SatelliteGuys Review: Logitech Revue with GoogleTV – A Diamond in the Rough

I like the revue just fine... Paying 4$ a month for absolutely no reason? Not so much.

What is really pissing me off is, when I purchased it, the dvr integration was obviously optional, but they decided to make it a requirement in the mean time. I never agreed to the fee as being a requirement, but you can find posts by me saying I was willing to give the integration a try, and if I deemed the integration wasn't worth it, I would drop it. Big mistake, because as we all know...

Dish loves to make things up and screw their loyal subscribers out of money at every opportunity.
without the integration you can't use the revue to run the receiver, right?
The Revue won't see the recordings on your DVR, search DISHOnline programming, or be able to schedule recordings through Revue's search interface. It will still however pass commands over the HDMI interface. I use my Harmony IR remote to primarily control my 922. There's a slight delay when I press a command on the remote and the receiver responds moving the cursor on-screen. When I use the Revue to send commands to the 922, it's just as fast as when I'm using the UHF remote that came with the 922.
What are you taking about? DishOnline isn't even supported with GTV. it's only good for netflix and other GOOGLE features. I simply don't see where the value is by having it 'integrated'. Being able to search what's on the DVR? Thats what you pay $48.00 a year (plus tax) for? Scam.
The integration fee is Definitely not worth the extra $4.00 a month. The reason I mainly resented the $10.00 dvr fee with the 922 was the extra $4.00 a month. For what again? The sling feature with the 922 wasn't as good as the sling adapter with my 722k. I saw no reason to pay the extra $4.00 a month. Both fees are nothing more than a scam fees that DISH was charging because they could get away with it.
pabeader said:
if i got to worry about 48 bucks i got much bigger problems than if my GTV brings me the stuff i want.

Ever heard the term "mind the pennies"? You better believe Dish is minding them some. The fact is they can change the rules and stick you with baseless fees because the average sheep consumers say its only 48 bucks and pay it lol
so... lately i been getting a message that says something like, "lost connection to dvr" but i can still do everything without a problem. could i be losing and regaining the connection to the wireless?
I get that same message on both my Revues. One is connected wirelessly, one is connected by Ethernet cable, so, go figure. But, I do agree that it has something to do with the Internet connection. Also, not that enamored with the responsiveness of Chrome, either wireless or cable-wise. Seems very slow.
Was embarrassed using my revue last night with my wife as it was choking and freezing trying to use HBOGo.

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Not a problem with the Revue. The HBOGo service last night was hammered by people trying to watch next week's episode of Game of Thrones. They've been doing a promotion the last couple weeks putting the next week's episode of GoT immediately following the new Sunday night airing. I guess they must have really promoted it last night cause Twitter was set on fire with angry HBOGo users getting poor quality streams or the service not working at all. Normally the Revue handles the site like a champ.
Not a problem with the Revue. The HBOGo service last night was hammered by people trying to watch next week's episode of Game of Thrones. They've been doing a promotion the last couple weeks putting the next week's episode of GoT immediately following the new Sunday night airing. I guess they must have really promoted it last night cause Twitter was set on fire with angry HBOGo users getting poor quality streams or the service not working at all. Normally the Revue handles the site like a champ.

The problems weren't realted to web congestion. The site was choking the revue, the entire unit was slow and often unresponsive. Going fullscreen maimed the UI for the video player and also caused discoloration in the UI that I haven't seen since I had to exchange my previous unit.

Eventually got it working after we found that the ipad2 wouldn't mirror HBOGo to the TV, instead would play through our AV system and just display an HBOGo symbol on the screen. When we got it working with the Revue, I carefully put the keyboard away, afraid to touch it and cause more problems.

Thing is so underpowered and struggles with most sites (omg, try coming to satellite guys while not logged in...)

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