SatDreamGR on Edison OS MIO 4K

Hi All,

Well I tried to change the image from OpenATV 6.2 following Brian's detailed instructions to a tee.
After plugging in the usb drive with the SatDreamGR files, I plugged in the receiver to power and it boots to 100.
Then it shows "booting" for about 20 seconds, then what appears to be "lang" and there it hangs up with no further action.
There is nothing on my TV screen and the receiver's remote is unresponsive, just flashing a green light when I try to power off.
I tried this 3 times with the same result.
Any suggestions ??

The update was successful because the "Language" display on the front panel is the first screen to select the menu language. The standby power button is inoperative in this initial set-up menu and only way to power off is to remove the power plug. The monitor is simply not displaying the STB video output. Doesn't sound like anything is corrupted, but rather that TV monitor isn't supporting the current video resolution or refresh rate setting output from the STB.

This could be a result of an AV handshake error between the STB and the TV monitor, an older HDMI cable (non version 2.0), or a TV with an incorrect menu setting for handshake, or a monitor that only supports a limited type of resolutions or on the 60hz refresh.

Several options to resolve:

Do you have a different TV or computer monitor to temporarily connect the STB HDMI cable to test? Usually you will find that a different TV or computer display will allow you to see the AV menu and manually set the STB video output resolution and refresh rate to setting that most North American TVs are capable of displaying. I would manually set the resolution to 720p and the refresh rate to 60hz. Many inexpensive TVs sold in North America support only 60hz and often a maximum resolution of 720p. This can cause a display problem when connected to devices with the video output being set to higher unsupported resolutions or to a 50hz refresh rate.

Is the HDMI cable v.2.0? If not, the handshake to negotiate the resolution and refresh rate may not be supported. Try a different HDMI if you have one.

Remove the power cord from the STB for a few seconds. Replace the power cord to force a new HDMI handshake.

Switch the TV monitor off of the HDMI input then back to the HMDI port.

Check the TV monitor's HDMI CEC (link) settings and set to on or auto.

If you continue to not see a video image, give me a call!
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I downloaded this file from the SatDreamGR forum and the zip program I use is called Zipware...never had any issues with it.
I followed Brian's instructions exactly, but no go. I will follow your steps and see what happens. I'm glad you sorted out your issues.
BTW...I tried joining legitfta, but was unable. I never got the "code" in my email to authenticate my request. Emailed them 3 times no response.

Good point Brian, I glossed right over that possibility when I should have thought of it. I blame the common technician "go right for the logically worse possible scenario" thinking too early. That or I think I temp stunned a few too many brain cells trying to figure out what was going on with mine all day, LOL.

I'm a lot further along then I was though, and I certainly am learning!

Question: IF a new rev image of the same system (satdreamgr) is flashed, does the receiver lose any settings & have to be set up again, or do they stay?
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Question: IF a new rev image of the same system (satdreamgr) is flashed, does the receiver lose any settings & have to be set up again, or do they stay?

If you use the "on the fly" live software update wizard in the menu, then your settings will be preserved. I still do a quick backup before updating, just in case.

I haven't had a chance to work on loading the Satdream image onto my Edison mio, using your suggestions...had company yesterday.
I wonder if I would instead, have better luck trying to load the new Open Vix image that was just released ?

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I haven't had a chance to work on loading the Satdream image onto my Edison mio, using your suggestions...had company yesterday.
I wonder if I would instead, have better luck trying to load the new Open Vix image that was just released ?


Personally, I would go for the SatDreamGR in slot1 and get it configured. It's more customized for us in the US. Then later on put OpenVix in slot2.

I found this at Hyper's site, wish I had it as I was setting mine up to understand a few things a bit better. Take note it's older, so things are likely a bit different in a newer image:


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I highly doubt that the image needs to be reloaded. It really is up to you to load whichever image that you want to try. Your TVs HDMI automatic handshake function may be recognized like it was with the original OpenATV by reloading OpenATV or trying OpenVIX or OpenPLI.

I am 99.9% certain that the resolution / refresh needs to be set in order for the display to show the video.

The OpenVIX and OpenPLI have more functions and options presented in the base image than does the SatDreamGR. Both would be fine. The SatDreamGR image that you have downloaded from their site is not customized or targeting North American users. It is just another Enigma2 image that is well supported without the preloaded channels like the OpenATV.

Well I'm up and running again, this time using the Open VIX image.
It was the resolution that kept SatdreamGR from opening on my TV.
After installing the Open VIX image i was able to see the menu on the screen and make adjustments from there.
One do I delete the channels I don't want on each satellite ?
I remember how handy the delete feature on my microHD was.
Thanks again for your assistance. I'm sure I'll have more questions for you later. ;)

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Hitting the + key on the PAGE button on the remote takes you into the lists, and then you hit the MENU button from in there. That probably changes a bit depending on your image, but that's how SatDreamGR is, and it's a OpenPli based image.

I found that out by accident, when I was simply trying to channel UP. Guess it doesn't work that way, at least not with that button.
JFOK, Excellent! Knew that it was an easy fix! Very difficult to break these STBs or corrupt the image.

On a blank USB drive, create a folder called "downloaded_images". You can place other zipped images into this folder and use Flash Image in the STB Set-up menu to install an image from this folder into one of the 4 slots. I use Slots 2-4 and keep Slot1 reserved for the image that I use as my go to operating image. Use the restart menu and select multiboot then the image that you want the STB to reboot on.

Example: I have the North American Project modded SatDreamGR image in Slot1, OpenPLI in Slot2, OpenVIX in Slot3 and the regular SatDreamGR image in Slot4. I open the Multiboot menu and select the image I want to use and reboot. Changing between different operating System images is that easy!

primestar31 These settings and options are pretty universal for all images, you are just experiencing what was set as default by the image creator or modifications. The buttons are shortcuts into menus that are available in most E2 images.

Most functions and options for surfing channels, menus and viewing options are user settings in the user interface, GUI settings or Skin settings.

If you prefer to have the Navigation Up/Down arrows change channels you can enable "neutrino" style zap controlling. For example: in most images, go to the service list (channel list) and press menu two times to enter the configuration for the user interface. Scroll to "Enable 'neutino' style channel select controlling" and turn on then press OK or Green button to save. Now the Navigation Up/Down arrows directly change channels with one button press without having to go to the service list then pressing OK to Zap to a new service (change channels).
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No, going into the menu's to switch channels and such is fine, but thanks for the info. I learned more by blundering around than anything. My brain just integrated it all very slowly and because my system file got "stuck" somehow, though actually thinking back, I now think I inadvertently caused the problem myself when I didn't pay enough attention to the choices LNB1 & LNB2 in the config menu, noticed it later, fixed it manually, but it didn't update the system file for some reason as it should have but E.B. fixed that for me...
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Oh, so then it's comparable to just going there to whatever sat and tuning in that channel, but NOT actually making a recording? Like on the MicroHD, if you selected "Channel" when setting a recording instead of "Record".
Yes that's correct. I am not sure if it will move an antenna via diseq before it tunes though. This is all from memory from 5 years ago when I had some E2 images on my AZBOX.
Oh BTW primestar31 how are you doing? Is your flu gone?
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Yes that's correct. I am not sure if it will move an antenna via diseq before it tunes though. This is all from memory from 5 years ago when I had some E2 images on my AZBOX.
Oh BTW primestar31 how are you doing? Is your flu gone?

Flu is gone, BUT, I now have a bit of active bronchitis. Though it's been cold and damp, and snow/ice storm after storm in Michigan for well over a week, and another coming tonight to bring maybe 8". I have the chronic bronchitis form of COPD anyway. So, it's not that surprising that my flu went into active bronchitis. So far I only really have the middling cough (hope it doesn't go into the gut crunching version), and feeling a bit drained.
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Flu is gone, BUT, I now have a bit of active bronchitis. Though it's been cold and damp, and snow/ice storm after storm in Michigan for well over a week, and another coming tonight to bring maybe 8". I have the chronic bronchitis form of COPD anyway. So, it's not that surprising that my flu went into active bronchitis. So far I only really have the middling cough (hope it doesn't go into the gut crunching version), and feeling a bit drained.
definitely I hope it stays at the lower version and you get better soon :)