Scott G. Happy B-day!

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I ahve been distracted which does not excuse missing your Birthday Mr. G. Best wishes.
Happy BDay Scott!
Thanks guys. :)

We are having a great time here in the Middle of the Ocean. Today we visited the Island of Grand Turk, spent the day snorkeling with the wife and kids.

Last night saw a great show on the ship, normally cruise shows are hokey but this one was very very well done.

Got to go, internet on the boat is expensive. :)
HEY Happy birthday scott (sorry this is late, but we ran into some networking problems at work) I hope you had a great birthday, and are having a great time on vacation with your family, all of our prayers are with you scott, Relax and ENJOY! your personal bodyguard (iceburg) is doing a great job here.
You know what we should have done? Played "How do you Spell "Greczkowski" without cutting/pasting like I just did and without looking...Coulda been fun If I had thought of it earlier...

I only mention it because of all the "G." I see in the thread, kinda funny to me...
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