalling it if I moved.
Yes, only good for live sports and news, but the rest of the regular programmings are most old and G-rated junk and waste of taxpayers money on FCC's censorship on 7 dirty words and nudity ban.

While European broadcasters are light years ahead on showing high quality uncut and uncensored TV shows that are made in USA!🙄

Why are we have to be forced to pay to get high quality adult TV programs while G-rated shows to be satisfied to FCC and wasting on taxpayer's money...🙄😛

All in name so called save the children and Bible thumper with their outdated medieval junk from the past have nothing to with in the 21st century.

That's what's killing the FTA OTA broadcasting eco, systems and not able to compete against pay TV systems by hand tying the poor FTA OTA broadcasters by the FCC!🙄

That's the way it is right now and the way it's going...🙄😔
It's a shame the poor Scripps News is a true neutral News no left or rights bias.

It got killed by TV advertising that got freaked out by pressure from several groups telling them not put any ads on Scripps News ad slot time placement. That's probably what kill them is lack of much-needed revenue to keep FTA News network on the air.

Advertising people need to learn how to tune out the pressure from ether groups pressuring to boycott the networks or stations.🙄😔
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Was hoping to at least get another channel not currently present in our market when they pulled the news channel. Unfortunately Scripps just put up a simulcast of Ion from it sister station KTPX. I would rather have had the bandwidth put back in the bucket to help the other channels in the mux instead of another simulcast.
Unfortunately here in Albuquerque TV market KOB-DT "Hubbard" has just decided to carry ION TV Network, creating unwanted duplicates of ION which is all ready on KWBQ-DT.😛

A total waste of RF spectrum, I just wish Nextstar's Newsnation to be put on FTA over the air O&O stations.

KWBQ-DT is owned and operated by Nextstar.

And for folks living in metro Albuquerque why are we not getting ME-Toons.

KOB-DT, can't carry ME-Toons because Weigal is filing a CP for a satellite terrestrial full power station for metro Albuquerque on RF ch. 12 at 33 KW ERP, KKAB-DT! :) :hungry2

Which might go on the air maybe in late 2025 or early 2026 subject to FCC'S approval.🤞:hatsoff
Unfortunately here in Albuquerque TV market KOB-DT "Hubbard" has just decided to carry ION TV Network, creating unwanted duplicates of ION which is all ready on KWBQ-DT
Since Hubbard already had an agreement with Ion they figured might as well carry it ;)
Hubbard has Ion in Duluth, MN, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NY and Albuquerque
The only markets where they own a station and don't have it is Minneapolis (we have a Ion station) and Albany NY (same reason). Hubbards Minneapolis station does carry Ion Plus (as do the others listed above)

And for folks living in metro Albuquerque why are we not getting ME-Toons.
Because nobody signed a agreement to carry it...duh! :D
You want it? Get frndly tv. I don't get MeTv Toons in my market so I have frndly. Great investment!
I just saw this story that Scripps News will be shutting down the OTA portion of their business after November 15th. :(

I hate when some channels when they decide to pull channels off the OTB television stations. I kinda liked script news. The Live Well Network I liked as well but the people who running the channel pulled it off as well. I wonder if I could find it on roku that I have now.
Yes, only good for live sports and news, but the rest of the regular programmings are most old and G-rated junk and waste of taxpayers money on FCC's censorship on 7 dirty words and nudity ban.

While European broadcasters are light years ahead on showing high quality uncut and uncensored TV shows that are made in USA!🙄

Why are we have to be forced to pay to get high quality adult TV programs while G-rated shows to be satisfied to FCC and wasting on taxpayer's money...🙄😛

All in name so called save the children and Bible thumper with their outdated medieval junk from the past have nothing to with in the 21st century.

That's what's killing the FTA OTA broadcasting eco, systems and not able to compete against pay TV systems by hand tying the poor FTA OTA broadcasters by the FCC!🙄

That's the way it is right now and the way it's going...🙄😔
I wish that FCC lighten up the rules and give what people want without the backlash from the FCC. Granted I'm a Christian and I don't want to watch some of these shows but I would like to have some of the shows be available for other people to watch them. There's a thing called freedom of speech and I like to have the FCC listen to the people and give them something what they want to see.
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Scripps News was my go to, default channel I had my 'tuners' parked on. Their news was factual and not cheap opinion based like 4 'other' so-called 'news' stations that were all extremists hate filled opinions.

ATSC 3.0 was botched IMO, pretty much DOA. Nobody is talking about it except on forums like this.
Not just opinion, it's fact ! AFAIC, is dead in the water.

The Golden Age of HDTV was during the 1st decade of the 21'st century, partly continuing into the 2nd decade, then it more or less died mostly thanks to all of these useless 'cheap to produce' so called 'Reality' programming. :mad: