Satellite AV Contest - GEOSATpro microHD - Enter to Win - Drawing on 6/11/2012

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For those who ever wondered how many FTA'rs there are, pay attention to this thread. Who want's a state of the art satellite receiver for free? And we can't get more than 200 takers in a week? I would have thought there would be a thousand or more. Interesting.
My favorite childhood summer past-time was building forts in the wooded undevleoped areas where I grew up. We would spend all summer on it and realy never be finished with it. Gone are those days before cell phones and Ipads. A much simpler time, that we call the 1980's!
As a kid, it was going camping with my family. Now that I'm grown, I like to take my own family camping.
The city limits once ran across a large hill above our home. It was marked by a barbwire fence. We would make peanut butter sandwiches, a small jug of water with a package Root beer Fizzies. Off we would go up the hill and out across the large plain towards a watertower about four miles north. Short little five year old legs make for a long day walking. We would joke that we had gone to Canada and back when we got home. Canada is actually about 45 miles. Ducks, salamanders, frogs, garter snakes, grasshoppers, Blue sky, a deer or two, and on a good hike a red fox would dash away. Now how many of you remember Fizzies? Now the above mentioned water tower is about 4 miles inside all the houses which now possess our former playground.
I do miss summers as a kid. Much less responsibility, and much more time to just have fun! I most enjoyed water skiing at the lake with my family, and occasionally friends. Being in water feels great when it is so hot in Texas!
Mine is all the good summers we had in the great outdoors. My Dad had a shrimp boat, so we always enjoyed fresh seafood, I was in my teens before I realized that every family didnt have a boat....the boat and my Dad are gone now but MAN those were some great memories. :D

Thanks Brian!
As a kid, most summers involved outings to the river or going for a walk through the woods, and the occasional vacation to the beach or to the mountains. However, some of my most memorable times was being able to stay up late each summer night to look through my telescope at the moon, galaxies, and other planets. I spent countless hours during those nights pondering who or what else might be out there in our seemingly infinite universe.
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My brother and I would explore and enjoy a piece of Cacapon River. During two weeks that my parents rented a location on the river. It came complete with running water, meaning you carried it. A path, meaning a trip to the outhouse. We would fish, swim, and row boat to continue our exploring.
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We lived in a very rural area. One thing I remember well is riding with my 4 siblings in the back of a 1952 Ford pickup. Stopped at a family firend's 'store' and each of us got a pint of ice cream (smallest size available). Eating in the truck going home, the rain came down. We huddled under a tarpaulin. That rare ample supply of melting ice cream was sooo good!
my faveret sumertime experiance as a child . my grandfather made me a bow & arrow from tree branches . after he showed me how to use it he let me try . i shot the arrow at my perents garage . the arrow stuck into the concrete foundation of the garage .i was about 3 years old & i thought that was a grate bow & arrow .i am 64 years old now & i still remeber it .
I used to love to go to Boy Scout camp in the Ozarks in Missouri. We got to swim, hike, explore, and of course, work on merit badges.

Don Hewitt
Alright, I'm in.

Summer activity... Doom 2 followed by Quake CTF all night long? Probably not what you're looking for, but it is what it is.

Outdoor activities were riding a bike with my sisters to the local candy shop to load up and pig out... While gaming.
My favorite thing in the summer time as a kid was on my birthday my two older sisters would setup an elaborate scavenger hunt that would take a group of us all over the farm - - - ending at my present. Since my two sisters were 6 and 5 years older than me and I was a little kid - - - they did not make it too very hard - - - but all my friends also enjoyed helping in the solution. Great memories!!!
My favorite thing to do in the summer was visit the grandparents. They had a farm and they had lots to do in the summer to keep my siblings and I busy for weeks when we visited. Everything from lining up bales of hay (back when they used the rectangle bales) to be picked up and put on the trailer, driving the truck (and I was 7-10 years old at the time), cleaning out horse stalls, feeding cows, etc.

When I got a bit older my grandfather even let me deliver a calf breech. He tied on some baler twine to the calf's front hooves and told me to pull as hard as I could. I remember that I was afraid that it would hurt the calf having the twine tied around it's baby feet but he said the cow and the calf would be dead if it wasn't pulled out. I also remember when I got back to school at the end of the summer the home room teacher asked everybody what they did over the summer and I couldn't help but blurt out "I gave birth to a cow!" ;)
One of the most memorable summer vacations I ever had as a child was when my extended family got together and rented a beach house in Hermosa Beach for a week. I was about five years old and at that time had not been to the beach that I could recall. We were very close to the pier and I remember a night time surfing contest with a big searchlight lighting up the surfers.
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