Satellite Inet Users Be Aware

So my dilemna is: do I wait a month without broadband to see if cable is possible with the risk that it won't be and I'll have to sign up with satellite anyway, or do I go for satellite straightaway with the option that if cable does turn out to be available I can, if I want to, always cancel the satellite.

If I go for satellite now (or later), which service should I go with? HughesNet, SkyWay, WildBlue or SkyFX? Is there anyone else?

So many questions!

I know with Hughesnet (having just started with their service), you have to sign a 24-month contract (ala Cell Phones). Don't know about WB for sure, but thought they also had a specific time period contract. Given this, I'd wait until I was sure that cable was not an option.
So my dilemna is: do I wait a month without broadband to see if cable is possible with the risk that it won't be and I'll have to sign up with satellite anyway, or do I go for satellite straightaway with the option that if cable does turn out to be available I can, if I want to, always cancel the satellite.

If I go for satellite now (or later), which service should I go with? HughesNet, SkyWay, WildBlue or SkyFX? Is there anyone else?

So many questions!

I know with Hughesnet (having just started with their service), you have to sign a 24-month contract (ala Cell Phones). Don't know about WB for sure, but thought they also had a specific time period contract. Given this, I'd wait until I was sure that cable was not an option.
We have switched businesses off of the broadband satellite to our wireless internet service and they never looked back. We got others wanting to switch but some are in a contract. Some are going to switch anyhow. Most people that have the satellite broadband have no alternative so they have no choice but to stay with it because its better than dialup unless you are into gaming.
The fact that 'you' have not had people with WildBlue trouble means little. Have you been hit by a drunk driver or hit by lightening? Others have and just like the two I personally know being cut off by WildBlue... it happens.

Where I live DSL, Cable and whatnot are not available. We are in rural North Dakota. The speed is 24kbps at the fastest and under 1kbps to 2.7 is the norm for downloads and uploads. It takes a long time to get a 5MB photo uploaded this way and a long time to download a program update.

So, we look at HughesNet to see if it is a viable alternative.

If someone else has a workable suggestion I am open to it.
You might call your local dish or dtv retailer and ask if they know of anyone closer that 200 miles. I know I would have to sur charge just because of distance.
What is "Dway"

I just came to this site/forum. I do not have any broadband service available to me here in the "boonies," except satellite.

I have been reading thru this Thread and caught the comment by the "Dway" installer. Hence my question- what is "Dway?"

I am trying to make an intelligent choice of a satellite provider; therefore, I am checking out all vendors I can ID.

Recommendations would, of course, be appreciated.

I just came to this site/forum. I do not have any broadband service available to me here in the "boonies," except satellite.

I have been reading thru this Thread and caught the comment by the "Dway" installer. Hence my question- what is "Dway?"

I am trying to make an intelligent choice of a satellite provider; therefore, I am checking out all vendors I can ID.

Recommendations would, of course, be appreciated.


I have been with what is now called HughesNet for over 5 years. When first it was DirecWay, we actually reached download speeds in excess of 3MB at times. FAP was there, but with over 400MB every 4 hours, it wasn't an issue. That's over 2GB per day!
Now we have Hughes (we are rural and have no choice but satellite), and even with the Pro Plus plan (supposedly 1.5MB) we are lucky to average 300-400k during the day, though at times we see 1.2MB.
The FAP for us is now 425MB per day! I hit the old FAP limit of 200MB once due to having to download a large program multiple times in one day. I was NEVER notified that the FAP had changed! When I called customer service, they couldn't care less.
I don't know how well WB treats their customers, but once you sign up with Hughes, they couldn't care less about you. The customer support center is in Asia, and they are VERY limited in what they will do for you. I have never been satisifed with their customer service, and not surprisingly, I have never been given a survey to fill out either.
Since it would cost more money than we're willing to spend to change providers, and it sounds like there are similar issues with most of them, we are stuck for the time being, until AT&T gets DSL out here, or a cable company brings out a cable modem.

Good Luck!
I need some help. I have violated the FAP for Wildblue and don't know how to get my faster service back. I continued to download at 10 kbps thinking that everything would rollback at the end of the month. I guess that was a mistake on my part.

The thing I need help is that I don't know how to bring it down... even regular usage seems to bump it up by a couple MB... The bar isn't going down... so how do I get under 80 % of usage? Its just staying there hovering over the limit?? Please someone explain how I bring my "usage total down below 80%?"

Also, what speeds do you guys get? I read that when someone violated the FAP the went down to 130 kbps? I go down to 10... plus when I'm on full speed I usually get 100 kbps but that might go up a little but I've never really gotten above 200 kbps.

Anyways... any explanation on how to fix a FAP problem would be appreciated.
You need to call wild blue and tell them the problem, the time to come out of the "throttled speeds" differ with the company. StarBand worked on a 7 day rolling average so it could take a week to get out of dial up speeds.

You can not do any audio visual, interviews, movie trailers, nothing,, uTube, no way, Chat is incredible use of Bandwidth I typed 2 words, hello world and my activity monitor registered 250K bandwidth on Yahoo for just those words, it could be Yahoo is allowing that big of of a packet as many things can go into a chat program. However I am not a chat person, was just trying to see where my suspected use was coming from. The Sat companies have a terrible time of keeping up with actual true usage. I have a Mac and it shows exactly how man Kbs . MB up and down and the number of packets that I am using. This is built into the OS, so it's not a flaky shareware product. I was told there were behind the scenes usage that I could not monitor that I was charged for.//Hmm Just email and easy non visual surfing.
Verzion charges $59.00 per month for 5 Gigs per month and speeds from 1 Gig to 1,6 down and 250 to 500 Kbs up. I do not work for Verizon but I do have tActual use, it has been told to me that they can not do it accurately, and that they have many problems. It is the worst thing about satellite. I understand the frustration. I think satellite has lost it's once huge lead in technology by being greedy and lazy. Cell phone is the way to go, I suggest Verizon 1st. From my research they are the best. The speeds are faster, your connection goes where you do and the amount of bandwidth is cheaper and you can buy more. Although I would start with the minimum and see how the FAP policy is enforced. Since the Cell companies are very serious about this part of the industry they may not be pushing them hard. If you keep hitting the FAP, buy some more bandwidth.I have had their phone service for over a year and though I use it a little, I have been happy

Mean time call WB and talk to the customer service department, they usually waive the first FAP violation, just tell them you are trying and don't see how this could be. If it's the truth. Don't try to fool them, but I got hit with charges when we had no electricity because of the fires. They still said I was blowing through 25 to 50 Megs a day.

They seem to take one of your days highest use and hang that on you and your stuck with it through the whole billing period, and that becomes your average.
Good luck
Just FYI re Starband

From their website:
Please note that the FAP thresholds are only monitored between the hours of 6:00am and 12:00am. The other 6 hours are wide open, download and up load without it counting towards your limit

Nova Pro 1000 (1024/128)
Download Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 1600 Mbytes
Download Recovery Rate - 150 Kbps
Download Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 1024 Mbytes
Upload Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 400 Mbytes
Upload Recovery Rate - 56 Kbps
Upload Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 275 Mbytes

Nova Pro 1500 (1.5/256)
Download Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 4000 Mbytes
Download Recovery Rate - 400 Kbps
Download Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 2750 Mbytes
Upload Threshold (rolling 7 day period) -1000 Mbytes
Upload Recovery Rate - 96 Kbps
Upload Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 700 Mbytes

Customers who are close to exceeding their assigned bandwidth usage for a rolling period of seven days will be sent a warning message via a web message and via their StarBand email account. Customers who exceed their assigned bandwidth usage for a rolling period of seven days will again be notified via a web message and via their StarBand email account. The web message will specify that the customers' speeds will be temporarily reduced until the customers' seven day rolling average drops below the 'exit limit'. The customer's normal high-speed access (as specified in the customer's contract) will be restored after that time period. Because there is a seven-day monitoring period, customers are not penalized for one-time or occasional bandwidth bumps unless the total for the entire seven days is very high. In addition, customers get one free pass to remove the restriction by calling StarBand customer service and requesting a restriction removal.
Just FYI re Starband

From their website:
Please note that the FAP thresholds are only monitored between the hours of 6:00am and 12:00am. The other 6 hours are wide open, download and up load without it counting towards your limit

Nova Pro 1000 (1024/128)
Download Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 1600 Mbytes
Download Recovery Rate - 150 Kbps
Download Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 1024 Mbytes
Upload Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 400 Mbytes
Upload Recovery Rate - 56 Kbps
Upload Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 275 Mbytes

Nova Pro 1500 (1.5/256)
Download Threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 4000 Mbytes
Download Recovery Rate - 400 Kbps
Download Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 2750 Mbytes
Upload Threshold (rolling 7 day period) -1000 Mbytes
Upload Recovery Rate - 96 Kbps
Upload Exit threshold (rolling 7 day period) - 700 Mbytes

Customers who are close to exceeding their assigned bandwidth usage for a rolling period of seven days will be sent a warning message via a web message and via their StarBand email account. Customers who exceed their assigned bandwidth usage for a rolling period of seven days will again be notified via a web message and via their StarBand email account. The web message will specify that the customers' speeds will be temporarily reduced until the customers' seven day rolling average drops below the 'exit limit'. T.

Baja, you know I respect you, but I just got Faped again and with no notice, I checked my usage every day, the chart and graph was not working all week, it showed a -1 and my speeds were just great . I kept a log on my computer showing 25 megs to 50 megs a day the max would have been 2 days of 80 megs, give them a 100 for my general surfing, which mostly happens at night.

Except!! the night time downloads, it's not true, they do count them and it has brought me down again. I have a email that says between 1 am and 7 am EST downloads are free. I was also told this on the phone, but the phone support said 12 am to 7 am EST I have always waited till 1 am EST. I am sorry, these big days go right to my software upgrade, which I was also told was never counted, that they could tell the difference between software updates and

I did some major downloads this week to update my computers, however I just do one download and copy the the download to the rest. I waited till after 1 am EST and I am still charged for them. Now throttled again. Useless.

Obviously StarBand is not being clear on this policy and if my own computer does not qualify for them as an accurate view for usage, although it is part of the Mac OS 10.4.11 system and takes it right down to the packets used, Kbs and MBs and GBs used to the second.
Then how am I supposed to make sure I do not pass this mysterious limit. I think they pick the biggest number they find and stick with it. Now I am stuck until Monday before I can call them and point out their system does not work. I am stuck at dial up speeds

They may lift the band and they may not. If they do not I am stuck at 90 Kbs down, and 25 kbs up, this makes no cents. I have told them they are way off but it's the stuff behind the scenes that I can't see that runs these things they tell me. The honest ones admit, it's messed up we can't track it accurately. Now I am not blowing things out of the water, I am not doing anything but trying to keep my computers updated, as I said I copy each download to the others, so it's one download for PPC and one for the intel Macs. Copy that download when possible.

I have been a customer 3 years - invested over $6,100.00 paid to Star Band for equipment and service at $99.00 per month, which was for their top speed at the time of the 481 telecommuter plan, 750 down. 250 up.
$2500.00 for the hardware and satellite dish. That dish has zero return on investment, the new Nova series will only take the slowest plan on my dish. To get the fastest, and 2 watts, I need to buy a whole new dish again. So my $350.00 modem and satellite is worthless. Pretty bad ROI over a 3 year period
for such an expensive piece of equipment that all it does is collect data.

In just 3 years so there goes another $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 if I wanted to stay with them. Now the download speeds have gone up supposedly, but no one I know and I go to the a web site that had great people and their are still a few left, but one time had 4000 users. Now it's dead because StarBand is not keeping up with it's promises.

Anyway, no one has posted to my knowledge that these new Nova 1000 and 1500 systems, are working and operational. They will only be sold to new customers, long time customers can not get one. Dealers are not allowed to set one up in their show room. The previous Nova system was a flop. So I would surely wait until I saw 100's of posts about these Nova 1000 and 1500 working and up for a few months before I invested potentially thousands of dollars and working reliably before I ever invested in one. I try to click and upgrade and get a screen, you do not qualify. 3 year customer and I do not qualify. Gee, the must really want to keep me.

Reliability on my 481 has been rock solid, I have never had a problem, it has always been on, when they set the speeds at ther right setting as they usually set me to 500 download instead of 750 and this takes another call to another dept. It just works. I can say that, it make s me wonder why they ever changed. but I don' care anymore , because they don't care anymore.

If your stuck don't forget to check the availability of cell phone connectivity.
The speeds are comparable 1 to 1.6 meg down the fap is 5 megs a month for $59.00. If you are in a tough area for signals look into a larger antenna that can go outside and boost the signal. If they don't unfap me, it's Verizon here I come but thankfully only for a few weeks. However I will probably need portable for the next few months.

BTW if you do have no other choice but satellite, talk with BajaDude, I have known him from the Planet Bandwidth - Starband / "THE" place for information on using your Starband equipment He is an honest guy and if anything can be worked out, this is the guy to do it with satellite . He works the east coast but can get good deals and help you no matter where you are. It is very important to have someone who can call Star Band and get things straight when the say downloads are free at night and then charge you for them. I do hope he survives StarBands shake up.

I still think StarBand is worth a look if NOTHING ! else is available including cell, their moving fast and Verizon leads the pack and I think will blow satellite out of the sky except in those very remote places cell does not work. Verizon has a free 30 day test drive, use it for 30 days, if it's not for you, take it back and no charges. How can you lose.
Fapped because of 1 GiG in a week, that showed up nowhere.
We will see how this night time policy works on Monday. It's good timing.
Geoff, did you buy your system directly from Starband or through a dealer? Reason I ask is because a responsible dealer will intercede on your behalf to help you resolve this issue. Anyone can now upgrade to the new modem and plans for $149. Dealers as of about a month or two can get the new modems as a showroom account. the Sky-Edge modem has been in use since Sept of 2006. The new plans since about Oct of 2007 I think.

I would have to respectfully disagree on the starband users site. It is dead for several reasons.

The owner is woefully neglectful about maintaining it and keeping it current and fresh. long time user like myself with 3000 posts have repeatedly e-mailed the owner volunteering to take over moderating and upkeep on the site but he no longer even returns e-mails.

because of the above many very experienced long time users with well established connections inside Spacenet have simply thrown up their hands and abandoned the site. I periodically check in but it's more like 3-6 times a month instead of the 3-6 times a day we used to. People looking for help or a sense of kinship with others on the same boat have no real reason to stay and participate when so many parts of the board are way outdated, the owner refuses to post new files in the files section and in general seems to not give a c--p.

almost a year ago he posted a notice say in a few weeks he was going to update the board software, move it to a new server and eliminate the $15 to join fee. the notice is still there and nothing has changed.

Verizon is good if you can get it....however if you can't then speeds on it are going to be zero...that's a lot slower than any sat service. I have always maintained that satellite delivered internet is always a service of last resort when there are no other options. you would be crazy to go to it if you have another option.

Part of the reason some dealers survive and thrive is because they have a tenacious dedication to their customer base and will do everything in their power to get an issue resolved. It is not in my interest to have unhappy customers.

I hope that every time you call in with a complaint you get a case # and establish a pattern of the same issue. There is definitely an issue with the band width monitor not working properly for some customers. A responsible dealer will take those case numbers and work with you to get the problem resolved. I have done it.

If you don't have a responsible dealer be pro active and be the squeaky wheel. Download something like DU meter, take snapshots of it once a day, call in frequently and make a pest of yourself, get case numbers and then call CS to keep asking for credit on your monthly. Ask that your case be escalated to someone with more authority than the fist line of TS. I know this is a PITA and your dealer should be doing it for you but if they are not then don't fall into the woe is me I am a victim can get this resolved. if you do what I mentioned above for a week, collect the data and case #'s and you still don't have any satisfaction contact me directly and I will put you in touch with the people that will make it happen.

if you can, at specific 24hour intervals turn your modem off, they can see it go off and when it goes back on. then you can force them to correlate it with bogus bandwidth total usage.

collect the evidence, collect the case #'s, repeatedly ask for credit ( ask for case numbers then also), then present your case.

the published fap free times are the correct times. Anytime TS tries to blow smoke up your a$$ about that refer them to the link.


If they say it's wrong tell them it not your problem and that they have had months to get someone to correct the info if it is indeed wrong ( it is not BTW).

At all times be polite and courteous but forceful and determined. Avoid calling Monday mornings. it's the busiest time.

good luck and keep us posted and thanks for the kind words
Geoff, did you buy your system directly from Starband or through a dealer?

From a Dealer who no longer supports Star Band but sells Wild Blue. However I had to pay the company who installed it , the up front costs for the satellite, modem and installation material. Dish still lists them as certified installers. They have nothing nice to say about Starband

I would have to respectfully disagree on the starband users site. It is dead for several reasons.The owner is woefully neglectful about maintaining it and keeping it current and fresh. long time user like myself with 3000 posts have repeatedly e-mailed the owner volunteering to take over moderating and upkeep on the site but he no longer even returns e-mails.
"That has not stopped users from taking advantage of it , like during the bird strike. The site works fine today, I just posted there myself as did you. The problem is people are leaving Star Band and this goes for me too. While the site may not be perfect, it still looks nice, works well and Ken still pays the fees to provide the server, and I am most grateful that he does, if someone wanted to make a new StarBand site, it's easy enough, just not practical, look at all the long time people who left. Not because of the web site, but they finally got real internet"
because of the above many very experienced long time users with well established connections inside Spacenet have simply thrown up their hands and abandoned the site. I periodically check in but it's more like 3-6 times a month instead of the 3-6 times a day we used to. People looking for help or a sense of kinship with others on the same boat have no real reason to stay and participate when so many parts of the board are way outdated, the owner refuses to post new files in the files section and in general seems to not give a c--p.
" I must disagree, again it's his site. If Star Band and Spacenet want a new site they should look at theirs, talk about a mess, that has such outdated information I get 404 links and stuff that makes no sense from 2003. There meeting place for users has nothing.. On there are all sorts of spaces that have subjects, headers and they all work. It's searchable, it's a well built site. It is not an official StarBand or Spacenet site, in fact we have to be careful what is posted as it is monitored, Star Band has never been a part of that site, Star Band shut down the monthly chats at their own site. Starband hates that site, I was told to disregard that when talking with the company in pre sale negotiations, also the dealer told me that only whiners who knew nothing went there. So let SB throw their hands up, they never supported that to my knowledge in 3 years.

All the headings at are open, there are just no people to post questions. Nobody left to fill the spots with what the new equipment works like, the sight works fine, and any of the multiple posting headings could be filled with new questions, all the old ones are still there, thanks to Ken. People still using the 360, 481. If anyone wants, they could ask questions and do, but the 4,900 members, I bet there are 59 now. They have just left, and that is not Ken's fault, he had 4900 subscribers. Their filled with goodbyes, I am finally free and have cable or DSL. YAHOO!!

Plus Ken does not charge yearly, I paid one fee back in 2004 and that is it, the password works and I, and the rest of the hanger on's with Star Band post mostly about StarBands Fap policy and the lack of support for the new Novas, which I guess are starting to trickle in a little bit.
Of course, I would never buy a Nova 1000 or 1500 till I see hundreds of reports. Cosna was hooked up 2 or 3 months ago and I guess just got on a few weeks ago. Plus I can't buy one, I am a Starband user, only new customers. I tried last week, I got a screen on StarBand that says You Don't Qualify great way to retain customers.
Don't blame Ken, that's wrong, if people do not like his site, start a new Star Band site, what he is putting up is not all that cheap and though it's old, iy still looks rather fresh and the design is good. It's the only real place I know of to get info, other then here and BB.C

I went to your other recommended site that you mentioned a couple of months ago and found nothing on the Star Band logs. I am glad at least that Ken gives us that for Free, who can complain. People have left, if you read the logs. Some stop in to see if it's still alive as it was a great group, lead mostly by you Baja and your efforts to keep Band going during the Bird strike. You were great. Ken did not charge members for that. That was really nice but you worked 24/7 did StarBand ever say thanks, you prevented a mass exodus

almost a year ago he posted a notice say in a few weeks he was going to update the board software, move it to a new server and eliminate the $15 to join fee. the notice is still there and nothing has changed.

" Oh come on, You can't keep putting blame or pick on Ken. That site is his, works as well as most sites, better then Starbands Home page, talk about clunky and dated. Heck they still have breaking news on the 360 on the front page. I think it's darn nice of Ken to provide that for free. You never know what is going on in a Mans life. Never know what he is facing.
His note of a new site came out just about the proposed release date of the Nova 1000 and 1500's were supposed to happened, but that was delayed 3 months or so due to a software glitch, which is gone now. Maybe Ken knows something we don't. Can't keep banging on a Man for lack of doing something you think is required.
Plus anyone could start a Star band Space Net site, so lets not fillet Ken because of lack of interest. He is not supposed to be adding information, it's a place for users to gather and discuss Star Band. Not a place for Ken to sell Star Band by putting on some kind of show.
Obviously he is doing work to the site, minimal yes, but it always works and I think it's very bad manners to sit here and blame the loss of subscribers on such a nice man, who provides this service for free or very cheap.
If someone thinks they can do better, then lets see the web site, it's easy to sit and blame someone else for the lack of what some one does not do. If another person really wanted to have a Star Band web site, some one just do it, it's not that hard. SB is losing Customers that's the facts"

Verizon is good if you can get it....however if you can't then speeds on it are going to be zero...that's a lot slower than any sat service. I have always maintained that satellite delivered internet is always a service of last resort when there are no other options. you would be crazy to go to it if you have another option.
[I]" I understand that but Verizon coverage is pretty good. I went and got Verzion Broad Band tonight, it took 30 minutes and I am getting 1.4 in a 3 light output on the signal meter out of a possible 6, I am in a bad area but it rocks, for $59.00 a month and includes 5 Gigs of Band width. Plus it has a total usage gauge right in front of you, if you want. I have checked it out head to head on my meter and they match, seems right and been a long night. I was getting 1.6 Mbs Down as a passenger in my truck.

The line at Verizon was 6 people deep for the wireless internet. I made an appointment and I walked right in, they took me right away and in 30 minutes I was out of there, wired to go, all this because. Star band can not keep their figures straight and cut me back again to 100 Kbs download speed just when I needed it most. You even posted Baja, that Star Bands accounting of usage was screwed up. How can you rely on a company that does not keep track of it's own usage and has secret usage that we can not see. I have had it, as did many of the people who left. Some went to Wild Blue, some stayed and some came back, all the satellite companies are messed up. They know they have you by the nose hairs and take advantage of it. Not for much longer. The Cell coverage is very impressive and after the front range it's practically total."[/I]

Part of the reason some dealers survive and thrive is because they have a tenacious dedication to their customer base and will do everything in their power to get an issue resolved. It is not in my interest to have unhappy customers.

" You are a very good dealer and Man, when I posted, if you read, I said this is a man you can trust and if you have to get a Star band, this is the guy"

hope that every time you call in with a complaint you get a case # and establish a pattern of the same issue. There is definitely an issue with the band width monitor not working properly for some customers. A responsible dealer will take those case numbers and work with you to get the problem resolved. I have done it.

"As I said, my dealer from 3 years ago switched to Wild Blue and told me I should too. Plus I should not have to be battling these guys. I have been there 3 years, that should establish a pretty good pattern of usage about 500 to 650 per week unless there were updates, but if there were updates , I just cut back. Now their trying to say, that my Mac Activity monitor is not reliable, that is part of the OS and is reliable to the packet. I don't have the time, energy and will not waste my life arguing over getting cut off at 650 megs to 750 megs, the real cut offs, except this time the really hit me and said I used a Gig in a week.
I did do downloads but after 1 am and before 7 am the " free time, in which you can download as much as you like, they said that on the phone and in a email. Well I did my Apple downloads after 1 am and before 7 am, this is why I might, and I say might because I have it more at 700 MB max usage, compared to their count of 1 Gig. They hit me with 44 MBs throttled at 100 Kbs now I have not done the math but that has to take 6 hours of straight downloading and I just give up when it hits that speed"

If you don't have a responsible dealer be pro active and be the squeaky wheel. Download something like DU meter, take snapshots of it once a day, call in frequently and make a pest of yourself, get case numbers and then call CS to keep asking for credit on your monthly. Ask that your case be escalated to someone with more authority than the fist line of TS. I know this is a PITA and your dealer should be doing it for you but if they are not then don't fall into the woe is me I am a victim can get this resolved. if you do what I mentioned above for a week, collect the data and case #'s and you still don't have any satisfaction contact me directly and I will put you in touch with the people that will make it happen.
if you can, at specific 24 hour intervals turn your modem off, they can see it go off and when it goes back on. then you can force them to correlate it with bogus bandwidth total usage.
collect the evidence, collect the case #'s, repeatedly ask for credit ( ask for case numbers then also), then present your case.
the published fap free times are the correct times. Anytime TS tries to blow smoke up your a$$ about that refer them to the link.
If they say it's wrong tell them it not your problem and that they have had months to get someone to correct the info if it is indeed wrong ( it is not BTW).
At all times be polite and courteous but forceful and determined. Avoid calling Monday mornings. it's the busiest time.
good luck and keep us posted and thanks for the kind words

"It's too much buddy, $6100.00 for 3 years and I have to fight and present evidence and beg to get my FAP released and it's there fault. I am always polite to people. Even those there who are barely passable at times and darn right ugly others, this CSR has changed also, it seems it became bad in the the last 18 months. I have had it and am putting money into something that I can just use. I am very pro active but I can't be wasting all that time counting Mbs. and on the phone, pleading and begging to get FAPs lifted. My computer does it for me, I have taken screen shots of daily use compared to theirs and it does no good , as they say. Your charged for usage you can not see. Well if I can't see it and I can't keep track of it, then no matter how many times you call your wrong. This is my 3 rd fap in 4 months. Before that I maybe had 1.

Plus they charged me for days when because of the California wildfires, we did not use it because we had no power for 10 days. The modem was turned off when I left, and they still charged me. Now what can they say about that.

Plus they can be really rude. I had a guy say to me , read your contract, the only speed we are required to provide, is 125 Kbs download that's it. We do not have to provide anything higher, no matter what your contract says, read the fine print, all we have to supply is 125 and we are in our rights, so I do not want to hear about speeds that YOU think you should have, you signed the contract.. Now that's customer service. Makes you feel great, like a good customer. Now you take your thrashing and hope they lift the throttle because if you say anything to upset them , hey you can get throttled again, plus they always turn me up to 750 to 1 MB instead turn me on at 450 to 500 and if I push for that they get stanky. I am done, no more fighting, no more incorrect data

So I don't care I am history now, I am happy with this Verizon set up and have done 12 solid hours, really working it and it shows a total of 1.4 Mbs which is about right because I have been really pushing it to see how fast it is and I am holding a solid 1.4 down and 300 to 500 Kbs up on 3 bars out of 6 . Not bad, not bad at all. Plus it agrees with my Mac Activity view down to the KB. Darn Star Band cost me again, I have to book some trips and really needed it. I honestly think what Starband does, is taking your highest days usage and that becomes the daily average for that 7 days.

Again according to tech support multiple times, the charting system is unstable and not reliable. So what do I do ?? , it was suggested I get something to monitor the use on my computer, I already do, I used 750 in the last 7 days because of the big software updates and a 80 meg iPod movie to show me how to use some stuff in iMovie. Big mistake. Gee if I did that all in one day I would wait a week. Also the 5 Megs a month with Verizon, if you do not get more, their throttle is 200 Kbs down. Seeing that I will get correct usage, I will not even come close. I did my average for StarBand over the 3 year period and it is 3.1 Mbs a month, of course some of that is away from home here. But it does not matter I am still charged. Even with the modem off and me gone.

I will report back and should be a good one as I have to go to Alaska and I am going by train and Ferry, so it will be the ultimate test. Baja, we will still be in touch, I am keeping band until..... my CABLE HOOK UP COMES which starts tomorrow-!! !!!!! This week they pull the cable and hook in and on next Monday, I will be ready for install. Finally, been working on this for 3 months. 12 Mbs down. Still going to keep verizon as I see the need for travel and Hotels get $10 to $20 a night for WiFi. Plus who knows about the signal, no more hot spots, just connect where I am. This is very secure and I am stuck as I have to plan some trips right now and I can't use SB, even though they know the numbers are off, they make me suffer, is this what you want in a internet provider Well I am beat, hope this makes some sense as I stayed up all night to get Star Band in the am, they know the trouble, I said expect a lot of calls, the person laughed and said we are ready. But still no internet for me...Person I had carried a heavy accent and remained silent when I spoke of things outside of SB, wonder if it was India, anyways, nobody at SB cares that I don't have internet for 3 days, just me. But Verizon smooooth sailing

Geoff, well I am very glad you found alternatives, not everyone has them.
I never said ken was a bad guy, just that the site is neglected, new users can't access it without paying $15.

Every single one of my customers that wants to upgrade can. I happen to know for a fact that subcribership on the network is growing and in fact even the demand for upgrades surprised them and they are swamped.

Cosna got his modem from me years ago and did the upgrade online. He could not report the results for several months because he needs to fly out to his site in his plane, he only does it when he needs to and weather permitting, It's in the middle of nowhere and he will never see verizon out there in his lifetime.

I am very sorry that you did not have a dealer willing to back you up and go to bat for you...I honestly think it would have made a lot of difference. I do thank you for the kind word and I honestly wish you the best of luck in all you do.
"Geoff, well I am very glad you found alternatives, not everyone has them.
I never said ken was a bad guy, just that the site is neglected, new users can't access it without paying $15."

I found another answer because I had to, by digging and researching, doing some construction and agreeing to some easements, why. I was frankly getting tired of being ripped off by false download and upload numbers, service slow downs to 90 to 125 Kbs numerous times, maybe 4 times for 2 to 4 days each time in the last 6 months. I was charged for times when there was no power and I could not possibly use it. Times when I would be gone for weeks in my other home and I still showing 50 to 70 Megs down. This time they admit they are wrong, they made a mistake, yet will not free me to use the bandwidth they said was a mistake, will not even split it. I will not deal with a company who can not keep pace wit usage and I lose my right to use it now for 5 days, 2 more and I will exit. Why wrong downloads and a letter that says from 1 am to 7 am I can download all I want, do as much as you like, it does not count. So I do 2 apple downloads 80 megs each on different days and a 160 apple download on another all past 1 am and before 7 am. WHAM I at dial up speed, the tech rep said, they have no real way to tell what time you down load, they should have a way to tell the time. Yes I think so. Plus I was told software updates are always free, so 3 more days and my speed may come back. Verzon shows immediate usage, everyday and it's right on with my OS counter. StarBand pushed me out the door a guy who averages according to them 3.1 megs a month, was willing to move up the product line and they literally pushed me out the door. Verizon shook my hand, set me up and I have been aver 1.4 ever since.
Plus StarBand turns me down for for upgrade, on the phone and on the web, I do not qualify. I guess I saw no reason to even bring Ken's sight into this as he is not negative thePlanet Bandwidth - Starband / "THE" place for information on using your Starband equipment
The site is a great help and you can browse the site for free, only if you want to post does he ask $15.00 and I am not sure that is even required anymore, but if you want the straight answers from real users, the few left, this is a good place. I went to BroadBand and saw nothing on the Nova 1000 or 1500 and lets not forget the cost of the dish and equipment here plus the monthly fee, plus the modem.

I joined 3 or 4 years ago for that much and he has not charged anything else. It's one of the spots to see who is on Star Band, I have looked at other sites and for StarBand this is the best info source for people using it now, plus you read the story of 4,999 members how it went down to about 59 remaining, maybe a 100.

All the old posts remain, so you can read the life of the site and why people left. I am glad it's there. I would expect Nova users to show up, there and people have asked, but response is slim. There are others but the boys in the know are on this site here. It was life boat when the bird got hit. Frankly it's cleaner and more up to date then Star Bands own home page, the have stuff from 2005 as breaking news, nobody goes to the members area

every single one of my customers that wants to upgrade can. I happen to know for a fact that subcribership on the network is growing and in fact even the demand for upgrades surprised them and they are swamped.

Well what I was told, by a tech guy at StarBand was that the roll out was delayed because of software problems in the first release of the hardware and they had to fix these things of which they are sitting on a very large supply of the modems. I do not have the numbers but from being there 3 years things do not seem to be getting better on all fronts, sales, support, customer service. I told them last time the throttled me that I just might leave. They said fine, we don't care. 3 years, never missed a payment and paid $2,500.00 up front for everything. I supported this tech. I am sure people want upgrades but slightly faster speeds eat up slightly higher limits. Check the price of those higher limits also.
I think it's up to the dealers, remember when you said provide the date stand up to them, well I did and they told me to take a hike, you know what's happening, I think you few honest dealers need to tell these boyz, time o straighten up and do things right. Banish a 3 year customer because Star bands Data is wrong, no you have to use your pull I think or slowly, it will just fade away and these gys may not really care about small customers. They maybe into B2B or something else. I tell you I just could not take it anymore. I have to have this.

I am very sorry that you did not have a dealer willing to back you up and go to bat for you...I honestly think it would have made a lot of difference. I do thank you for the kind word and I honestly wish you the best of luck in all you do.

Well, out of the 6 listed installers, there were 2 in all of San Diego county that actually did installs, btw, the list has not changed on Star Bands Site. S.D. county is prime satellite country. While the city is wired, the county is huge and contains many rural areas 4,526 square miles and 3 million people, excellent opportunity for alternative HSI. I found 2 people who did this out of the 6 listed as certified. Dealer was nice but I was the installers first job. I called them about an upgrade 2 months ago, the said no longer sell StarBand ughh, too many problems, we sell Wild Blue that's what we do now. You do not get much choice. I even told them Band was coming out with new equipment and could hey do both, they hung up on me.
Your lucky to find anyone to install, the StarBand set up on their web site, still lists the same installers, I saw 5 years ago when I first researched this and took about 4 moths to work through who was the best. No too hard then, but a lot of hype to figure out. I had hit the opening of the 481 series and it's a great modem

StarBand also really pushed buying the equipment over the phone, sounded good it's cheaper, however later I found out, most dealers will not install equipment bought directly from StarBand. The dealer told me, we don't make enough profit. Cost $700.00 more for the satellite Dish and equipment that hit $2500.00 and $350.00 for the modem and $500.00 for the install, I had to dig the hole and provided the concrete.

I will be around, I am going to keep starband for a couple months or so, will be interesting to see if I get my refund back. Plus I have a place in the South Face of the Brooks Range in Alaska but funny enough, I will probably get cell there and this dish is too small. Dish wanted o sell me a bigger one, glad I did not get it as there worth zero now.

I am sorry to see satellite being pushed out, but cell will be the winner and maybe something to look into, because there are people operating on the fringe areas using bigger antennas, signal boosters and trying to find ways to boost their reception any way legal. There is a lot of interest in this and it's exciting, the people involved very motivated. Do both, many people sem o sell Verizon on the web.

You would also be surprised just where these signals are available, it's the start of the next wireless. There may always be a need for Satellite. If Star Band ran their company the way you run yours they could do really well. You will do fine but I just might look into this and see how it might integrate into your business. Your company could sell Verizon internet products and help people get set up, there are a couple on the net right now. Because Verizon just wants to sell at their stores, although I had excellent customer service and they would not let me leave until the lap top antenna was registered and connecting.

I have read of people on the fringes trying many things to boost their signal strength. It's interesting , cutting edge and the tech is moving very fast and is comparably inexpensive to keep up with. I think this will be a major player in the future . I guess I saw the potential for the medium and am disappointed that it was not hit on when it could have expanded by a little less greed, better support and a more visionary attitude. Instead, they rely on well this is all that is available to some and they have that market cornered, but cell towers are cheap and the backbone of the industry, they have lots of this stuff for the infrastructure from the late 90s surge and slowdown.

I am glad that people will now have a chance to get higher speeds in more remote places not served by the cable companies, who may no want to get too fat and lazy either. Lets hope things improve for everyone.
See ya and you deserve every good word I posted, you saved that companies bacon, and sold some too.

Good luck and see you around, people do not matter to Star Band, but you do, I have told you what has happened, I am not the only one you know that, I think the people in wholesale, the dealers have to say, quit cheating people, I may not be your customer but the way they treat me is what I report. If you look back, I always supported this company till about a year ago, after 6 months of noticing a change, cutting me off at 650 to 850 when I would not even use that , then forget to reset me to 750 to 1 Gig but they always put me at 450 to 500 Kbs, the residential plan. They cheat at every little corner, then it just kept getting bigger and bigger cuts of the corner, now it's down right misinformation about usage. They say 1% of the customers are the bandwidth hogs, well if I am in the 1% I hope your writing gramma a little letter because thats it, email and light browsing

Can anyone explain why a company admits they are wrong in their computation of usage of data, yet still refuses to exit me to a level I can use the computer. I suffer from their data mistakes and do not have the access to the Internet , which to me is a life line. Be careful, if it's the only choice then really look at StarBand and Wild Blue. Check out the funding, stock, Hughes, no way, although their FAP policy is a little better but reliability is poor
Good luck to all and to you Baja, I will see you there.
Wildblue Sucks

High guys, former starband user (they suck) current wildblue user (they suck too). Going to tell you a story about wildblue that happened to me today.

I have called wild blue customer support three times today. First call, 27 min 47 seconds on hold, had to hang up to answer a different call. Second call 44 min 38 seconds on hold, finally get a support person that didn't have a clue what they where talking about and she put me on hold for another tech support person. Held for another 21min before I got irritated and hung up. Entire call length was OVER an hour. Third call just now tried to get through to tech support. Again on hold for over 30 minutes before I hung up.

On march 27 my account was slowed for FAP violations. The email that was sent me and the wildblue FAP both clearly state that once the account is below 70% of the bandwidth cap for the last thirty days (a rolling time period) that my speeds will be reinstated. Here I quote the email sent by wbabuse
"Please be aware that future occurrences, whether intentional or not, can result in the degradation of your service again. Your service will be returned to its previous operating levels once your cumulative previous 30-day's usage has decreased to 70% of your Usage Level." And here I quote thier current FAP "Once your speeds have been reduced, you must decrease your usage to bring your Usage Total to 70% or less of the Usage Threshold. Once your Usage Total reaches this level, your access speeds will be restored to the original speed levels by the next day."

My account is at under 50% for the last thirty days and HAS BEEN under the 70% mark for over a week. WHY AM I STILL FAPPED!

And following is an online chat with on of their techies explaining why I am still fapped (only modifications are replacement of phone numbers username and removal of passwords).

3:04:56 PM Wildblue User
Initial Question/Comment: ISSUE DESCRIPTION: 'FAPPED' ARTICLES VIEWED: 2248,2242,2246,2245,3330

3:05:07 PM System
Richard_J has joined this session!

3:05:07 PM System
Connected with Richard_J

3:05:16 PM Richard_J
Thank you for contacting WildBlue technical support. My name is Richard, how may I be of assistance today?

3:08:09 PM Wildblue User

3:08:20 PM Richard_J
Hi User.

3:08:22 PM Wildblue User
I am one pissed off dude right now.

3:08:39 PM Wildblue User
I have called wild blue customer support three times today. First call, 27 min 47 seconds on hold, had to hang up to answer a different call.

3:08:54 PM Wildblue User
Second call 44 min 38 seconds on hold, finally get a support
person that didn't have a clue what they where talking about and she put me on hold for another tech support person. Held for another 21min before I got irritated and hung up

3:09:17 PM Wildblue User
Entire call length was OVER an hour. Third call just now tried to get through to tech support. Again on hold for over 30 minutes before I hung up.

3:09:37 PM Wildblue User
I have chatted once today via this chatline with one intellegent person. But unfortunatley they did not have the authority to fix my problem.

3:09:54 PM Wildblue User
If this is not resolved NOW I will cancell all of my wildblue accounts and go back to starband. (1 Personal and 3 commercial accounts)

3:10:46 PM Richard_J
I understand how you may feel having these issues with being on hold for so long and not having a resolution for your issues as of now and definitely can see how frustrating this must be for you, but I assure you I am going to
do all I can to help assist you today.

3:11:27 PM Wildblue User
On march 27 my account was slowed for FAP violations.

3:11:53 PM Wildblue User
The email that was sent me and the wildblue FAP both clearly state that once the account is below 70% of the bandwidth cap for the last thirty days
(a rolling time period) that my speeds will be reinstated.

3:12:22 PM Wildblue User
Here I quote the email sent by wbabuse

3:12:34 PM Wildblue User
"Please be aware that future occurrences, whether intentional or not, can result in the degradation of your service again. Your service will be returned to its previous operating levels once your cumulative previous 30-day's usage has decreased to 70% of your Usage Level."

3:13:01 PM Wildblue User
My account is at under 50% for the last thirty days and HAS BEEN under the 70% mark for over a week. WHY AM I STILL FAPPED!

3:13:36 PM Richard_J
May I have the phone number that is associated with the account that is having the FAP issues please?

3:13:40 PM Wildblue User

3:14:24 PM Wildblue User
username: user

3:15:01 PM Richard_J
Chat is an un-secure communication. For example, we strongly recommend that you request a new username and
password through chat only if you are using your home computer. WildBlue is not responsible for any loss of
security to your account based on this communication. If you elect to use chat from a computer outside your home,
please ensure that you have deleted the cache and cookies from the computer after this session. If you would like
to continue your request, please provide us with your security password so we can authenticate your account. Upon
logging in, we strongly recommend that you immediately change your password. If you would like to reset your
username or password over the phone, please call us at 866-wildblue. Can you verify your security password?

3:15:33 PM Wildblue User

3:15:56 PM Richard_J
Thank you very much User, I am reviewing over the account for you now.

3:18:16 PM Richard_J
Ok, I do see where the notification was sent on March 27. It will take 30 days for the speeds to return to normal, so basically there are still a few days left as the 30 days will not end until around the 27th of this month.

3:19:04 PM Wildblue User
The on lady i talked to on the phone told me that I had to wait 30 days for the account to be good again too, but that is not true the last time I was fapped it only took 9 days, and the Fair Access Policy clearly states that I only have to be under 70% for the last thirty days accumulative.

3:19:32 PM Wildblue User
I am under 50%

3:19:56 PM Wildblue User
If you look and see I was also fapped on 2/20/08

3:20:09 PM Wildblue User
that was reinstated on 2/29/08

3:20:52 PM Wildblue User
Do I need to talk to a senior service person to get this fixed

3:22:34 PM Richard_J
I do see that as well on the other date that you just listed. But it is only a
rare occurrence when the FAP only takes lower than the 30 days to get services back to normal, since the latest violation of the Fair Access Policy, there are only a few days left, roughly around 5 days, and then your services should be back to normal and be able to use your service correctly again.

3:23:20 PM Wildblue User
You don't understand. I am already under the limit you can look it up yourself

3:24:25 PM Richard_J
Right, I understand your frustration, I have been in similar situations myself with different companies policies, but you would need to be under the percentage for the full 30 days, and there are still a few days left.

3:24:47 PM Wildblue User
THAT is not what the FAP says.

3:25:39 PM Wildblue User
That is also not what I was already told once last year when this happened and they had to get it elevated to a higher level of support

3:26:24 PM Wildblue User
and that is never what it has been in the past, I have been Fapped on many occasions with my 4 accounts

3:27:03 PM Wildblue User
it has always been when the last accumulative 30 days usage was under 70%

3:27:34 PM Wildblue User
Again, once you reduce your Usage Total to 70% of your Monthly Usage Threshold, your speeds and access will return to normal.

3:28:00 PM Wildblue User
Thats right out of the FAP

3:28:30 PM Wildblue User
My Usage Total is 48%

3:29:07 PM Richard_J
Right, the cumulative 30 days has not passed yet, and that is why you are
still under the FAP. It is 30 days from the date of the 27th when the last email notification was sent in regards to violating it.

3:29:17 PM Wildblue User

3:29:58 PM Wildblue User
\the cumulative thirty days is the total downloaded in the last thirty days, not waiting for thirty days

3:30:45 PM Wildblue User
"Once your speeds have been reduced, you must decrease your usage to bring your Usage Total to 70% or less of the Usage Threshold Once your Usage Total reaches this level, your access speeds will be restored to the
original speed levels by the next day"

3:31:10 PM Wildblue User
Not 30 days later

3:31:35 PM Wildblue User
And I know from experience that it is ussually by the next day

3:31:50 PM Wildblue User
this is different this time for some reason

3:32:50 PM Wildblue User
I quoted those right out of your FAP

3:33:22 PM Richard_J
As I have stated earlier, it is a rare occasion on when they are returned to proper speeds the next day, I have been working with WildBlue for a few years now, and it normally takes the full 30 days. I believe you, I am looking at the FAP articles myself and see where you are getting your information.

3:33:58 PM Wildblue User
If that is so, why does it state in your FAP it will be by the next day?

3:34:40 PM Wildblue User
Can I get a manager in on this

3:36:53 PM Richard_J
I will be more than happy to see if a manager is available User, however they are most likely going to say the same thing. I have seen the speeds return the next day as well, but from what I am able to see about the account, you violated the FAP on March 20 and then once again on the 27, since that time frame is so close together is most likely why the speeds are not returning to normal as quick as what they have
in the past.

3:37:26 PM Wildblue User
nowhere in your FAP is that rule there and I only recieved notification of being FAPPED on 3/27/08, in your own email system. I have a copy of all the emails sent to me by wbabuse in the last two years.

3:40:24 PM Wildblue User

3:41:36 PM Richard_J
If you go to this link, it states that once you violate the FAP and then you violate the FAP within the next 30 days from that time then it constitutes as a second violation. I understand that it does not state that it will take longer for speeds to return, but that
is what happens when those 2 violations occur.

3:42:15 PM Wildblue User

3:42:43 PM Richard_J
No problem User.

3:43:38 PM Wildblue User
That states that a failure to reduce within the next thirty days contitutes another violation. I have reduced it within thirty days

3:44:12 PM Wildblue User
nowhere does that say two violations in a ingle 30 day period slows me down for 30 days

3:45:46 PM Wildblue User
I want to talk to someone senior on this

3:46:38 PM Richard_J
Right, from the second violation you have gotten under the 70%, but it seems that within the 7 day period from March 20 to March 27th, that it was not under the usage percent and it cause the second violation with your account.

3:46:57 PM Wildblue User
I want to talk to someone senior on this

3:47:59 PM Richard_J
I am checking on supervisor availability for you now User, it may take a few minutes, but I will try to get one as soon as possible.

3:48:06 PM Wildblue User
Thank you

3:48:35 PM Wildblue User
I can call if you have a direct number to one that DOES NOT put me on hold for an hour

3:49:11 PM Wildblue User
In fact any customer service number that gets answered would be good

3:49:24 PM Richard_J
To be honest, I am unsure of the wait times, but the number would be 1-866-WildBlue.

3:49:32 PM Wildblue User
They suck

3:50:34 PM Richard_J
I do apologize for that User, but that would be the number to call to get in touch with our customer service as well as customer technical support phone lines.

3:51:39 PM Wildblue User
Is my account still under contract?

3:52:09 PM Richard_J
I will be more than happy to check on that for you now.

3:52:22 PM Wildblue User
how about that manager

3:52:46 PM Richard_J
He is currently busy at the moment, and he is trying to get with you as soon as possible.

3:52:53 PM Wildblue User
what state is wildblue corporate headquarters in? The Better Buisiness Bureau will need to know that.

3:53:04 PM Richard_J
I am showing that there are 6 months remaining in your contract.

3:55:34 PM Wildblue User
when was the original contract date signed

3:56:04 PM Richard_J
The main headquarters is in Colorado. The original date would be 2006-10-24.

3:56:23 PM Wildblue User
My contract was only for a year

3:56:43 PM Wildblue User
I'll find the paper work now.

3:57:13 PM Wildblue User
For now you can plan on a complaint to the BBB.

3:57:19 PM Richard_J
I am double checking that for you now as well, just to make sure I did not
read it in error.

3:57:49 PM Richard_J
I apologize, it was actually showing that you are 6 months out of contract, not
that you are still in contract.

3:58:03 PM Wildblue User
Thank you.

3:58:24 PM Richard_J
No problem at all.

So that was a wasteof time. :mad: Just warning anyone thinking of getting Wildblue, Their customer service sucks bad, worse than Starbands was. And since about the first of January 2007 the latency went from around 400-600ms to 1100-1800ms. (The low latency is why I went to Wildblue along with a bandwidth cap of 26GB that they took away a couple months later) I actually got ahold of a tech that knew something at that time and he said it had to do with an upgrade of their bandwidth monitoring equipment.

And so I complained to the BBB

If anyone else is having problems with Wildblue Customer service, I Recomend telling the BBB. If enough of us do mabey Wildblue will do something about it.

Other than that, great internet.:)
I have Verizon broadband to help keep my sanity here in our beautiful woods. The price is $60 a month with a two year contract. There was a $35 activation fee. My download speeds vary from 280 - 978 with and average of 588. There is a $175 penalty for breaking the contract. It works wherever there is Verizon - pricy but handy.

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