Well, I WOULD have updated the channel chart, but my host is still down! Here is what I wrote for the update:
A channel labeled "SRI" is now uplinked to channel 104 on tp 11 at 119° but unavailable to subscribers yet.
Shop Latino TV is now available to all subscribers on channels 220 and 883 at 110°
GEM TV shopping network has completed its move to channel 226. It has been removed from channel 225.
NHL TV in HD is now uplinked to channel 403 and mirrored on channel 559 on tp 13 at 61.5° and tp 6 at 129°. Dish Network decided to launch it the same way DirecTV launched its HD channels today... That is...it is not available to subscribers yet.
(for the humor impaired...that's a joke)
Tapesh 1 and 2 Farsi channels have been removed from channels 753 & 754 at 118° and 121°
International Free Preview channels 574 and 575 have been removed from subscriber tiers again.
Another flavor of Zee TV has been uplinked? But why to 119°? Hmmmm.. ZEE SA is now uplinked to channel 576 tp 21 at 119° and tp 12 at 61.5°.
MAA TV another south asian channel is now uplinked to channel 811 tp 24 at 118°. Not available to subscribers yet
Music Hits One, a punjabi channel is now uplinked to channel 812 tp 24 at 118°. Not available to subscribers yet
TeleFórmula, a Mexican news channel is now uplinked to channel 858 tp 19 at 110°. Not available to subscribers yet.
Channel 1, Gemini TV, Siurya TV and TV5 are all mirrored on channels 5714-5717 at 121° for some reason. Each channel appears to be an identical mirror available to subscribed customers.
Time for some house keeping at 148°! All the channels on tp 13 are gone! TP 13 was removed from the tables. Test channels 5923-5934 and 5944-5950 have been removed.
PPV HD, HBO HD and Showtime HD have been removed from 148° ONLY. They were on channels 9428, 9430 and 9440. These channels are still available at 110°.
New test channels on tp 10 at 148°. 3 hd and 3 sd on channels 5951-5953 and 5956-5958.
SOON channels 3, 4 and 5 have been removed from tp 16, 18 and 10 at 110°, 119 and 119° respectively. These channels "feed" your DVR all that fine VOD stuff we looooove so much. NOT
A channel called VERIA is now uplinked to tp3 at 110° channel 9510. The only "Veria" I can find is a health food channel. If it is this channel, that is an odd place for it!
NHL Center Ice channels in HD are now uplinked BUT NOT AVAILABLE YET on channels 9543-9558 at 61.5° and 148.
NBA League Pass channels in HD are also uplinked and also not available on channels 9561-9572
MIG1 and MIG2 (whatever they are) are now uplinked to tp 13 at 121° channels 9791 and 9792.