Satelliteguys Exclusive- Yambeka 5 Speaker HT

It's a shame Audioholics refuses to review them. Those guys are my bibles for audio, but they do act a bit silly sometimes. They refused to review the Yambeka's but bitched about Polk never sending them review samples.

Advice For New Company - Audioholics Home Theater Forums

Honestly from the pics, the Yambeka's look like the surround speakers Onkyo includes in its HTtib solutions like the HT-SR800 and the HT-SP908. I doubt it.

I think I will pick up a 5.0 set soon. If I don't like them, I can move them to my exercise room. Those low efficiencies look like they need a lot of juice. Has anyone paired these with separates, yet? I know they can compliment a Sony receiver just fine. I'm wondering what sort of deficiencies (if any) would pop up with an Anthem, Emotiva or Rotel pre/pro plus a Carver amp and a good SACD recording. :cool:
SatinKzo, I have received 2 more FedEx notifications for the other boxes, how about you?

Yep, got my emails on the tracking. I trusted the guys, I was just curious if they emailed tracking info out or not. I should have my 5.0 set this week sometime.

I was looking on Audioholics too, it is sad they won't review them. AVS guys rip them up, but then again they rip almost everything speaker related over there if it's not over $2000 it seems. It's not like I expect unbelievable performance, but the objective reviews of these speakers seem that they perform very well. Extremely well for the price. They'll make a nice replacement for my hodge-podge setup on the upstairs HT setup, save some room too.
Got my 5.0 setup today. Wife loves the look of these. Gave em a spin today with Transformers on HD DVD and they do seem very clear and pack a good punch in the vocals and higher frequencies. I am gonna adjust my sub crossover setting later and push a little more to the main speakers and see how the side mounted woofer sounds.

Gonna watch Day After Tomorrow tonight on BD, wife is actually looking forward to it. She keeps saying how nice these look.


I'm using these in my hand-me-down theater setup that gets all my old equipment from our main setup. I'm using an Onkyo tx-sr604 with these.
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deleted. What type of audio receivers do you guys use with these speakers? Im lookin into a good surround setup.

Shaggy; you may have to change your sig.....

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5.0? No sub?

Yambeka doesn't do subs, I already have a 10 inch powered sub that I was using.

After watching DAT on BD, I noticed a much improved mid to high frequency response with the Yambeka's. Overall, during some of the storm scenes, its seemed warmer souding (no pun intended with DAT). The wind sounded like wind and not white noise esque. My wife even said it sounded very clean and voices seems very clear. Sound did not get muddied in the action and weather scenes.

Gotta say overall, very good speaker overall and a great speaker setup for the prices.
Technically there are matching subs as the company that makes the speakers for them makes subwoofers... they suck! I ordered one through the ebay seller who sells them and for the month it worked it was great but it died when I was at work and my wife thought the thing was going to explode. The replacement they sent died another month later.
Well,after two bad weather delays,I have my 7.0 set. Two of the boxes were pretty well trashed, but only damage to speakers was one chip of finish on the base plate of one of the front speakers, this at the rear where it does'nt show. Without running Audyssy on my Onkyo the speakers are a big improvement over my old speakers, more presence and brighter sounding. I turned off my sub and made the fronts "large" to see how much bass they put out, not much. One problem is that my right surround is right next to my puter CRT monitor and the surround is not magnetically shielded, so for now I put the old Sony surround at that location in order to stop the distorted colors on my monitor. So far I am impressed by these Yambekas.
My brother came by last night to check out the Yambekas, he is thinking of ordering a set. He could not believe the sound from these speakers.
We watched Resident Evil extinction on Blu-Ray, and I played him some Ratatouille they are simply amazing speakers. I would not tell him how much they cost until he listened to them, he thought they were around $2000.
Interesting. I wonder what's up with that?
I've gotten them pretty loud with my 100 Watt per channel reciever.
Who knows, maybe the labels are incorrect?

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