I'm getting addicted to this game! Shame on you guys! First y'all get me addicted to Satguys, now Mafia wars. What's next?

Just kidding HiFi.
I'm getting addicted to this game! Shame on you guys! First y'all get me addicted to Satguys, now Mafia wars. What's next?
Hey guys , please send me your invites.I had almost all of my mafia wiped out.
Long story short, My entire Mafia wars friends list was lost & deleted.Now I have to re add everybody.
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Hey guys , please send me your invites.I had almost all of my mafia wiped out.
Long story short, My entire Mafia wars friends list was lost & deleted.Now I have to re add everybody.
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I'm getting addicted to this game! Shame on you guys! First y'all get me addicted to Satguys, now Mafia wars. What's next?
ME! Unlike Ramy, I'm not kidding!
What's with all these "boosts" ? I was 1 for 15 in robbery attempts yesterday.Everybody has an alarm system or mutts now.They seem to nulify all attempts at robbery.
Plus this stupid "Declare War" thing.I think they can do w/o that.
I refuse to use the declare war thing; you can only use it against YOUR OWN family; its insane. I understand the idea, but think it is totally unnecessary.
We should all add at Satguys tag to our Mafia name. Kinda like [SATGUYS] or something like that. LOL.
A [SATGUYS] clan would be cool. You could recruit players from Myspace, Bebo and Facebook. You would need a leader, usually someone really strong(Godfather) and a set of rules to abide by. If there was a chat feature here for Mafia Wars, that would be cool and allow players to more easily help each other. Place bounties, post problems, etc.
Jerry aka Last Man Standing-level 1192 aka The Resurrection~LMS- level 514