Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

What I can't believe is that they would turn on CNN HD, which in my opinion shows very little HD, and now the possibility of CN HD, which probably has NO HD! It doesn't have to be SCI-FI HD or USA but come on. Give us the opportunity to watch some NEW, TRUE HD!
But CN HD won't look as sh!tty as it does in the over compressed SD. SD broadcast on an HD channel looks better than SD on an HD TV.

It's my opinion traditional news media is out dated and slanted. I get my news online from several sources. To me any News channel in HD is a waste, including ESPN News.
So can anyone confirm that Cartoon Network HD is, in fact, LIVE? I find it hard to believe that Dish would advertise something that was coming "soon"...
Actually, they have historically been very careful about not saying anything officially (see SciFi-HD and USA-HD as good examples) about channels that are coming soon. Even the last Charlie Chat was very vague: here's a bunch of HD channels and we may or may not be getting them "soon." All the CSRs are trained to tell people to "check out the website" for announcements as to when new channels will be available. And now it shows on their website so, yes, I'm surprised if it's not LIVE.
No, it is not on and the CSR's know nothing, I just got off a 20 min chat with a Dish rep. I asked what channel it was on and was told they didn't have it, I then explained I had been told to check the website, I told him I did and that it was there and should be available. I was then told I "was mistaken" at that point I got a little ticked and things progressed, He then informed me the channel was 176 (toon) and that it was SD, I told him I know that and that TOON was not the cartoon network, end all be all, he knows nothing except to say not available, coming soon, and check the website. I gave up!!!!!!!!!!
I can't really get myself too worked up -- the channels will come when they come and there is nothing I can do to force it.

But I have to admit I am really disappointed that I am watching the last season of BSG in SD when the HD option has been pending for so long.

No irrelevant threats about pulling my business in a fit, but I must admit that in all honesty I am looking more and more frequently at D* channel listings. Were it not for Voom I would probably have moved already (and yes, we watch a lot of the Voom channels in my house).

Ah well..I keep hoping for something "before the next episode of BSG" but I think I will have to go back to not checking because it just annoys me and that does me no good at all.
I'm not getting worked up, I'm just saying that if a company advertises a service to the customer but doesn't truly have it, there is something wrong with the way that company is doing business.

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