Scott's Crystal Ball Prdictions (A PLEA TO DISH NETWORK)

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I just hope dish gives in and agrees with your plea Scott
it sounds like a voice of reason which I'm sure would do dish good
If there is a problem with the 622 as it seems there is, maybe this time they could fix the problem before releasing it to the public. It seems to me they basically had the same scenario for a while they tend to release flawed receivers from the get go

If a customer is spending $$$ why not try to give him the best product you can?

All new hd channels in Mpeg2 would be great, got my fingers crossed

Since it seems the 211 does have problems and the 622 might have problems
Wait until you can figure out how to fix these flaws then release receivers to the public.
Might cost dish some money now todo this, but there customers Im sure would be willing to wait for a product that works, I know I would
Another reason for this idea is it would allow Dish Network to slow down the migration to MPEG4, the only folks who would need MPEG4 to start would be people wanting HD locals.

This would give Dish time to fix the issues they are having and to ramp up production. Again while they are doing this they are making revenue off of the new HD channels which are online without customers having to rush to get new boxes.
I've said it over and over, but I'll add it to this thread in case someone at E* with a clue happens to read it...

I'd be on the phone (on hold with the masses) at 12:00:01 on 2/1 to order the new HD package, should it be available to my 811/942! I'd be happy to get a new 622 if it were actually an available, working product and 921/942 owners weren't put off till April for a rebate.

Think how much additional revenue you would add by making the package available to current 921/942 owners NOW, vs, how much you wouldnt get it if were not available to us for another 2-3 months.

Thank you Scott for making the plea on our behalf!
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Well myself, and the masses out there, would love to be one of the first ones to get the VIP622 up and running this week. But the real reality of it is, just as Scott said, there will be a lot of pissed off people. I will be enjoying my HD OTA for the time being but it won't be long where I will want to have everything DVR'ed like it is right now on my 522. I just hope that E* can get there $*#@ together to get us the units that they are promoting so strongly.
Scott--sounds like a logical suggestion. Also, if anyone looks at numbers and statistics (which I think Charlie would also be doing), HD tv sales (my son-in-law is making hordes of commision right now on HD sets) are going up, UP, UP. Once the new customers get the HD sets, they will be looking for DISH network and ordering HD--BUT if there is a delay AT ALL, where will they go???????

If they can get it NOW, via the 942 and all the new channels are available to the 942 and THEN get the upgrade to the 622 when it is available, how much more likely to be come NEW Dish customers?

Also, it DOEs look like a lot of DISH customers are going to jump off the wagon. I, for one, was going to cancel VOOM Feb 1. I just do not watch the type of programming they have and the new channels with the new movie channels "might" entice me to add VOOM back if I had a way to get the channels.

Come April, May--a lot of people migrate outside to other hobbies rather than staying inside and watching TV, so we may not be so interested in upgrading until fall.

FEBRUARY is the perfect TIME to get ALL customers hooked on ALL HD!
I think they should add all new HD channels FREE now (MEPEG2), however I do plan to up-grade to them and the extra charge is not an issue. If DISH was really smart (?) take orders now for these up-grades (hold on credit cards?) and supply a credit for any pre-orders for these new channels or package. I'm sure they could establish a new temporary HD package, or temporary monthly credit if they were organized! Someone has dropped the ball and should be replaced. They could turn this issue into a win-win situation, but that would be something un-expected to all of us. Big companies, unless they are loosing money, just don't care. We received an offer from FORD for a free $50 pre-paid credit card to test drive one of their new cars. Just planned to make the $50, but guess what?, we ended up trading our 2002 for a new 2006. We are happy and I'm sure Ford is too. It was a "Win-Win". Wake-up DISH!
If the VIP622 is not going to be available till the end of Feb (I posted two weeks ago that it would be March) then waiting until April is not a big thing. I was one of the first with an 811 and it had to go back within the first month. I will be more than happy to wait for a 622 'that works'.

As for Scott's Crystal Ball --- I hope that baby is giving you a clear view Scott.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Dish Network has had to send back severla thousuand ViP622's beacuse of a chip defect.

This sounds like a bit of a grey area to me. Maybe they taint information a specific way to figure out where the leak came from.

Anyway, I do have a question about that one.....

The 211s shipped, and they have the MPEG-4 decode chip in it. Why aren't they recalled?

The 622 is for the most part a 942 with an MPEG-4 chip on it, right?

What other chip would be bad in it besides the MPEG-4 decoder chip?

It just doesn't appear like it adds up right.
There's a lot riding on this for Dish.

They can either stay the course and confirm to more and more subs what they may only suspect at this point (especially once Feb 1st comes and goes)


they can adjust their plans like Scott has suggested (along with a few others over the past couple weeks), in which case most of this negative press will probably be forgotten and Dish can go about patting themselves on the back for such tremendous insight.:D
I have no inside that the boxes were recalled, but that is what one site is reporting.

I do however on the other hand have been told by more then one person at Dish that they will only be releasing a small handfull of 622's this week just so they can say they are shipping them.

As I said I just report it, take what you hear from here and other sites and make your own decissions.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Since we all KNOW that the channels up there are in MPEG2 anyways why not make them available to everyone who wants them NOW (and wants to pay for them) with the caviot added that when the customer signs up they are told that the new channels will go away on July 15th, unless they upgrade their equipment to MPEG4 by that time.
This is an excellent suggestion, Scott! And in theory this should satisfy everyone.
Let me pay for my 622 and for the new programming now, let the Dish get my money today, not in April (which I am fine with). Let me watch the new channels starting on 2/1 and then install the 622 whenever it is ready - no rush. We know this is all technically possible!
Count me as another "....what Scott said!!". That'd be a great plan.

For one, I had planned on waiting til April to replace my 942 with a 622 for the 2 obvious reasons:
- give the early adopters/debuggers a chance to make MY 622 better, and
- to get the rebate (duh)

But - if the new HD channels were available in MPEG 2 on my 942, I'd be giving Dish more $$'s starting on Feb 1st. Seems like this would be a no-brainer for Dish - the channels are up there in MPEG2 - fix the headers & TAKE MY MONEY until we can all get a 622.
That is an excellent idea for Dish. Dish even can make it more straight: only people committed to upgrade now will be able to receive new channels now in MPEG2. That will prevent all cry-babies who will scream about loosing channels when MPEG4 receivers will show up in masses and be ready to lit right away.
I am willing to pay $299 for HD DVR upgrade now, pay for new channels now, wait for 622 when it will be ready to ship (no rush), and get that $200 rebate after activating 622.
It is a win-win, unless Dish is willing to loose here.
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Minsk1 said:
Dish even can make it more straight: only people committed to upgrade now will be able to receive new channels now in MPEG2. That will prevent all cry-babies who will scream about loosing channels when MPEG4 receivers will show up in masses and be ready to lit right away.
Or even make them Pay-per-View for now and then apply these PPV payments toward the future equipment upgrade! ;)
jsanders says:

This sounds like a bit of a grey area to me. Maybe they taint information a specific way to figure out where the leak came from.

Anyway, I do have a question about that one.....

The 211s shipped, and they have the MPEG-4 decode chip in it. Why aren't they recalled?

The 622 is for the most part a 942 with an MPEG-4 chip on it, right?

What other chip would be bad in it besides the MPEG-4 decoder chip?

It just doesn't appear like it adds up right.

Oh there's a few others in there. Don't forget, this is a PC which happens to be dedicated to a function (satellite reception), running Linux.

Care to hazard a guess how many chips are on a typical PC?

There's the HDMI chipset, not to mention the Video Processor board, the network ASIC (ViP remember) and quite a few others.

You've jumped to a conclusion with too little information.

I know it would never happen, but why not just show them all for Free right now on our existing equipment. I personally don't see the need to upgrade to the stations based on what I've read. What better way to sell me on the new stations than by giving us current HD subscribers a 1-week look or more at the new channels. Like I said they don't sound that exciting, but I'm sure a week with UHD or ESPN2-HD, and I'll be ringing them for my upgrade ASAP.
BTW I got a note from a few contacts who tell me Dish only expects to ship a little over 200 622 units in February.

One of these contacts is very high up in the company
Scott Greczkowski said:
BTW I got a note from a few contacts who tell me Dish only expects to ship a little over 200 622 units in February.

One of these contacts is very high up in the company

Can we start a lottery as to how many of those 200 have to be RMA'd back to Dish:D
Scott Greczkowski said:
BTW I got a note from a few contacts who tell me Dish only expects to ship a little over 200 622 units in February.

One of these contacts is very high up in the company
Sounds like E* is following in Microsoft's footsteps on how not to release a new product. :(
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Do local Dishnetwork dealers honor the dishn it up deal?

Hypothetical system manipulation...
