Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

I've added programing and it would not show up until I ran a check switch. I was assuming when Dish adds programing it may be the same in some cases.

Yeah, I've had to do that too when I've changed programming, but I think when Dish adds new channels, they just appear. I've never had to do a check switch when they add new programming, except to get more guide info beyond the initial hour or two.
BSG's later in the spring (April, I think), but I'll be pissed if I miss the first few eps of SGA in HD because Dish wants to make a marketing splash at CES.

I cant believe E* is planning to make "marketing Splash" with channels that D* has had now for a while. With E* its better not to know that some channels are upliked, because the waiting and anticipation is too much. Its better to just be surprised.
Here's irony:
I switched from Cable (Adelphia) to Dish a few years ago primarily due to the sci-fi channel. For some reason Adephia decided to move it from the digital tier to the analog tier, so the PQ went way down hill (just before a new season of Stargate was starting!). Doing this allowed people to see it without paying for the digital service, but they hosed the people who were paying for digital (like me)! Someone on the scifi channel forum said if I called D* or E*, they could probably have me up and running with digital goodness before the season started, and that's exactly what happened! Didn't really do much research, and I knew very little about satellite - just kinda jumped in. The PQ on the 32" TV I had at the time was stunning compared to what I had before with Adelphia.

I went with E* over D* simply because they were less expensive. HD wan't on my radar at the time. Now the digital/analog transition is basically history and we're on to SD vs HD, and I got the only carrier in my area that doesn't have Sci-Fi HD! (Comcast replaced Adephia here, and of course there's D*) [Edit: oops - might be wrong - not sure if comcast has Sci-fi HD here]

I'll give em a while, but I've switched carries due to Sci-fi channel before, I suppose it could again. Just a few days ago I thought I'd never switch to D* or Comcast due to Sci-Fi HD - come on, that's ridiculous. But as time goes by I'll feel like I'm missing out and probably jump ship if E* doesn't seem to have any concrete plans to get it. Right now, I have this bad feeling Sci-Fi HD is gonna go the way of INHD. I can't believe if it's a technical issue, it would have taken this long to fix. My guess (which is worth very little) is they wanted too much money, Charlie didn't wanna pay, and the negotiations went south.

But, I'm not in the know about these things and usually wrong, so with any luck they'll turn it on ten minutes from now and this post will look stupid. That would be fine by me.

Edit: Hey Dishlover, if you move to Comcast, whatcha gonna change your screen name to? - lol
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"Edit: Hey Dishlover, if you move to Comcast, whatcha gonna change your screen name to? - lol"

ExDishlover I suppose but I won't be in this forum anymore so it doesn't matter. I'm just waiting for the Comcast rebuild to be finished in my area. Supposed to be done by 1-5-08. I hope Comcast keeps to their promises/implications better than Dish! Comcast is supposed to have 400 "Ondemand" HD programs by the end of the year and 800 by the end of 2008. We shall see.
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Well good luck with that. Of course you're welcome here regardless who your TV provider is. Technically speaking, even Comcast is a satellite company, at least that's how they're getting most of what they distribute.
Let me get this straight.... You switched to Dish, and now, due to the lack of SciFi HD might switch back to Direct, and it won't be until February before you even have a TV capable of watching it?!?! Wouldn't it make sense to at least wait until then? Doesn't it seem sort of wasteful to keep switching back and forth? Or did I completely misread your post?

You misread or I didn't phrase it right. I won't do anything till I have my TV. It's just that when the time comes if Dish doesn't have SciFi HD and I can get a good Direct signal by then Yes, I would switch.

I decided to wait till after the CES2008 to purchase a TV because rumor or speculation is that prices might fall a bit. Also while tech always improves year after year there might be some new TV tech announced that I'd hate myself for not waiting on, and I only have to wait till mid January to find out.
Scott, any news on SCI-FI HD or USA HD when they will be up and running? Whats the deal with Spike v on CH.9395? 2 channels of Spike.

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