SBC to Aquire Dish Network?

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I have been hearing rumblings on Stock boards and a few other forumsa rumor that SBC is about to announce plans to acquire Dish Network.

Does anyone know anything about this?

IF this true it would sure answer a lot about whats been happening at Echostar.

If SBC did aquire Echostar they would have the Holy Grail and would be able to compete with cable companies as they could package together and offer VOICE / Data / Video packages.

Please if anyone has anything concrete on this please let me know.
I don't see it happening, not that It doesn't make some sense. It's nothing more than a stock board rumor.

SBC is my Telco company.....there not to bad as far as I'm concerned, I thought they were a little strapped for cash?
Its called "bundleing" the phone companies want one bill for all telecommunicaions much like cable is trying to offer. Verizon and SBC are heavily involved in a new projet called Fiber to the premisis..One possible use for Dish Network would be for a vertual cable head end..they could run dish to customers that presently cant receive satellite services
:D I know bell is going to offer TV package deal like in 13 states for sure! But it's not with dish and also the FCC will not alow it and they have turned down bell befor. This is why they had to go with another company!
Best thing SBC has is their part ownership in cingular. I own their stock for that sole reason. I really don't think it'd be good for Dish customers if they were bought out by someone like SBC.
A couple of years ago SBC packaged a lot of their services with DirecTV at least here in TX, and I had heard they were going to do the same here shortly with Dish. But I had not heard about a possible merger or sale.

I don't even want to think what you get when you cross a SBC CSR with a Dish CSR.
SBC/Echostar Business Deal

Scott, et al,

SBC, which provides local/long distance telephone service and Internet Acess (via DSL), additionally needs to be able to provide video services to effectively compete agains the cable companies which can offer all 3 types of service with bundled pricing. SBC paid 500 million dollars to Echostar for distribution rights of Echostar's video programming in SBC's 13 state territory. As I understand it, SBC will also have their own customer service in addition to doing the billing. This new SBC offering is to commence in early CY2004. Here is one link:

I have been watching this developement with great interest since Illinois is in SBC's territory and I subcribe to their Cellular and POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) and am hoping they will offer me a deal better than what I am presently getting from Echostar.

Some of the other Regional Bell Operating Companies (Bell South, Verizon, Qwest) have or will be negotiating similar business arrangements with the two main DBS providers.

Could this be why they are offering such good deals on new equipment to existing subs? New equipment + lock in to contract = guaranteed subscriber base for new owner. Hmmm.... ?
:D Well again it will not happen due to FCC has already turn this down and they half to get it appoverd by them!
From Today's SkyReport....

... to say nothing of rising chatter about a bad case of nerves rattling the domain of Charles W. and leading to increased speculation about an EchoStar/SBC courtship.

Things that make you go HMMM...
These two corporations can agree to "bundle services" without a buy-out or merger. Certainly some federal and state approvals are required but I doubt that this "cooperative venture" will be seen as a threat to competition or a reduction to customer choice.

If it results in increased income and customer base for the two companys as well as possible cost savings, we the customer might also be winners!
A_Noland said:
I just don't see Charlie giving it up.

I kind of agree, but there is precedent there. Steve Case of AOL is a good example. He's still quasi-powerful at TW, but lots of people thought the same thing about him.
I am hearing some more buzzing that this may be true. I am working hard behind the scenes to find out all I can.

I want to get all my ducks in a row before announcing anything.

One of those ducks should be a Press Release, otherwise you might find someone with an itchy trigger finger, legally speaking :D

No, it's not me! I'm a computer geek, not a lawyer ;)


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