Say it aint so 811 !dvdburner issue

robertjp said:
Somebody please correct me if Im wrong but for those of you who have a 811 you will not be able to hookup a dvd recorder (home style) with anything other than s-video or composite cables. There is no rf out on the 811 to go to a dvd burner and there are no component "in" jacks on any dvd burners. So back in time we go with the 811. Plus many of the timer features will not work since the only way you can get channels is by "line". What were these guys thinking when they designed this.?? Somebody say it aint so.
I thought about a dvd recorder for my 811 and sunday I was testing the S video out on the 811 to the TV sets S vid IN BUT I have NO picture or make that video all I had was the info text for each ch.

Not sure 811 is defective or why no vid out of S jack?

OOPS I just tried a dif S vid cable and guess what I have video good maybe I will get a dvd recoder for Christmas

nippjas said:
Roland, Relax man, I'm traveling...been out of country most of week. I will look it up when I get back or you can call Claude at the dishstore and have him look it up.

No problem. I'm very mellow, even this close to Christmas.

I was curious to see if anyone other than Radio Shack had come out with an afforadble stereo modulator. I had tried a Channel Vision MTS unit, but for some reason, the audio didn't work. At over $250, plus shipping, let's say I was disappointed. Fortunately, they took it back after the replacement unit did the same thing.

Four years later, the point is moot since I went HD and added a receiver in the bedroom, negating my need to send the satellite signal from the Family Room receiver.

BTW, I think it's pretty funny that there are these $900 quad-MTS modulators for "sending DVD, satellite, VCR..." throughout the house on unused UHF channels. I would take that money and buy a DVD player for each TV, then take the money I saved and pay for NetFlix and the additional receiver fees for the next decade.

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