Wildblue Sucks
High guys, former starband user (they suck) current wildblue user (they suck too). Going to tell you a story about wildblue that happened to me today.
I have called wild blue customer support three times today. First call, 27 min 47 seconds on hold, had to hang up to answer a different call. Second call 44 min 38 seconds on hold, finally get a support person that didn't have a clue what they where talking about and she put me on hold for another tech support person. Held for another 21min before I got irritated and hung up. Entire call length was OVER an hour. Third call just now tried to get through to tech support. Again on hold for over 30 minutes before I hung up.
On march 27 my account was slowed for FAP violations. The email that was sent me and the wildblue FAP both clearly state that once the account is below 70% of the bandwidth cap for the last thirty days (a rolling time period) that my speeds will be reinstated. Here I quote the email sent by wbabuse
"Please be aware that future occurrences, whether intentional or not, can result in the degradation of your service again. Your service will be returned to its previous operating levels once your cumulative previous 30-day's usage has decreased to 70% of your Usage Level." And here I quote thier current FAP "
Once your speeds have been reduced, you must decrease your usage to bring your Usage Total to 70% or less of the Usage Threshold. Once your Usage Total reaches this level, your access speeds will be restored to the original speed levels by the next day."
My account is at under 50% for the last thirty days and HAS BEEN under the 70% mark for over a week. WHY AM I STILL FAPPED!
And following is an online chat with on of their techies explaining why I am still fapped (only modifications are replacement of phone numbers username and removal of passwords).
3:04:56 PM Wildblue User
Initial Question/Comment: ISSUE DESCRIPTION: 'FAPPED' ARTICLES VIEWED: 2248,2242,2246,2245,3330
3:05:07 PM System
Richard_J has joined this session!
3:05:07 PM System
Connected with Richard_J
3:05:16 PM Richard_J
Thank you for contacting WildBlue technical support. My name is Richard, how may I be of assistance today?
3:08:09 PM Wildblue User
3:08:20 PM Richard_J
Hi User.
3:08:22 PM Wildblue User
I am one pissed off dude right now.
3:08:39 PM Wildblue User
I have called wild blue customer support three times today. First call, 27 min 47 seconds on hold, had to hang up to answer a different call.
3:08:54 PM Wildblue User
Second call 44 min 38 seconds on hold, finally get a support
person that didn't have a clue what they where talking about and she put me on hold for another tech support person. Held for another 21min before I got irritated and hung up
3:09:17 PM Wildblue User
Entire call length was OVER an hour. Third call just now tried to get through to tech support. Again on hold for over 30 minutes before I hung up.
3:09:37 PM Wildblue User
I have chatted once today via this chatline with one intellegent person. But unfortunatley they did not have the authority to fix my problem.
3:09:54 PM Wildblue User
If this is not resolved NOW I will cancell all of my wildblue accounts and go back to starband. (1 Personal and 3 commercial accounts)
3:10:46 PM Richard_J
I understand how you may feel having these issues with being on hold for so long and not having a resolution for your issues as of now and definitely can see how frustrating this must be for you, but I assure you I am going to
do all I can to help assist you today.
3:11:27 PM Wildblue User
On march 27 my account was slowed for FAP violations.
3:11:53 PM Wildblue User
The email that was sent me and the wildblue FAP both clearly state that once the account is below 70% of the bandwidth cap for the last thirty days
(a rolling time period) that my speeds will be reinstated.
3:12:22 PM Wildblue User
Here I quote the email sent by wbabuse
3:12:34 PM Wildblue User
"Please be aware that future occurrences, whether intentional or not, can result in the degradation of your service again. Your service will be returned to its previous operating levels once your cumulative previous 30-day's usage has decreased to 70% of your Usage Level."
3:13:01 PM Wildblue User
My account is at under 50% for the last thirty days and HAS BEEN under the 70% mark for over a week. WHY AM I STILL FAPPED!
3:13:36 PM Richard_J
May I have the phone number that is associated with the account that is having the FAP issues please?
3:13:40 PM Wildblue User
3:14:24 PM Wildblue User
username: user
3:15:01 PM Richard_J
Chat is an un-secure communication. For example, we strongly recommend that you request a new username and
password through chat only if you are using your home computer. WildBlue is not responsible for any loss of
security to your account based on this communication. If you elect to use chat from a computer outside your home,
please ensure that you have deleted the cache and cookies from the computer after this session. If you would like
to continue your request, please provide us with your security password so we can authenticate your account. Upon
logging in, we strongly recommend that you immediately change your password. If you would like to reset your
username or password over the phone, please call us at 866-wildblue. Can you verify your security password?
3:15:33 PM Wildblue User
3:15:56 PM Richard_J
Thank you very much User, I am reviewing over the account for you now.
3:18:16 PM Richard_J
Ok, I do see where the notification was sent on March 27. It will take 30 days for the speeds to return to normal, so basically there are still a few days left as the 30 days will not end until around the 27th of this month.
3:19:04 PM Wildblue User
The on lady i talked to on the phone told me that I had to wait 30 days for the account to be good again too, but that is not true the last time I was fapped it only took 9 days, and the Fair Access Policy clearly states that I only have to be under 70% for the last thirty days accumulative.
3:19:32 PM Wildblue User
I am under 50%
3:19:56 PM Wildblue User
If you look and see I was also fapped on 2/20/08
3:20:09 PM Wildblue User
that was reinstated on 2/29/08
3:20:52 PM Wildblue User
Do I need to talk to a senior service person to get this fixed
3:22:34 PM Richard_J
I do see that as well on the other date that you just listed. But it is only a
rare occurrence when the FAP only takes lower than the 30 days to get services back to normal, since the latest violation of the Fair Access Policy, there are only a few days left, roughly around 5 days, and then your services should be back to normal and be able to use your service correctly again.
3:23:20 PM Wildblue User
You don't understand. I am already under the limit you can look it up yourself
3:24:25 PM Richard_J
Right, I understand your frustration, I have been in similar situations myself with different companies policies, but you would need to be under the percentage for the full 30 days, and there are still a few days left.
3:24:47 PM Wildblue User
THAT is not what the FAP says.
3:25:39 PM Wildblue User
That is also not what I was already told once last year when this happened and they had to get it elevated to a higher level of support
3:26:24 PM Wildblue User
and that is never what it has been in the past, I have been Fapped on many occasions with my 4 accounts
3:27:03 PM Wildblue User
it has always been when the last accumulative 30 days usage was under 70%
3:27:34 PM Wildblue User
Again, once you reduce your Usage Total to 70% of your Monthly Usage Threshold, your speeds and access will return to normal.
3:28:00 PM Wildblue User
Thats right out of the FAP
3:28:30 PM Wildblue User
My Usage Total is 48%
3:29:07 PM Richard_J
Right, the cumulative 30 days has not passed yet, and that is why you are
still under the FAP. It is 30 days from the date of the 27th when the last email notification was sent in regards to violating it.
3:29:17 PM Wildblue User
3:29:58 PM Wildblue User
\the cumulative thirty days is the total downloaded in the last thirty days, not waiting for thirty days
3:30:45 PM Wildblue User
"Once your speeds have been reduced, you must decrease your usage to bring your Usage Total to 70% or less of the Usage Threshold Once your Usage Total reaches this level, your access speeds will be restored to the
original speed levels by the next day"
3:31:10 PM Wildblue User
Not 30 days later
3:31:35 PM Wildblue User
And I know from experience that it is ussually by the next day
3:31:50 PM Wildblue User
this is different this time for some reason
3:32:50 PM Wildblue User
I quoted those right out of your FAP
3:33:22 PM Richard_J
As I have stated earlier, it is a rare occasion on when they are returned to proper speeds the next day, I have been working with WildBlue for a few years now, and it normally takes the full 30 days. I believe you, I am looking at the FAP articles myself and see where you are getting your information.
3:33:58 PM Wildblue User
If that is so, why does it state in your FAP it will be by the next day?
3:34:40 PM Wildblue User
Can I get a manager in on this
3:36:53 PM Richard_J
I will be more than happy to see if a manager is available User, however they are most likely going to say the same thing. I have seen the speeds return the next day as well, but from what I am able to see about the account, you violated the FAP on March 20 and then once again on the 27, since that time frame is so close together is most likely why the speeds are not returning to normal as quick as what they have
in the past.
3:37:26 PM Wildblue User
nowhere in your FAP is that rule there and I only recieved notification of being FAPPED on 3/27/08, in your own email system. I have a copy of all the emails sent to me by wbabuse in the last two years.
3:40:24 PM Wildblue User
3:41:36 PM Richard_J
If you go to this link,
http://help.wildblue.net/kb/article/2251 it states that once you violate the FAP and then you violate the FAP within the next 30 days from that time then it constitutes as a second violation. I understand that it does not state that it will take longer for speeds to return, but that
is what happens when those 2 violations occur.
3:42:15 PM Wildblue User
3:42:43 PM Richard_J
No problem User.
3:43:38 PM Wildblue User
That states that a failure to reduce within the next thirty days contitutes another violation. I have reduced it within thirty days
3:44:12 PM Wildblue User
nowhere does that say two violations in a ingle 30 day period slows me down for 30 days
3:45:46 PM Wildblue User
I want to talk to someone senior on this
3:46:38 PM Richard_J
Right, from the second violation you have gotten under the 70%, but it seems that within the 7 day period from March 20 to March 27th, that it was not under the usage percent and it cause the second violation with your account.
3:46:57 PM Wildblue User
I want to talk to someone senior on this
3:47:59 PM Richard_J
I am checking on supervisor availability for you now User, it may take a few minutes, but I will try to get one as soon as possible.
3:48:06 PM Wildblue User
Thank you
3:48:35 PM Wildblue User
I can call if you have a direct number to one that DOES NOT put me on hold for an hour
3:49:11 PM Wildblue User
In fact any customer service number that gets answered would be good
3:49:24 PM Richard_J
To be honest, I am unsure of the wait times, but the number would be 1-866-WildBlue.
3:49:32 PM Wildblue User
They suck
3:50:34 PM Richard_J
I do apologize for that User, but that would be the number to call to get in touch with our customer service as well as customer technical support phone lines.
3:51:39 PM Wildblue User
Is my account still under contract?
3:52:09 PM Richard_J
I will be more than happy to check on that for you now.
3:52:22 PM Wildblue User
how about that manager
3:52:46 PM Richard_J
He is currently busy at the moment, and he is trying to get with you as soon as possible.
3:52:53 PM Wildblue User
what state is wildblue corporate headquarters in? The Better Buisiness Bureau will need to know that.
3:53:04 PM Richard_J
I am showing that there are 6 months remaining in your contract.
3:55:34 PM Wildblue User
when was the original contract date signed
3:56:04 PM Richard_J
The main headquarters is in Colorado. The original date would be 2006-10-24.
3:56:23 PM Wildblue User
My contract was only for a year
3:56:43 PM Wildblue User
I'll find the paper work now.
3:57:13 PM Wildblue User
For now you can plan on a complaint to the BBB.
3:57:19 PM Richard_J
I am double checking that for you now as well, just to make sure I did not
read it in error.
3:57:49 PM Richard_J
I apologize, it was actually showing that you are 6 months out of contract, not
that you are still in contract.
3:58:03 PM Wildblue User
Thank you.
3:58:24 PM Richard_J
No problem at all.
So that was a wasteof time.

Just warning anyone thinking of getting Wildblue, Their customer service sucks bad, worse than Starbands was. And since about the first of January 2007 the latency went from around 400-600ms to 1100-1800ms. (The low latency is why I went to Wildblue along with a bandwidth cap of 26GB that they took away a couple months later) I actually got ahold of a tech that knew something at that time and he said it had to do with an upgrade of their bandwidth monitoring equipment.
And so I complained to the BBB
If anyone else is having problems with Wildblue Customer service, I Recomend telling the BBB. If enough of us do mabey Wildblue will do something about it.
Other than that, great internet.