We would like to make you aware that, in preparation for the launch of a new satellite, certain existing DISH customers will be required to complete equipment migrations in order to ensure that they do not experience any service interruption once the new satellite is operational. This migration will be taking place over the next year and DISH will be reaching out to customers to inform them of any necessary changes beginning next week.
So, if this notice is recent or still in effect with no word of changes, then thank you very much for the clarification. The change out is for upgrades to 8PSK, just as Dish officially announced a LONG TIME AGO. Most unfortunate that it is now delayed until mid 2015. The Star Wars series has started on Disney XD and XD is still in SD. Good grief! Let's get this 8PSK change out done ASAP! Now, I wonder why Dish payed extra $$$ to change out all 8PSK boxes to HD for two subscribers who do not have nor are interested in HD?
Attached are the letters that will be sent in this first round of communication to impacted customers. As we move forward, additional communication may be sent to customers who have yet to migrate. DISH will be handling all migrations, so if a customer calls a Sales Partner, the agent should transfer the call to DISH as they usually would for existing customer upgrades.
Below is an overview of the two types of migration that DISH may be performing for the customers involved:
QPSK Migration
- Existing customers with one or more QPSK receiver on their account will be asked to upgrade to a more current receiver.
- QPSK receivers include:
- 301, 2800, 3700, 3900, 4900, 1000/1500, 3000/3500, 4000/4500, 5000/5500, 501, 508, 510
- The customer's QPSK receivers will be upgraded at no upfront cost. The customer will also not be required to enter into a new commitment. An upfront cost and a new commitment may be required if a customer requests an upgrade to a Hopper system.
- These migrations must be completed by May 2015.
Eastern Arc Markets Migration
- Existing customers in certain DMAs will be required to upgrade to all MPEG-4 (HD) receivers and have their antenna flipped to the Eastern Arc.
- The customer will be upgraded and their antenna flipped at no cost. The customer will also not be required to enter into a new commitment. An upfront cost and a new commitment may be required if a customer requests an upgrade to a Hopper system.
- The migrations in the below DMAs must be completed by the end of 2015. Additional DMAs are being migrated on a reactive basis only, but these customers will not be receiving migration letters at this time.
Albany Plus
Boston Plus (has Burlington)
Buffalo, NY
Burlington Plus
Burlington, VT/Plattsburg, NY
Chattanooga, TN
Evansville, IN
Jackson, MS
Jacksonville, FL/Brunswick, GA
Lansing, MI
Madison, WI
Northeast Portland-Auburn
Panama City, FL
Portland/Auburn, ME
Portland-Auburn Plus
Presque Isle, ME
Quincy, IL
Rockford, IL
Springfield, MO
Tallahassee, FL
Wheeling, WV/Steubenville, OH