Look at the edge of the green +48 dBw contour. North Carolina is considerably closer to the +48 dBw point than most of Utah. Unless you are north of SLC, most areas of Utah will have weaker signals than much of North Carolina.
I will not argue that you can successfully use a 60 cm antenna under some conditions in both places, but it is also a fact that bigger is better when dealing with a marginal signal, which this is. Ku-band antennas require more precision in alignment than DBS antennas in the majority of situations, and the extra signal that you would get from a 75 cm Elliptical or larger antenna often reduces the number of times that one has to go out and tweak the antenna's adjustment
(or sweep the snow off, which would be more of an issue in Utah). IF you enjoy doing unnecessary work just to comply with your neighbor's view of aesthetics, knock yourself out! I personally prefer to have fat signals.