Wife here is also not happy...
Update: When I called this morning to DishNetwork to find out what was wrong the customer support person didn't even know what SBS was. This evening for sh*ts and giggles I decided to pester Dish again to see what the company line was. As soon as I mentioned "SBS" I could hear that the representative had already had an ear-full of complaints today.
You have to know that they knew this was coming because not only did SBS drop off of Dish, but the very same day they went up on the air with D*. I can understand perhaps that Dish wasn't going to promote their arch-rival with a scroll or any warning ahead of time, but you'd think they'd have an action plan as to what to tell the angry callers to keep them from ripping their dishes off the roofs immediately. As of this evening the company line is that they don't have any replacement in the works and yes, they're still going to charge $36 per month for only 3 channels now...