Samsung TXP2670WH - Firmware Update?


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Original poster
Nov 25, 2006
Ok , I bought this TV , works well , here's my problem... (when I say inputs I mean composite cable btw, didnt use the S-Vid but it's there too)

I have 2 inputs , 1 output , and my TV says I have 3 , apparently only video 1 and video 3 show anything , and video 2 is not there (even if I try the output) , and another problem is if I have 2 things plugged into the inputs it just wont show video or sound , so only 1 thing can be plugged in at a time

Another problem is the output , it doesn't work at all , and when I go into my menu , it's grey'd out

I'm really thinking they put the wrong firmware or something on this TV , I just wanna be able to have sound output from the TV , as well as having 2 composite devices plugged in...

Note - DVI , and Component works perfectly fine

Any help would be great , and maybe a lil info on how to do the firmware update as well as making the cable , thanx in advance


polaroid LCD

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