SC VP wants 80 more HD channels

Jumbo Dumbo

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 20, 2005
I decided to tryout the "Ask Jim" dialog on the SC website. Jim C. is SC VP

I specifically commented on the possibilty of adding some specific HD services.

Here is part of his reply:
"We feel very confident that our value in HD is a good one but we are fully focused on taking it to the next level. We are currently deploying 8psk technology to all transponders. This will allow us to have more space to add more HD services. We would like to be over 100 in the next 24 months. We are looking at many HD services and working on these deals. "

So it looks like they have decided to deploy 8PSK on F1R as well. This would open up enough bandwidth equivalent to 9 transponders. The total additional bandwidth will be equivalent to 21 transponders after 8PSK is deployed on both F1R and F2 and they get the 7 additional transponders on F2.

The good news: The present "Free" HD channels will remain "Free"
The bad news: All the new ones will cost.
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I don't want to post from an IP south of the border, but can you send him another two questions.

1) Why does SC convert 720p HD product of Fox and ABC to 1080i?

2) WTF is going on with Movie Central in the last week? The encoders are not doing telecine any longer and NO title has been in 5.1 or Dolby Surround for 2 weeks now - even if noted as 5.1 on the Movie Central website - and titles such as Sin City which were broadcast in 5.1 before are not now.

It's almost like the SC encoder is broken.
2) WTF is going on with Movie Central in the last week? The encoders are not doing telecine any longer and NO title has been in 5.1 or Dolby Surround for 2 weeks now - even if noted as 5.1 on the Movie Central website - and titles such as Sin City which were broadcast in 5.1 before are not now.

It's almost like the SC encoder is broken.

Corus, owner of MC, closed down the Edmonton office of MC and moved operations to Toronto. The problems originate at Corus and affect all providers.
Don't they also plan on moving to mpeg4 in the near future?

Next question is when are they going to have a dual tuner dvr that lets you record two shows at once and does not cost an arm and a leg.:)

I wish they'd drop Motorola. They make some of the worst stb's.
Motorola seems ok, I think they should have used Tivo instead of stepping out on there on concerning a PVR. Then again Tivo may go after them and SC breaks done and agrees to use their technology in the receivers.

ExpressVU - 4 New HD Channels

trouble with there 505 tonight

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