Satellite TV’s Orbit Is Failing Fast

Unless they start converting a lot of Hd and Sd channels to 4K. Then the need to watch satellite might start building again. For a while the only way to get to watch Hd back in the 2000s was through satellite . Directv had more than DISH did at first and people would go to them for that reason. All it would take is the tv channel companies started to convert to 4k and DISH could find an mgeg 4 compression scheme that allows them to fit more 4K channels on one transponder without the customer seeing a drop in picture quality.

That’s possibly one way, but I think the way forward will work itself out if the cable/sat providers can hold on long enough.
Currently the cable/sat streaming replacement services are losing money according to many analysts. And all of them require you to accept less than what cable/sat provide. When they raise their rates and you need/want more channels, then the cost to do that gets very close to what you pay now for cable/sat.
The channel specific pay services are really structured around you keeping them for a full year, as consumers start subbing for a month or two a year to binge watch the original programming, then their profits shrink which means less money to create those original series.
Lastly, IMO all cable/sat streaming services are poor in program management, recording and so forth.

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Cds cut the upper and lower ranges of music off...its not what you what you feel...its hard to explain

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Hey man I grew up listening to vinyl records, and I would never go back- the hisses and pops drive me nuts. It's CD's or high bitrate audio files for me :)
Hey man I grew up listening to vinyl records, and I would never go back- the hisses and pops drive me nuts. It's CD's or high bitrate audio files for me :)
I'm with Juan here. You must have listened to dirty records on a lousy turntable. :)

CD's do not come close to the fidelity of LPs. Maybe in the future when they devote enough bits (more than is available to Blu Ray) to more closely equal the infinite resolution of analog we may get there....but it is not there yet.

Not to say there isn't great value with digital. I gave up on my LPs because of the ease of play. No longer did I have to use a Discwasher and anti-static mat just to get going and then tip-toe back to my couch so as to not jar my light tracking, expensive cartridge only to have to get up 15 minutes later to turn it over and start the ritual again. CD: open drawer, put in disc. Enjoy contamination-free playback of very, very good (but not the best) 74 minutes of music.

Ease of use is such a powerful force, that this old audiophile no longer even bothers with CDs. I stream from Amazon Music at whatever dubious bit-rate it sends me because I can quickly get to one of my 10,000 songs and get lyrics up on my TV to boot!

And also keep in mind that merely by putting a TV between your speakers (as 100% of us do) creates standing waves that destroys much of the placement, width, space and depth that audiophiles paid so much money to recreate in the first place.
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I had a wealthy roommate at college who bought a Revox and lorded it over the rest of us. :(
A fellow in my frat house had a Fisher (when Avery Fisher was still alive and they made decent stuff) that put my Electrophonic combo set to shame. (I had a better taste in music, though, so they still all came to my room).

A few years later I spent an evening with a fellow that had top shelf gear, the centerpiece that was a McIntosh tube amp (maybe the 275?) and that clean, wonderful and mellow power made me quit buying things for my car and start putting it into stereo gear.
A few years later I spent an evening with a fellow that had top shelf gear, the centerpiece that was a McIntosh tube amp (maybe the 275?) and that clean, wonderful and mellow power made me quit buying things for my car and start putting it into stereo gear.

You lost me on that one. If you want an amp that sounds like a tube amp, just build in a soft clipping transfer function into a transistor amp. Bob Carver proved that. Or better yet, buy a much more powerful amp that will never clip.
I have never hated a song as I did Stairway To Heaven. :biggrin

I disagree on that one too. :(
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Did you have any hearing left after 100K reps? :eeek
Well yes. As I am sure you know, if you have good gear, loud does not hurt.

I remember taking a customer (hifi Buys, Atlanta) to the high end room and playing something at around jet takeoff level and the baby she was holding was grinning and drooling in his pleasure. She too. I have learned that when women say, "Turn that's too loud!" it's because they do not know to say, "Honey, you have driven that poor little amp into clipping!"

PS. To all that may have missed the Krell reference: Home.

And yes, THEIR stuff beats a 25 watt, 70 year old tube amp. :music
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Unless they start converting a lot of Hd and Sd channels to 4K. Then the need to watch satellite might start building again. For a while the only way to get to watch Hd back in the 2000s was through satellite . Directv had more than DISH did at first and people would go to them for that reason. All it would take is the tv channel companies started to convert to 4k and DISH could find an mgeg 4 compression scheme that allows them to fit more 4K channels on one transponder without the customer seeing a drop in picture quality.
That's one way, but for the immediate future (meaning right now), I've always wondered why the on demand content couldn't be in 4k. After all, if you want to watch something on demand, it downloads to the hopper over the internet and when it's complete you can watch it. So if they allowed the downloaded content to be in 4k it probably would take a bit longer to download, but that's about it. Am I correct?
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Nope. Set my parents up on the plan in October and no income requirements were needed. They are in a former TWC area and perhaps there was some exception made there, I don't know.

View attachment 137384

Also, see this thread: Need a recommend for my parents

Looks like it's a promo price for a year. While Charter doesn't do a lot in the way of promos, they do some 1 year deals for new subscribers. They won't be getting that price when it expires

Does an outdoor OTA antenna (no dish) require a hopper?

Dish Anywhere bandwidth

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