Meanwhile back at Dish Headquarters...
"Hey don't forget you have the chat tonite."
Oh crap, I forgot and now its too late to put something together! Why are we still doing this? The guys from 5 Guys, they don't visit every store anymore. Why do I need to "chat" with a few subs who accidently tuned in and of course all those nuts on the sat forums. God, if they keep calling I'm gonna shoot myself. Ok, what did we talk about last time? Ah, here's that printout from last time. We'll just use that.
Hey is a vendor still in the house? We need a guest on the show. He's still here? What a pinhead... yeah ok, tell him to hang around and we'll throw him in front of the camera before he knows what's going on.
What's the word on that channel with the aliens on it? No, not BorderHD, that was a joke for using subs to monitor the border. Yeah, SciFi-HD. What? What email? I never saw it. Yeah, well she never saw it and then never forwarded it to me. What did it say? They never got our last reply? I bet their d@mn spam filter is still not letting our messages through. Yeah I know they claimed our filter was the problem but they're wrong. I don't know why a nickel a sub isn't good enough. I'll go as high as 8 cents but that's it. I never watch that channel. Besides, don't they just repeat those shows on Uni-HD anyways? How many times can they watch this stuff?
Ok, look, let's just run the last chat again and put all the call-in lines on hold. Nobody will know the difference. Yeah, just show a repeat. In fact, let's start repeating all of them and tell people they're getting a new Voom channel. Yeah, that is funny and you know what? We can use that in court and get them off our backs about their channels. Good thinking.
I'll be glad when this Internet fad goes away. Those chat forums are nothing but trouble. Tv used to be so easy.
Ok, yeah, have a good one. I'm outa here!
"Hey don't forget you have the chat tonite."
Oh crap, I forgot and now its too late to put something together! Why are we still doing this? The guys from 5 Guys, they don't visit every store anymore. Why do I need to "chat" with a few subs who accidently tuned in and of course all those nuts on the sat forums. God, if they keep calling I'm gonna shoot myself. Ok, what did we talk about last time? Ah, here's that printout from last time. We'll just use that.
Hey is a vendor still in the house? We need a guest on the show. He's still here? What a pinhead... yeah ok, tell him to hang around and we'll throw him in front of the camera before he knows what's going on.
What's the word on that channel with the aliens on it? No, not BorderHD, that was a joke for using subs to monitor the border. Yeah, SciFi-HD. What? What email? I never saw it. Yeah, well she never saw it and then never forwarded it to me. What did it say? They never got our last reply? I bet their d@mn spam filter is still not letting our messages through. Yeah I know they claimed our filter was the problem but they're wrong. I don't know why a nickel a sub isn't good enough. I'll go as high as 8 cents but that's it. I never watch that channel. Besides, don't they just repeat those shows on Uni-HD anyways? How many times can they watch this stuff?
Ok, look, let's just run the last chat again and put all the call-in lines on hold. Nobody will know the difference. Yeah, just show a repeat. In fact, let's start repeating all of them and tell people they're getting a new Voom channel. Yeah, that is funny and you know what? We can use that in court and get them off our backs about their channels. Good thinking.
I'll be glad when this Internet fad goes away. Those chat forums are nothing but trouble. Tv used to be so easy.
Ok, yeah, have a good one. I'm outa here!