SBS Korea Takedown October 1, 2005

Call E* Cust. Srv. because SuperDISH upgrade might only be $49.99 or less. You can't use a 2nd wing sat dish for 121 unless if you outfit it with a Ku-band LNB that'll fit in a rectangle tube end of that dish feed arm. So the best option is to get the upgrade if you want to get KBS ONLY for free.

New channels that are coming up by the end of this month are on 61.5/148 so you should wait on the SuperDISH upgrade if you know you're going to watch more than KBS.
jdh62 said:
I had been contemplating going back to cable for several reasons:

o Lack of locals HD -- and no, I cannot get HD OTA due to location.
o Subscribe to HD Pack and Voom, but I would rather watch programming on locals (as major sporting events are broadcasted there).
o Constant equipment problems

And this latest incidence with taking away a channel and not providing credit is the last straw! Ok, so they're supposed to provide $10 credit next week, but the CSR I spoke with yesterday said sorry sucka. When I told him I paid $36.99 for the Korean pack, he said no but I pay $29. Afterwards, I checked my bill online and it definitely says I paid $36.99. So, add courteous, informed customer service to the list above - NOT!

The rumour of more Korean channels is promising, but who knows when that is coming or if ever?? My mother-in-law (who we get the Korean pack for) says she preferred the Korean programming available from Cox Cable in Fairfax, VA anyway. In addition, I can lease a HD DVR from cable without having to pay $$$ for the privilege.

I switched to Dish because of the high cost of cable, but it appears the price between the two are now similar. I stuck with Dish as I thought there were more Korean programming for my mother-in-law there. Now there's less and I can get my locals in HiDef through cable. I didn't really find any compelling programming in the HD Pack or Voom. Sorry for my ranting and thanks for listening.

DirecTV will launch Washington, DC High-Definition (HD) local channels by the end of this year. If everything goes smoothly, it can be done as soon as middle of Nov. or so. They have SBS so you can have best of both worlds. One caveat though is that the new dish for HD locals for D* will be about 30" wide and the dish for Korean is about 36".
JSTV Now Available

A few updates:

JSTV, which is a Christian channel in Korean language, is now visible on my DISH receiver so it should be available to Korean package subs. I'm not sure which ones but probably in KBP and KVP's.

DirecTV has YTN in free preview mode now so it looks like they'll add YTN to SBS in some sort of a package.

There is some speculation regards to MBC. I won't report it now because it's still in the preliminary stages but don't be surprised if DirecTV gets MBC instead of DISH. I believe they're in fierce negotiations. DISH better get it or there'll be a mass exodus to DirecTV. More to come later.
<<JSTV, which is a Christian channel in Korean language, is now visible on my DISH receiver so it should be available to Korean package subs. I'm not sure which ones but probably in KBP and KVP's>>

What channel is it on? Thanks
<<There is some speculation regards to MBC. I won't report it now because it's still in the preliminary stages but don't be surprised if DirecTV gets MBC instead of DISH. I believe they're in fierce negotiations. DISH better get it or there'll be a mass exodus to DirecTV. More to come later.>>

Why can't they all get along and both Dish/TV carry MBC. I don't see a reason for exclusive carry by just one satellite company. If MBC is carried by both parties, everyone is happy and making money. I don't consider these channels like NFL programs which are only carried by DirectTV. I agree?
I agree, but as you may know there are many exclusive international (satellite) channels on DISH that DirecTV can't carry, namely some of the Chinese and South Asian channels. One good example is that DISH carries Sony Entertainment Television, Zee TV, B4U among other popular channels while DirecTV offers Star channels. It's hard to get everything in one basket like you mention. I guess they (the broadcast networks) want to spread their customer base over different satellite providers, offering one or two here and there.

I'm hearing that MBC will not come to DISH. It's sketchy but if you're currently out of your commitment with DISH, prepare to jump ship if DirecTV gets MBC. It's not set in stone but I hear MBC has declined the contract bid with DISH. If you still have a commitment, then I'd wait it out and see because DISH is not going to forego the cancellation fee just because SBS is gone.
I agree. If DirecTV gets MBC, I don't think DISH has much chance of getting new or retaining Korean customers - SBS+MBC is a powerful combination that no other combo can beat it IMO . The icing on the cake for DirecTV would be to carry KBS-America as well. IF that happens, DISH can pretty much kiss goodbye to all Korean customers. Maybe that was the goal of DirecTV all along.

I did get a recorded call from DISH about $10 discount coming up - too little too late DISH - if they had been more proactive in informing about SBS or providing credit right after the October 1, they might have had a chance.

As soon as MBC is confirmed, you bet I am signing up and eBay'ing all my DISH gears. I would have liked for VOOM HD channels to be on DirecTV but I guess you can't have it all.
I really don't see how I have an option to buy D*. No freaking choice. I'm NOT putting a 36" dish on my roof. Piss on that. GOD I hate FoxTV.
Can someone give me the contact # for MBC? I think I also know why the bid was declined. Maybe Dish refused to carry AznTV which was formerly known as "The International Channel" since they're the one's that handle rights for MBC in the U.S. If so please call Dish and nag them like I plan to. I wouldn't mind "The International Channel" anyway and would LOVE to see it on any of Dish's typical plans.
edit: I wonder if offering to carry MBC-HD would help Dish to change their minds too. After all it may not even cross FoxTV's mind.
bomool said:
I agree. If DirecTV gets MBC, I don't think DISH has much chance of getting new or retaining Korean customers - SBS+MBC is a powerful combination that no other combo can beat it IMO . The icing on the cake for DirecTV would be to carry KBS-America as well. IF that happens, DISH can pretty much kiss goodbye to all Korean customers. Maybe that was the goal of DirecTV all along.

I did get a recorded call from DISH about $10 discount coming up - too little too late DISH - if they had been more proactive in informing about SBS or providing credit right after the October 1, they might have had a chance.

As soon as MBC is confirmed, you bet I am signing up and eBay'ing all my DISH gears. I would have liked for VOOM HD channels to be on DirecTV but I guess you can't have it all.

You can pretty much bet that KBS will be DISH exclusive. There is another service that carries it (TAN TV) but that's mixed in with other content. I asked DISH if they can somehow make KBS be 100% exclusive to DISH but they couldn't confirm if that's possible.

The best number to ask for MBC to come to E* might be iSkyCom, the Korean program provider for E*, and email to DISH directly. Ehe email address would be I wouldn't recommend calling iSkyCom other than to push them to push E* and MBC. E* needs to hear your voice that you want MBC going to DISH. To get iSkyCom's contact number, go to their web site for their phone number as I don't have it available now. . You have to know how to read Korean, however.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
I see. Well, since you say that I guess it makes more sense that MBC will come to DirecTV than DISH.

I'd have to say that MBC will appear on DirecTV in about a month. Prepare to set sails.

No I say follow your advice. If Charlie realizes how important that network is to Korean customers he's not going to ignore it. Also I would like MBC in HD since no freaking way is DirecTV at least likely to give most International customers their channels in HD though I think it would be a great trump move on Dish's part if THEY did. In fact if I were E I'd do the regular HD LiL's but also make sure to pick up a Korean network in HD as well as some others to do a "Dish does what DirecTV doesn't" type of thing. Personally if Dish would offer TV Tokyo HD, just as an Anime fan I'd be foaming at the mouth. Some channels I really don't understand why Dish or FoxTV haven't picked up, I mean channels that are so GIVEN'S even like MBC for Koreans and TV Tokyo for Anime freaks.
I bit the bullet about 2 weeks ago and ordered KISB. Last Thursday they came by and installed the dish on my roof. I am VERY satisfied with the service so far. I was a little concerned by some posts that said that their service is more subject to rain fade than either D* or E*, but with all the rain we've had over the past 5 days we haven't had rain fade even once!

Getting MBC and SBS with one package, as well as an 24 hour all movie channel and YTN for only $250 /year is fantastic. The only drawback to this system is that I can't use my standalone TiVo to record my favorite shows automatically. This week I'm going to set up a basic $40 TiVo (without a subscription) so I can use it to manually record shows like a VCR (and get instant replay, etc.).

Just to cover all bases I dropped E* completely and had a D* dish put up. I'm not subscribing to SBS on D* yet, but if they eventually do add MBC or at least one other good Korean channel I'd consider getting SBS on D* just so I could use their guide data to schedule recording on my TiVo.
I for one have decided to wait until dealings play out for few months.
I would drop E* and goto KISB in a heartbeat, but since I have already invested 3 E* receivers, I need to make the decision wisely.

<<If Charlie realizes how important that network is to Korean customers he's not going to ignore it>> If Charlie realized how important korean customers are, he would have never or should have let SBS go. Now that I am hearing MBC going to D*, he is not doing any better in my opinion.
<<I bit the bullet about 2 weeks ago and ordered KISB. Last Thursday they came by and installed the dish on my roof. I am VERY satisfied with the service so far. I was a little concerned by some posts that said that their service is more subject to rain fade than either D* or E*, but with all the rain we've had over the past 5 days we haven't had rain fade even once!

Getting MBC and SBS with one package, as well as an 24 hour all movie channel and YTN for only $250 /year is fantastic. The only drawback to this system is that I can't use my standalone TiVo to record my favorite shows automatically. This week I'm going to set up a basic $40 TiVo (without a subscription) so I can use it to manually record shows like a VCR (and get instant replay, etc.).

Just to cover all bases I dropped E* completely and had a D* dish put up. I'm not subscribing to SBS on D* yet, but if they eventually do add MBC or at least one other good Korean channel I'd consider getting SBS on D* just so I could use their guide data to schedule recording on my TiVo.>>

Question, what type of receiver did you get and for what price? Also where, Thanks !
Trotski99 said:
I bit the bullet about 2 weeks ago and ordered KISB. Last Thursday they came by and installed the dish on my roof. I am VERY satisfied with the service so far. I was a little concerned by some posts that said that their service is more subject to rain fade than either D* or E*, but with all the rain we've had over the past 5 days we haven't had rain fade even once!

Getting MBC and SBS with one package, as well as an 24 hour all movie channel and YTN for only $250 /year is fantastic. The only drawback to this system is that I can't use my standalone TiVo to record my favorite shows automatically. This week I'm going to set up a basic $40 TiVo (without a subscription) so I can use it to manually record shows like a VCR (and get instant replay, etc.).

Just to cover all bases I dropped E* completely and had a D* dish put up. I'm not subscribing to SBS on D* yet, but if they eventually do add MBC or at least one other good Korean channel I'd consider getting SBS on D* just so I could use their guide data to schedule recording on my TiVo.

Let us know how it is after about a month or so. Our company did some FTA installs in the past but they're so sensitive to rain and wind. But it's partly due to Telestar 5/IA-5 satellite's intermittent signal problems, which KISB resides on.

Now regarding DISH and their Korean package, they lost the ball with SBS and MBC big time so they will try to catch up and play the numbers game. They lost SBS and now MBC so they'll either lower the package price or bring in a slew of new channels like those I mentioned above at the same price as now. After those channels are added, you're looking at 10 channels:

-KBS World
-Arirang (might be optional like now)
-Buddhist programming
-Music programming
-Movie programming
-Video game programming

Who knows if they'll retain the current subs this way or gain any new ones, but regardless they'll test the market out. Since contracts are term-based, once they lose the channel to a competitor on an exclusive-basis there's nothing much they can do but either give up or go in another direction.
Ready to jump ship!

Well, again no drama channel. Even though my wife and I watch Korean TV thru Dish,
I am not interested in MBN, Wow, Arirang (not really for Korean), JSTV (Please !!), Buddhist, YTN, video game, music, etc.

Loosing MBC has become a trigger for us to jump ship.
Getting other satellite is out of the question since we need HD DVR.
(even though I don't do HD, my TV is a plasma and I want 480p output to TV and DVR is an absolute must).

I have talked to a Korean customer service in Dish Network a few days back, and he told me to get either KIBS or TAN. He hasn't really heard anything about any new Korean channels at all.

Since no one at Dish cares about Korean channels (from the mouth of the Korean customer service person) they don't really care about content. JSTV quickly saw the chance to get on board with Dish since they lost SBS and Dish thought JSTV could be a good-enough-substitute for SBS (the customer service said this).

With that attitude, I don't think Dish will ever get any channel Korean customers want.
As you said, they will simply play number game, which will never ever work out.

In one word, I will get DirecTV if they offer both SBS and MBC even if Dish Network carries 1000 Korean channels.

ps. I want CJmall or GSeshop homeshopping channel ;)

SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Let us know how it is after about a month or so. Our company did some FTA installs in the past but they're so sensitive to rain and wind. But it's partly due to Telestar 5/IA-5 satellite's intermittent signal problems, which KISB resides on.

Now regarding DISH and their Korean package, they lost the ball with SBS and MBC big time so they will try to catch up and play the numbers game. They lost SBS and now MBC so they'll either lower the package price or bring in a slew of new channels like those I mentioned above at the same price as now. After those channels are added, you're looking at 10 channels:

-KBS World
-Arirang (might be optional like now)
-Buddhist programming
-Music programming
-Movie programming
-Video game programming

Who knows if they'll retain the current subs this way or gain any new ones, but regardless they'll test the market out. Since contracts are term-based, once they lose the channel to a competitor on an exclusive-basis there's nothing much they can do but either give up or go in another direction.

942 vs. 622

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