Scott, Any Word on Fixes to Correct Some of the 811 Problems


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Hey Scott,

You seem to have some inside connections at E*. Have you checked lately to see how things are going with the fixes to the 811 software.

I think the electronic program guide information (a couple of hours instead of a couple of days), the PIP in the guide (takes awhile before it displays), and the correct OTA channel mapping (PSIP) are some of the key items that are really starting to annoy my wife, and you know what they say, 'if the wife's not happy, nobody is going to be happy'.
Those issues are annoying, but I *really* want the very dark S-Video and slightly dim HD Video fixed..

Whats the Word from those contacts Scott, what is on the official 811 fix list???

What did 263 do?(other than nothing obvious)

Is there a timeline for fixes???

Am I asking for to much..
I having the same issues.

My concern is that they have now released the 921 and the 811 will be put on the back burner. The 921 is there Flagship hardware and all effort will be put towards to making it work correctly. I hope I am wrong.
John I hope you are correct.

I work in the IT field and know how resources are moved to
what ever hot project is going on.

From what I understand Dish software developers are already
Stretched thin.

I guess time will tell
All my contacts are just like me this week...

On Vacation.

This is why software updates are not going out.

Then next week is CES so most of the contacts will be out of the office for that as well.

We will get some big news from BOTH companies next week at CES, but for the most part things will be quiet from the engeneering standpoint.

Scott's 921 Has Arrived!

Same old story on the 811. No stock till mid Jan.

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