SatelliteGuys Mafia War Players Unite!

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I just vaulted the Diamond collection and I only need the soccer ball from Argentina.
Finally a productive session.Now I only need 9M Baht to continue the final chapter in Bangkok. GRRRRRRRRRR !
I only have 1 soccer ball. If anyone has extras, I need them all except for the free gift one. That might change though when I get the next treasure chest and level up, but all the same, I could use them.
I only have 1 soccer ball. If anyone has extras, I need them all except for the free gift one. That might change though when I get the next treasure chest and level up, but all the same, I could use them.

I just sent the German and English ball over to you.
I have yet to get a Diamond.

I am down to the Brazilian ball to get that collection done. If anybody has an extra it is on my wish list. :D

I don't have any either. I have done a lot of robbing in Bangkok too.:(
Thanks, JAG, I sent some phones in case you need them. Now I only need the French ball.

I've sold everything up to episode 7. I need 11.5M more Bahts in order to open the job. I've also sold the Lorry used in the "help request" job because you don't actually have to have it to request help and you don't need it for any of the other jobs in episode 7.

I have 2 diamonds, one was gifted to me, and I don't know where the other one came from. If I won it, or if it was a gift and I didn't notice. I still need the dice and shoe. Those two things are really driving me nuts. I want them so bad. But I think I've mentioned that before... :D
Okay, I just earned myself a cool 6.6M bahts. I figured out that after level 4 of chapter 1, episode 7 (of course) I could sell Seux Machine Guns that I have. That helps me out a lot, now I only have to make another 4.125M to buy the last thing I need and I'm good to go on the last job for Bangkok. Woohoo for me. Y'all probably already had that figured out, but I'm tired and excited that I don't have to work for 10M bahts to do the last job. :D :D Now off to bed I go...
I really really need an UltraLite Fuel Cell if anyone has one.
Finished Bangkok. Yay me! This is what we get... Woohoo!!:D

Thai Giant Centipede
133 Attack
80 Defense
I also finished upgrading my weapons depot. Thanks for all the parts, Paul and JAG. I think I have 2 levels left for the chop shop. I updated my wishlist in case any of you don't need those parts anymore. ;)
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