... Without reading it over again the first thing that comes to mind is the outdoor channel, it is available from Dtv.
If you are going to criticize someone, make sure you're getting the criticism right. In the above quoted case, you did not. Let's look at what Scott actually said:
... and while I have the DIrecTV Plus HD DVR package plus 3 months free of HBO, Showtime and Cinemax...
...In addition some channels that I am use to having on Dish are not available to me such as the Outdoor Channel....
While the Outdoor Channel is available in the Sports Pack, Premier or ala carte, it is not available in the Plus HD DVR package that Scott specifically said he had. Therefore, he was correct in his comment and you are guilty of not reading the post completely.
If you are so sloppy that I can find such a glaring error in about 20 seconds, why should I listen to anythng else you have to say?
"You ARE the Weakest Link-Good Bye!"