I'm getting tired of the message pop-ups.
Yeah, it is truly obnoxious.
What does it cost to do the Tanto job now that you are on the 4th level of mastery?
I'm getting tired of the message pop-ups.
Yeah, it is truly obnoxious.
What does it cost to do the Tanto job now that you are on the 4th level of mastery?
142 energy.
Ill have to get my looter thereCrap. I guess I'll stay with Level 1 mastery; for 71 energy per job.
You mean I could have been doing my favorite job for you this whole time? I have tantos I can give you, if you want.Now since I'm done with Bangkok it's time to loot tantos.
You mean I could have been doing my favorite job for you this whole time? I have tantos I can give you, if you want.
Now since I'm done with Bangkok it's time to loot tantos.
Tanto's aren't going to help you much Tom. I think they're only one point higher than TNT, Canonazo's. Still the money in Bangkok is a plus, you can always buy at the the faction store like I have. I was adding 2 yakuza assassins a day, but now I'm banking my money in anticipation of financial need in episodes 6 and 7 of Bangkok.
I'm just saying you aren't getting much bang for the buck, but at your level, I guess it would be hard to improve your numbers. Me? I'm looting Optic camos, I went a different route through Bangkok. Anyhow, I'm getting 9 attack for each one I add.
Tantos are higher than Ubijca Assault Rifles.
They have the exact same attack, 43. The defense is never used, given how low it is, so they are of equal value.
It all depends how a certain person wants to play. Imo nobody is wrong with how they play. I need to keep money also for the next two also.
You are welcome to play any freaking way you want to. This is America. No matter how wrong it may be.Just keep sending your excess this way.