Scary 622 Issue, Hard Drive Corrupted

Happened to mine this evening, I have had it for 10 days.
I just pressed the continue button and it rebooted, searched for satellite signal and all was well.. recordings intact.
I had the same thing happen early on with my 522. Once everything was ok, and once my HD was indeed formatted and I lost all my recodings.
Same Problem

I added an OTA antenna - 5 minutes later the 633 locked up and rebooted. After recovering the boot sector or whatever it gave me error 760 - only option was to delete the entire HD. I called DISH and they told me that the only option was to delete. I unplugged the unit and it came back up fine... I was ready to send this 30 day old unit back to dish and asking for my money back. Though they did give me a $30 credit~