Satellite AV Contest - GEOSATpro microHD - Enter to Win - Drawing on 6/11/2012

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swimming, fishing,bicycle riding with my younger brother and friends. riding dirt bikes through really big mudholes on logging roads.
Summertime at Clearwater Quarry, in Luckey Ohio I can still smell the burgers cooking, feel the bluegill nipping at my legs and hear Mungo Jerry singing "In the summertime" on the jukebox....
I use to go with my family to New Jersey to visit my uncle every summer. He would take us all over New York and New Jersey. Many summers we would go to our local park for picnics and swim in the pool.
My favorite summer-time activity goes back to the late '70s when I was 8 or 9 years old. We lived in Fort Worth, Texas and my mom and dad both worked for Motorola and they always had great things to do. My favorite was going to Eagle Mountain Lake and watching the boat races. One of the boats got real close to shore and blew up right in front of us! I don't remember if the driver survived it or not, but being a young, adventurous lad, I thought that was the coolest thing! lol
I always knew it was summer when my Grandpa and I would take his old pickup truck to the minnow slough the night before fishing to catch our bait.
Playing outside with my brother, especially at our grandparents farm where they had lots of room. We rode bikes, built a playhouse, a treehouse, and many wooden toys.

The better parts of my childhood during the 1960s were like a verse from that Bucky Covington song: "A Different World". No video games and no satellite, all we had were friends, and they were playing outside.
My favorite summertime activity was going camping with the whole family. We used to rent 1 or 2 cabins at one of the state parks and stay for a week. I really loved hiking and exploring behind the cabin. We used to rent canoes, go fishing, hunt for crayfish in the streams, feed the racoons at night, toast marshmallows, and really get to bond with the whole family. I really miss those days and dearly miss the relatives who are no longer here to enjoy.
Playing baseball with my friends was my favorite thing to do.
My favorite summer time memory was spending a week each summer with my Grand mom. She lived on a farm in Alabama. Great times there with my brother. :)
I used to spend my childhood summers constructing satellite dishes and trying to tune free-to-air programming.

Just kidding.

I used to love to play flag football with my buddies until dark. After dark, on those warm summer nights, we'd sit around and relax and shoot the breeze. Great times.
My favorite memories of summer are going to our camp on lake superior with my family and friends. We would all play outdoor games of football, hide and seek,frisbee, have a bonfire, swim, and yes pixl... Play kick the can! :) we would often then stay overnight in the cabin. Whats even better is that we live close to the family camp still and now my kids get to enjoy it.
I remember going out to the creek and looking for crawdads and turtles, picking up and turning over every rock and finding them hiding.
Laying outside at sunset watching the sun go down and the clouds float by. If it was just right you can see the sunlight reflect off of high flying jets as they went over. Speaking of that, using a pair of strong binoculars or a telescope that didnt turn the image upside down and watch them up close as it flew over.

Same goes to the comet that took its time going by earth back in the 90's that took several days to pass. Go out every night and look at it with the same as above and be amazed on how it looked and take in the wonders of space.

Waking up on saturday morning just to watch the cartoons that were on from 7am till noon, then going over to a friends house to play and work on the treehouse. Playing hide and seek all hours of the day with the only worry of what time you had to go home to eat supper.

Back before cell phones were the thing, we thought we were awesome when we got our first set of walkie talkies. Those things were completely cool that we can be a block away on our bikes and still talk to one another. Oh, that and putting playing cards in the spokes of the wheel to sound like you were on a motorcycle.

Some of the funnier things we had done were to beg our parents to get some of that huge sidewalk chalk, just to use it all on the road to make one huge chalky area, just for cars to go through it and make chalk tire tracks down the road.

When winter was here, snowball fights, finding iciciles and eating them, and on the rare occasion to make an obscene snowman just for the heck of it (we were pretty onrey sometimes)
Growing up in the 50's & 60's was a much simpler time. We built crate-carts (wooden milk crate, nailed upright to a 2X4 with the front half of a metal roller skate on the front & the back half on the rear). No brakes, of course and man, could they fly!

Gee - wonder why our small group of 3 grew up to be a military pilot, a "high steel" iron worker and a hard hat salvage diver?
I remember our family going to campgrounds, in our old Chevy Suburban and travel trailer. Mom would stand behind the vehicle, as Dad attempted to back into a camp spot. After Mom would wave her arms, and holler "a little more" 2 or 3 times, he'd jump out of the truck and yell back "a little more WHAT?" .....Hilarious :D

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I am the tech support in the family when my family needs tech support I get the call. My grandparents and my aunt would give me a call to help them out with there RCA directv satellite receiver. I would help them all year around and during the summer months fixing the satellite dish making sure it was working properly. I would always tell them if you ever need tech support you don't call India you call Indiana I can fix it faster than anyone else. Plus working with them on thier DVD player and TV was always fun and will be a good memory for the rest of my life. That is the one if the reasons why I like working on electronics it makes me happy when something electronic works right and continues to work for who ever owns it.

Dan Rose
my favorite time was going to my grandparents house and eating breakfast & going fishing with everyone :) always was great ... and my grandma's chocolate gravy :)

thanks for the contest Satellite AV
Me and my friends went into the woods and built a few large huts out of branches and pine needles.
I came from a very large family and I can not remember any fun activities in the summer. Instead it was any kind of job to earn some money. I sometimes tell people that we were so poor that I was breast fed----by my father!

I do remember spending a lot of time fishing since it was the only form of recreation available. Never did catch anything big. But I did learn to enjoy the small things in life (even the small fish I caught).
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