Satworks 3168 showing c band transponders as ku when blind scanning

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 19, 2004
Howdy all,
I got bored yesterday so i took some RG6 and connected up the c band lnba on "Vader Killer" (my daughters knickname for my BUD). I did not connect the actuator or polarity servo as i dont have the proper cable and the ground is frozen solid, so no way to bury said cable even if i did have it.

I then grabbed my faithful sat finder, loosened up the mount, and swung the dish around by hand to see what i could find for a signal. After about 30 seconds of swinging the dish around i hit a very strong signal, so i tightened down the mount and went inside to blind scan and see what i had found.

Well it appears as if i hit three sats all at the same time. Blind scan found channels that are on Anik f1, Anik f2 and Solidaridad 2. I thought that was pretty neat, but not exceptional as these sats are within 6 degrees of each other.

I really like the Newsworld news channel that is on anik f1, it beats CNN hands down IMHO. One thing i noticed is that the CTV Red / Green/ Blue channels all had test patterns showing with no programming:(

Here is the problem: all of the channels that my satworks scanned in are showing up as having a 5 digit transponder code. Kinda wierd, as these channels are only available on c band, and i only have a c band lnba on my BUD right now. Notice this is a LNBA with downconverter, not a modern c band LNB.

All of the channels (C band) I scanned in off the BUD have a signal quality of ~ 90%. When i try to manual scan a cband transponder with values found on lyngsat i get nothing at all, no quality, no video, no audio, even tho blind scan is finding channels off of the same transponder.

Anyone have a clue as to what is happening?
Did you change the LNB L.O. to 05150 for C-band? Maybe thats it! Sounds like fun wish I had a BUD!

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No Peter i had not changed the LNB L.O., i left the satworks at default values. Guess when i get home tonight i will try that and see what happens. I would have thought that if the LNB LO was off i would not find any channels at all...... oh well glad i did find something tho. Has anyone else in here been able to watch programming on ctv red / green / blue? I really want to watch the sopranos on sunday nights ;)
Yes you will still find channels but they will be all out of whack! HAVE FUN!
Just something to check, take one of your blind-scanned 5-digit frequencies and subtract 10750 from it, then add 5150 to the resultant value, and see if that's close to the expected C-band frequency for that transponder. I'm with Pete, it just sounds like it was using the wrong L.O. And that would explain why your manual scan wasn't finding it. If you're in an experimenting mood when you get home, you could try the reverse of the above. Find a C-band transponder you'd like to try to get, subtract 5150 from its frequency, and add 10750, and put that in. Of course you would try that before actually getting around to correcting the L.O. setting. :)

Edit: I guess the math simplifies to just a 5600 MHz difference between the real C-band frequency and the percieved frequency using the Ku-FSS local oscillator value. First check above, just subtract 5600, second experiment, just add 5600. But the separated values help to better explain what's going on. ;)
I will try that Tux, as wiring up the BUD was experimental in nature from the beginning. I didnt really expect to get anything off of it till i had properly cabled everything.
very true iceberg, maybe ill give the math problem to my 9 y/o daughter and see what figures she comes up with ;)
howdy all,
I went home last night and tried putting in the proper LNB L.O. and low and behold, everything scanned in correctly :) I am still getting only a test pattern on all of the ctv channels (ctv red, blue, green), do these channels ever actually show programming?
Once again thanks, you folks are making this hobby very easy for a noobie.
drhydro said:
howdy all,
I went home last night and tried putting in the proper LNB L.O. and low and behold, everything scanned in correctly :) I am still getting only a test pattern on all of the ctv channels (ctv red, blue, green), do these channels ever actually show programming?
Once again thanks, you folks are making this hobby very easy for a noobie.

glad you got it working :)

I dont have C-Band so I cant answer the CTV question
thanks iceberg
what is driving me partially batty is that lyngsat shows those CTV channels as fta. I can get ctv (montreal) OTA but the quality of the picture is horrible. Ill be kinda disappointed if these three ctv channels turn out to be test cards or feeds, as i really like the programming that ctv has (esp the sopranos on sun evenings ;) )
The CTV channels disappeared about a month ago. They posted that they were changing transponders, which they did, but if you look close at the Lyngsat chart you will see "8PSK." I and my distinguished colleagues here at Satellite Guys have determined the CTV has gone "High Definition" on C Band. I too am getting the color bars, but they are on Ku band.
Thanks Jim,
Now that i know what to look for, i see that lyngsat has ctv as 8psk. is there a converter that will allow me to pick up hdtv off of my dish, run it thru my satworks reciever and then into my tv?

Its strange that i am getting the color bars on cband tho, i would have thought that i would have gotten a "scrambled" signal instead. Where are you finding ctv on ku band?

The KU band of Anik F1 (107.3) is Star Choice, which is mostly scrambled. There are a couple of preview channels, but the rest are scrambled :)
Iceberg said:
I saw they said 8PSK, so they probably did go HD :(

Transmitting in 8PSK does not necessarily mean it went HD.
But to properly receive the signal, you'll need at least a 4.5 meter dish and a commerical IRD. Figure at least $4,000 for the IRD alone.
And at 4.5 meters (13+ feet), just a wee bit out of most people's home dish size range :)
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