SatelliteGuys.US DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - Week Ending 03/24/2007

Look, I don't mean to call him out for it. It just frustrates me when people imply that things are bad when they are actually a really good thing for us! Heck, I'd be happy if everything moved to MPEG 4 today (of course I'd have to replace my 322, but I'm OK with that as long as it didn't cost more than about $50). Anyway, DirtyTurbin, I hope there are no hard feelings.
"UHD and A&EHD are now in true Mpeg4 from Dishnetwork!" Great more compressed channels!!!

You know what is the funny part? E* snuck that one by me since they didn't move the channels to another TP when they converted to MPEG4, so I missed it on the report. No one else reported it when it happened Thursday. I don't recall one thread where someone was complaining of the picture quality on Thursday or all day Friday. No one noticed until something was said this evening. I can guarantee you the folks at E* were looking around the forums on the net going..."Look! Look! No one notices!" This falls straight in line with Scott's thread he had running when the moved the other HD channels to the new MPEG4 encoders, everyone was saying the picture quality improved.

Excellent work E* uplink crew!
WOW, these are the good times! Seriously, 4.01 and more MPEG4 all in the same week. There is something in the character of Dish customers that craves continual improvement and change. Keep the ball rolling Dish.
Maybe at this rate , Dish will meet this summer for all hd to go true mpeg 4 and then they can turn off the mpeg2 hd stream. People can't complain that they can't upgrade for little or nothing now with the free dvr for new customers and very little upfront on the 622 dvrs. The future is looking better and better for more HD now that they are making more room with mpeg 4.
MPEG-4 is a standard used primarily to compress audio and visual (AV) digital data. Introduced in late 1998, it is the designation for a group of audio and video coding standards and related technology agreed upon by the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) under the formal standard ISO/IEC 14496. The uses for the MPEG-4 standard are web (streaming media) and CD distribution, conversation (videophone), and broadcast television, all of which benefit from compressing the AV stream.

MPEG-4 absorbs many of the features of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 and other related standards, adding new features such as (extended) VRML support for 3D rendering, object-oriented composite files (including audio, video and VRML objects), support for externally-specified Digital Rights Management and various types of interactivity. AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) was standardized as an adjunct to MPEG-2 (as Part 7) before MPEG-4 was issued.

MPEG-4 is still a developing standard and is divided into a number of developing parts. Unfortunately the companies promoting MPEG-4 compatibility do not clearly state which "part" level compatabilty. The key parts to be aware of are MPEG-4 part 2 (MPEG-4 SP/ASP) and MPEG-4 part 10 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264).

Most of the features included in MPEG-4 are left to individual developers to decide whether to implement them. This means that there are probably no complete implementations of the entire MPEG-4 set of standards. To deal with this, the standard includes the concept of "profiles" and "levels", allowing a specific set of capabilities to be defined in a manner appropriate for a subset of applications.

Your welcome.

Broadcasting uses only H.264 and no other form of Mpeg4.
SatelliteGuys.US DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - Week Ending 03/24/2007 - 62 changes

Uplink Comparison Range: 03/21/2007 02:58A - 03/22/2007 04:24P - (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

231 - RFDTV added to EchoStar8 110W TP 19 ConUS beam (Available)
361 - PRIME added to EchoStar5 129W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
364 - FOXRM added to EchoStar5 129W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
368 - FOXMW added to EchoStar5 129W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
373 - FOXFL added to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 30 ConUS beam (Not Available)
387 - NHLHD EchoStar3 61.5W TP 30 ConUS beam changed to SPSOU - EchoStar5 129W TP 08 ConUS beam (NA)
388 - NHLHD renamed to SNY (NA)
578 - BRDGS moved from EchoStar2 148W TP 24 ConUS beam to EchoStar2 148W TP 26 ConUS beam (A)
578 - BRDGS moved from Rainbow 1 61.5W TP 15 ConUS beam to Rainbow 1 61.5W TP 23 ConUS beam (A)
653 - ARANG moved from EchoStar2 148W TP 24 ConUS beam to EchoStar2 148W TP 26 ConUS beam (A)
653 - ARANG moved from Rainbow 1 61.5W TP 15 ConUS beam to Rainbow 1 61.5W TP 23 ConUS beam (A)
655 - WOWTV moved from EchoStar1 148W TP 09 ConUS beam to EchoStar1 148W TP 03 ConUS beam (A)
655 - WOWTV moved from EchoStar3 61.5W TP 08 ConUS beam to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 10 ConUS beam (A)
657 - ONGME moved from EchoStar1 148W TP 29 ConUS beam to EchoStar1 148W TP 03 ConUS beam (A)
657 - ONGME moved from EchoStar3 61.5W TP 31 ConUS beam to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 10 ConUS beam (A)
661 - WOWTV moved from EchoStar9 121W TP 02 ConUS beam to EchoStar9 121W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
725 - DWTV moved from EchoStar9 121W TP 02 ConUS beam to EchoStar9 121W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
997 - FPCHN added to EchoStar1 148W TP 29 ConUS beam (Available)
997 - FPCHN added to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 31 ConUS beam (Available)
998 - FPCHN added to EchoStar1 148W TP 27 ConUS beam (Available)
998 - FPCHN added to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 18 ConUS beam (Available)
5790 - HDSKD added to EchoStar5 129W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5935 - MP425 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5936 - MP426 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5937 - MP427 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5938 - MP428 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5939 - MP429 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5940 - MP430 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5941 - MP431 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5942 - MP432 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 08 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5943 - MP433 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5944 - MP434 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5945 - MP435 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5946 - MP436 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5947 - MP437 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5948 - MP438 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5949 - MP439 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
5950 - MP440 added to EchoStar2 148W TP 10 ConUS beam (Not Available)
6265 - KATU - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 changed to Available
6266 - KOIN - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 changed to Available
6267 - KOPB - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 changed to Available
6268 - KPTV - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 changed to Available
6269 - KPDX - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 changed to Available
7020 - KPXJ added to EchoStar10 110W TP 18 Spotbeam 15(LA,AR) (Not Available)
7315 - WCHS moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7316 - WOWK moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7317 - WSAZ moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7318 - WVAH moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7319 - WQCW moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7321 - WPBY moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam (A)
7322 - WOUB moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 02 ConUS beam (A)
7324 - WKAS moved from AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 02 ConUS beam (A)
7929 - WVAW moved from AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 07 ConUS beam (A)
7930 - WCAV moved from AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 07 ConUS beam (A)
7931 - WVIR moved from AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 07 ConUS beam (A)
7932 - WAHU moved from AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 07 ConUS beam (A)
7933 - WHTJ moved from AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam to AMC-15 105W TP 07 ConUS beam (A)
8475 - KCWX removed from EchoStar10 110W TP 23 Spotbeam 22(TX)

Transponder Changes:
AMC-15 105W TP 09 ConUS beam removed from tables
AMC-15 105W TP 17 ConUS beam removed from tables
AMC-15 105W TP 18 ConUS beam changed FEC from 1/2 to 2/3
EchoStar9 121W TP 02 ConUS beam removed from tables

Channels in the system: 3234
(A) = Available to subscribers
(NA) = Not Available

Can someone tell me what this means? Did they basically add the ability for these programs, but have not made them available? When will they make them available?
I hope all the New York City people took a close look at this..

SNY-HD is named on channel 388. Can the Mets be on by the start of the season? Maybe they are going to turn the RSN's on?

One can dream can't they? It's nice to see that someone is thinking about SNY anyway.
Can someone tell me what this means? Did they basically add the ability for these programs, but have not made them available? When will they make them available?

Yes, this means that these channels MAY be whats on those transponders.

When they will make them available is up to E*, we won't know till they do it.

Can someone tell me what this means? Did they basically add the ability for these programs, but have not made them available? When will they make them available?
Would be nice of you to learn using links instead of reposting WHOLE message. :eek:
Also, such threads exist for few years here - why not just use Search and read what the info mean for you ?
I hope all the New York City people took a close look at this..

SNY-HD is named on channel 388. Can the Mets be on by the start of the season? Maybe they are going to turn the RSN's on?

One can dream can't they? It's nice to see that someone is thinking about SNY anyway.

Would be nice if E* would do it since MLB starts in a little over a week.....but that would probably be just wishful thinking.
Also, such threads exist for few years here - why not just use Search and read what the info mean for you ?
Actually, the whole "Activity Report" thread thing - on this and other Forums - is always a bit elitist.
The thread should have a paragraph at the top explaining the information.
It could then be easily cut-and-pasted every week.
I'll dust off my post from last summer....

'As long as they have the RSN's turned on in time for the College Football season this fall'


Fox Sports Net regional networks are stepping up with HD game telecasts in a big way, nearly doubling the amount of HD games to 1,000 between now and the end of 2007.

"Our motivation is simple," says Randy Freer, FSN COO. "HD makes for a better production and consumers who have HD miss it when it's not there."

The coverage will include an increase in NBA, MLB, and NHL coverage as well as select college football and basketball events. In total FSN's 18 owned-and-operated regional sports networks are planning to produce more than 2,500 hours of live, event programming HD.

Freer says FSN will roll out as much HD as their facilities and personnel will support, working with its professional and collegiate partners as well as distributors to deliver the best HD viewing experience.

FSN regional networks contributing local HD game production include FSN Arizona, FSN Detroit, FSN Florida, FSN Indiana, FSN Midwest, FSN North, FSN Northwest, FSN Ohio, FSN Pittsburgh, FSN Rocky Mountain, FSN South, FSN Southwest, FSN Houston, FSN Utah, FSN West, Prime Ticket, SportSouth, and Sun Sports.

Yo Chuckles.... we could Reeeeeeeeeeeallly use those RSNs in HD soon. Not exactly niche my man.
Would be nice of you to learn using links instead of reposting WHOLE message. :eek:
Also, such threads exist for few years here - why not just use Search and read what the info mean for you ?

Thanks for being kind and answering my question...
Actually, the whole "Activity Report" thread thing - on this and other Forums - is always a bit elitist.

Really? Man, that dudes response to me wasn't elitist at all. It was a nice, friendly response to someone who is new to these forums.

Nothing brings out the community feel like reponding to a new posters question by being a [...snip...] instead of helping them out.
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SNY-HD....will be very nice. It will be great to see the MEtS in HD. Come on E* lets get this done before the baseball season starsts...or atleast before summer.

But we cant complain about E* lately. The upgrade of the software (HDMI 5.1 sound, fixing the audio problem of certain channels, HD mapdown) and getting more channels into Mpeg4. E* is doing great...i hope they keep the ball rolling.

NHL Devils Blackout?

Upgrade from 921 to 622

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