Scott Pederson Loves E* Porn

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Thanks Korsjs.

Hey, I used to be a DISH sub, Directv had a better thing going so we switched. No biggie.

I was just making a point about you guys going off topic and going into a DBSTalk-esque manner of things. I would hate to see this board do the same thing.

To get things back on topic I think the prosecution will use this as evidence of his way of thinking before the killing. Just my opinion though. :)
Nothing personal Neutron, it's all in good fun. :) Besides I really find it hard to take a thread titled "Scott Pederson loves E* Porn seriously. :D

I still think he's guilty. This porn is just another notch on the guilty bedpost of reasons to convict him. The trouble is, they're all circumstantial.

1) Bought porn while wife was "missing"
2) Fishing on Christmas Eve (who fishes on XMas eve?)
3) Just happened to be fishing where Laci was found
4) He was cheating with a butterface, probably because a 9 month pregnant woman doesn't put out.
5) He was arrested headed for the border, hair dyed, with over $10k.

I think he's a california player who just realized his present woman is pregnant and the fun was going away, so he grabbed a second girl to keep up the player lifestyle. He couldn't divorce Laci because then he'd have a kid and child support, and that isn't 'cool'.. gives the women he chases a look into who he really is, so he off's them both and tried to dump her in the bay.

He probably did it to keep his image.. although that horribly backfired, didn't it. he forgot it's California.. the most gooey brained emotion run state in the union. He'll probably get the chair.
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Interesting read

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