SatGuys Game Clip Sharing Thread

Here are a couple combat clips I took in Fallout 3 tonight. There isn't really anything out of the ordinary here. I mostly did it to get a feel for how Nvidia Shadowplay works. It was also my first time messing with Windows Movie Maker. It was really simple to edit for time and put two clips together.

I also used it to lower the bitrate to 8Mbps since that is the highest youtube allows for 1080p/60fps content without having to wait for a lengthy processing step after a video is uploaded to youtube before you can publish. The video file obviously looked much nicer on my computer without any added compression but I'd say the video is still on par with clips I've uploaded from the PS4.

Overall Shadowplay and Windows Movie Maker are at least as easy to use as Share Factory on the PS4 and Upload Studio on the Xbox One. Now that I know how everything works I'll be ready nextime something crazy happens in Witcher 3.

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Here are a couple combat clips I took in Fallout 3 tonight. There isn't really anything out of the ordinary here. I mostly did it to get a feel for how Nvidia Shadowplay works. It was also my first time messing with Windows Movie Maker. It was really simple to edit for time and put two clips together.

I also used it to lower the bitrate to 8Mbps since that is the highest youtube allows for 1080p/60fps content without having to wait for a lengthy processing step after a video is uploaded to youtube before you can publish. The video file obviously looked much nicer on my computer without any added compression but I'd say the video is still on par with clips I've uploaded from the PS4.

Overall Shadowplay and Windows Movie Maker are at least as easy to use as Share Factory on the PS4 and Upload Studio on the Xbox One. Now that I know how everything works I'll be ready nextime something crazy happens in Witcher 3.

How are you finding the game so far? Looks like you've put in a bit of time to have the laser pistol and to be fighting the large mutants (at least past the Three Dog encounter).
How are you finding the game so far? Looks like you've put in a bit of time to have the laser pistol and to be fighting the large mutants (at least past the Three Dog encounter).

According to Steam I've played about 15 hours. I haven't met Three Dog yet but I was on my way to meet him when I killed the mutant in the metro tunnel. I quit for the night when I got to the other end of the tunnel so I think I was just about to get to the radio station.

I have done lots of the side quests and the first two chapters (6 missions) of Moria's survival guide book though. I found the laser pistol while getting the optional medicine when Moria sent me to the grocery store to get food.

I've spent quite a bit of time wandering to every corner of each new area and doing every optional quest I come across to completion.

It's kind of hard to explain but I'm actually looking forward to playing Fallout 3 more than Witcher 3 when I get home at night. Since I started messing with Fallout I haven't launched the Witcher a single time. It's especially strange because I was completely engrossed in Witcher 3 when I was playing it every night. It really is a great game and I'm sure I will end up putting 100 hours in when I get back to it.

Witcher 3 looks amazing, it has better voice acting, it's more polished, the combat is better, and the world is awesome.

I think the only reason I'm enjoying Fallout more is the setting. I love RPGs but I've never been a huge fantasy guy. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. Unfortunately most of the great RPGs tend to be fantasy focused. I think that's the reason I loved the Mass Effect series so much. It's a good RPG in a sci-fi setting and I'll take sci-fi over fantasy any day. I think Fallout is scratching that same itch for me even though it's a much older game.
According to Steam I've played about 15 hours. I haven't met Three Dog yet but I was on my way to meet him when I killed the mutant in the metro tunnel. I quit for the night when I got to the other end of the tunnel so I think I was just about to get to the radio station.

I have done lots of the side quests and the first two chapters (6 missions) of Moria's survival guide book though. I found the laser pistol while getting the optional medicine when Moria sent me to the grocery store to get food.

I've spent quite a bit of time wandering to every corner of each new area and doing every optional quest I come across to completion.

It's kind of hard to explain but I'm actually looking forward to playing Fallout 3 more than Witcher 3 when I get home at night. Since I started messing with Fallout I haven't launched the Witcher a single time. It's especially strange because I was completely engrossed in Witcher 3 when I was playing it every night. It really is a great game and I'm sure I will end up putting 100 hours in when I get back to it.

Witcher 3 looks amazing, it has better voice acting, it's more polished, the combat is better, and the world is awesome.

I think the only reason I'm enjoying Fallout more is the setting. I love RPGs but I've never been a huge fantasy guy. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. Unfortunately most of the great RPGs tend to be fantasy focused. I think that's the reason I loved the Mass Effect series so much. It's a good RPG in a sci-fi setting and I'll take sci-fi over fantasy any day. I think Fallout is scratching that same itch for me even though it's a much older game.

I actually didn't play FO3 myself until I had played Mass Effect 2 & 3 and was looking to scratch a similar itch for sci-fi RPG, and there really wasn't anything else on PS3 other than that and Deus Ex (which I also loved).

In spite of its technical shortcomings compared to other games I had played, I loved Fallout 3's quirky dark sense of humor (Moira!), the soundtrack, the ability to explore and loot every square inch of the environment, the side-quest stories that played like a game within a game, and the decisions that really did seem to affect one's experience, for example ...
the fact that you can blow up Megaton very early on and have your experience drastically affected

Regarding my feelings about fantasy RPGs, I'm still dragging my feet on starting Skyrim. I have half a mind to sell it while it's still wrapped in plastic and move on to other things, though a part of me wants to at least give it a shot to see if I can get into like I have other epic RPGs.
yourbeliefs recommended One Finger Death Punch to me while we were playing Titanfall a couple months ago. Since it was part of Part of Steam's flash sale for $1.24 this afternoon I decided to buy it and I gave it a shot while I was waiting for other games to download. If you want to grab it for yourself at that price you can do so here until 1:00PM ET tomorrow.

It's a simple game where the only thing you have to do is click with the right or left mouse button. There is a surprising amount of depth to it for such a simple, cheap game though. Here is a video I took of one of the specialized levels. There is usually more enemy variety so it wasn't the best level to show people but I got a perfect round so I'm going to do that anyways.

A few days ago I had a great match of Rocket League. I apologize for the quality because for some dumb reason the game has a robust replay system, but it doesn't have any exporting tools, so it's using the standard PS4 video tool with 30 FPS. It stays locked on my car. My team made quite the comeback, and while I won't say that I am the reason that we won, I DO have to say that all I know is that after my spectacular goal, it seemed to light a fire under my teammates' asses and we scored 2 more goals within 30 seconds.

A few days ago I had a great match of Rocket League. I apologize for the quality because for some dumb reason the game has a robust replay system, but it doesn't have any exporting tools, so it's using the standard PS4 video tool with 30 FPS. It stays locked on my car. My team made quite the comeback, and while I won't say that I am the reason that we won, I DO have to say that all I know is that after my spectacular goal, it seemed to light a fire under my teammates' asses and we scored 2 more goals within 30 seconds.

I don't know how you play with the car camera like that. I have to use the ball cam or I lose track of the ball every time it gets popped up in the air. That camera option has it's problems too though. Control can be a bit awkward when the camera isn't centered on the direction I'm actually driving.
This is NOT mine... but I wish it was because then I could hold the claim to the best Rocket League save EVER...

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Well, with endings like this, I think we can justify Rocket League as a legitimate new game for MLG..

Here's a funny one from my time in Destiny tonight. For some reason Destiny doesn't use dedicated servers for PvP multiplayer even though they do for all the PvE stuff. It's not normally that bad but it occasionally leads to stuff like this. Destiny's Iron Banner event is taking place this week so the extra people playing PvP might have contributed to the increased lag.

I thought this one was funny considering Batman's no killing rule. If this guy isn't dead he is at least paralyzed.

I had one of my better Rocket League moments tonight. We were down 0-2 with about 10 seconds left in the game and I scored 2 goals to put it in overtime. Unfortunately we lost about 20 seconds into overtime.

How did that come out at 60 FPS? Does the clip sharing tool now allow 60?

That's the PC version of Rocket League. If you download the GeForce Experience software, Nvida ShadowPlay works just like the game DVR on PS4 and Xbox One only it lets you record at whatever resolution you are playing in and 60 FPS.

It's pretty cool. All the 900 series GPUs, and some of the older ones have a built in MPEG 4 hardware video encoder so you can record without taking a hit to your framerate. The old days of people using software encoding with something like FRAPS that makes them lose FPS while they are playing are gone.

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