Be ready to be surprised....I would be very surprised if there was no new HD channel by the end of January 31st.

Be ready to be surprised....I would be very surprised if there was no new HD channel by the end of January 31st.
This is fitting with my prediction, no new hd till at early Feb. Look on the good side, we are still second in the nation for HD...Ahead of most if not all cable companies.
Hey, they did make the (switch) from IMF to Ovation without a hitch.
Voom doesn't count anymore. They have gone way downhill since early November.
Why - what has happened since then ?
Honestly... I'm thinking more and more like most of you with the Feb 1st ballpark rollout.
So why go on the attack and criticize people who are bashing one of the channels (or the package of channels) that you happen to watch ?
Here is what we are thinking:
quit whing about VOOM They are basically freebee's that E* got at firesale prices from the original VOOMHey Hey, Ho Ho, the Voom channels have got to go! In all seriousness, good job by Dish on giving us a choice (somewhat) with voom now. Ideally I'd like to see these completely separated. $10 base, extra $5 for HDnet, Universal etc, extra $5 for voom
quit whing about VOOM They are basically freebee's that E* got at firesale prices from the original VOOM
quit whing about VOOM They are basically freebee's that E* got at firesale prices from the original VOOM