Satellite 110


Original poster
Jun 16, 2012
We had to move our dish, it suddenly started coming in and out so we thought it was trees. Found out it was a bad cable. But now when we are trying to re-set up the coordinates it won't find satellite 110 back. We can run the check switch and only find 129 and 110. We have tried coving 110 with tinfoil but can't get any signal. I don't believe there are any obstructions in the way from what we can tell. We tried moving it slightly east and up to get 110 but still no luck..please help!
sorry we can find 129 and 119 but not 110. so we can't get any local channels. We did all the settings the dish network said for our location and cross checked the numbers with google satellite/maps
Dish 500.reciever tried on 110 and 119. Usually get 73% signal strength about for both 110 and 119. It will only lock on 119. It shows 73% with it on 110 but stays in the red. everything I read says move it further east and up, but then iit goes to zero signal.
The OP made an error in the 1st post. They mention only 119 & 129 now

One thing is I hope they didnt mess with the skew
Since the OP has location as Minnesota I'm going to take a stab at it (since I'm in MN too)

Dont know where exactly you are but the elevation for the dish should be between 31-35. 31 if your closer to the Canadian border and 35 for Iowa border. In the Minneapolis area its 34
If you stand behind the dish cover the LEFT side of the LNB. Use the right one only. This is for 119.
On the receiver install (menu 6-1-1) select satellite 119 transponder 21
aim dish until you lock 119 at a good signal (70's)
remove covering off the other LNB
rerun check switch....110 should pop in
Ok we will try that, every where I read it said cover the right eye (which says 110). We are straight west of the cities. We have it at about 34. Originally it was set at 36. So we have tried both.
ahhh crap you're right. It is the right one

elevation is between 34 for Twin Cities area. If you go west or east of there the elevation doesnt change.
If you stand behind the dish cover the LEFT side of the LNB. Use the right one only. This is for 119.

Sorry, but that is backwards, if you are looking at the lnb from behind the dish, the lnb on the left is for 119, they are backwards to their position in the sky because they reflect off the dish. Also a D500 Y bracket has labels for 110&119 right by the lnb.

Your original problem was simple, you were just off by ~10 degrees to the west. point about 10 degrees east and search for a signal in that area. Covering the 110 lnb isn't a bad idea, if you make sure you cover the 110 lnb and get verified 119 signal inside, you should be good to go once you uncover 110 and run a checkswitch test.
We still have nothing we are going to try and change the LNb transmitter that the cables go in an out of by the dish. Didn't know if that might do it? Our dish is pretty old
We still have nothing we are going to try and change the LNb transmitter that the cables go in an out of by the dish. Didn't know if that might do it? Our dish is pretty old
You have not been very helpful with information on your equipment. Earlier in this thread I asked about your equipment and the only thing you answered was that you had a dish 500 dish. What receiver do you have? Do you have 2 separate grey LNBs on the "Y" yoke or is it 1 wide LNB? What is a LNB "transmitter" is their markings on these things you don't know what they are? I am guessing the "transmitter" is a silver box about 2"square and an inch thick 2 cables on one side and a single cable going to the receiver. That would be a SW-21 switch for Legacy LNBs and probably is your problem, but until this last post we didn't even know it existed.

Watch all shows in a folder?

Hopper or 722k

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